- Acta
- Acta
- Acta
- Extract of Act 001 of 2020
- Extract of Act 002 of 2020
- Extract of Act 003 of 2020
- Extract of Act 004 of 2020
- Extract of Act 005 of 2020
- Extract of Act 006 of 2020
- Extract of Act 007 of 2020
- Extract of Act 008 of 2020
- Extract of Act 009 of 2020
- Extract of Act 010 of 2020
- Extract of Act 011 of 2020
- Extract of Act 012 of 2020
- Acta
- Acta
- Extract of Act 001 of 2014 (Extraordinary)
- Extract of Act 001 of 2014 (Ordinary)
- Extract of Act 002 of 2014
- Extract of Act 003 of 2014
- Extract of Act 004 of 2014
- Extract of Act 005 of 2014
- Extract of Act 006 of 2014
- Extract of Act 007 of 2014
- Extract of Act 008 of 2014
- Extract of Act 009 of 2014
- Extract of Act 010 of 2014
- Extract of Act 011 of 2014
- Extract of Act 012 of 2014
- Extract of Act 013 of 2014
- Extract of Act 001 of 2020
- Extract of Act 002 of 2020
- Extract of Act 003 of 2020
- Extract of Act 004 of 2020
- Extract of Act 005 of 2020
- Extract of Act 006 of 2020
- Extract of Act 007 of 2020
- Extract of Act 008 of 2020
- Extract of Act 009 of 2020
- Extract of Act 010 of 2020
- Extract of Act 011 of 2020
- Extract of Act 012 of 2020
- Extract of Act 013 of 2020
- Extract of Act 014 of 2020
- Extract of Act 015 of 2020
- Extract of Act 016 of 2020
- Extract of Act 017 of 2020
- Extract of Act 018 of 2020
- Extract of Act 019 of 2020
- Extract of Act 020 of 2020
- Extract of Act 021 of 2020
- Extract of Act 022 of 2020
- Extract of Act 023 of 2020
- Extract of Act 024 of 2020
- Extract of Act 025 of 2020
- Extract of Act 026 of 2020
- Extract of Act 027 of 2020
- Extract of Act 028 of 2020
- Extract of Act 029 of 2020
- Acta
- Extract of Act 001 of 2018
- Extract of Act 002 of 2018
- Extract of Act 003 of 2018
- Extract of Act 004 of 2018
- Extract of Act 005 of 2018
- Extract of Act 006 of 2018
- Extract of Act 007 of 2018
- Extract of Act 008 of 2018
- Extract of Act 009 of 2018
- Extract of Act 010 of 2018
- Extract of Act 011 of 2018
- Extract of Act 012 of 2018
- Extract of Act 013 of 2018
- Extract of Act 014 of 2018
- Extract of Act 015 of 2018
- Extract of Act 016 of 2018
- Extract of Act 017 of 2018
- Extract of Act 018 of 2018
- Extract of Act 019 of 2018
- Extract of Act 020 of 2018
- Extract of Act 022 of 2018
- Extract of Act 023 of 2018
- Extract of Act 024 of 2018
- Extract of Act 025 of 2018
- Extract of Act 029 of 2018
- Extract of Act 030 of 2018
- Extract of Act 031 of 2018
- Extract of Act 032 of 2018
- Acta
- Acta
- Acta
- Acta
- Resolution No 001 of 2020 - By which the health committee is created.
- Resolution No 002 of 2020 - By which the Alternation Committee is created.
- Resolution No 003 of 2020 - Modification of the Alternation Committee
- Resolution No 004 of 2020 - Implementation of Electronic Voting
- Resolution No 005 of 2020 - whereby the Change Management Committee is created.
- Resolution No. 001 DE 2025 (JANUARY 31) "By which the process of election of Student and Faculty Representatives to the Collegiate Bodies of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA is convened".
- Resolution No. 002 of 2025 (FEBRUARY 28) "Whereby Resolution 001 of January 31, 2025 is amended" - extension of registration until March 28, 2025.
- Resolution No. 01 DE 2024 (FEBRUARY 12) "Whereby Economic Recognition is made to the Monitors of the academic period 2023-2".
- Resolution No. 002 DE 2024 (04 MARCH) "By which the process of election of the Faculty Representatives to some Collegiate bodies of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA is called".
- Resolution No. 003 DE 2024 (MARCH 13) "By which the designation of students in the Monitoring Program of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA for the period 2024-1 is made".
- Resolution No. 004 OF 2024 (MARCH 27) "Whereby Resolution 002 of March 04, 2024 is amended" - Extension of the registration period until April 12, 2024.
- Resolution No. 007 DE 2024 (MAY 8) "Whereby the results obtained in the call for the election of representatives of the teaching staff to the highest bodies of government and management: Superior Council and Academic Council are approved and validated".
- Resolution No. 005 DE 2023 (APRIL 18) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Cultural, Artistic and Sports, to be applied in the first academic period of the year 2024".
- Resolution No. 009 DE 2023 (MAY 23) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Excellence Scholarship and Honor Scholarship, to be applied in the first academic period of the year 2024".
- Resolution No. 010 OF 2024 (AUGUST 30) "By which the Economic Recognition to the Monitors of the academic period 2024-1 is made".
- Resolution No. 011 DE 2024 (AUGUST 30) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Cultural, Artistic and Sports, to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2024".
- Resolution No. 012 DE 2024 (AUGUST 30) "Whereby a Sports incentive is granted to a student of the Law program to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2024".
- Resolution No. 013 DE 2024 (SEPTEMBER 02) "By which the election process for the election of Student and Faculty Representatives to some Collegiate bodies of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA is called".
- Resolution No. 014 DE 2024 (09 SEPTEMBER) "By which the designation of students in the Monitoring Program of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA for the period 2024-2 is made".
- Resolution No. 016 DE 2024 (02 OCTOBER) "By which the representation of Students and Teachers before the Collegiate Bodies of the University Foundation Navarra - UNINAVARRA is declared deserted".
- Resolution No. 017 DE 2023 (NOVEMBER 08) "Whereby the Excellence Scholarship incentive is granted, to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2024".
- Resolution No. 018 DE 2024 (NOVEMBER 08) "By which the appointment of students in the Monitoring Program of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA for the period 2025-1 is made".
- Resolution No. 019 DE 2024 (NOVEMBER 27) "Whereby the Honor Scholarship incentive is granted, to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2024".
- Resolution No. 020 DE 2024 (DECEMBER 28) "Whereby Economic Recognition is made to the Monitors of the academic period 2024-2".
- Resolution No. 021 OF 2024 (DECEMBER 28) "Whereby Resolution Number 019 of 2024 of November 27 is corrected".
- Resolution No. 001 OF 2023 (MARCH 24) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Excellence Scholarship and Honor Scholarship, to be applied in the first academic period of the year 2023".
- Resolution No. 002 DE 2023 (MARCH 24) "By which the designation of students in the Monitoring Program of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA for the period 2023-1″ is made.
- Resolution No. 003 DE 2023 (MARCH 24) "By which the process of election of Student and Faculty Representatives to the collegiate bodies of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA is convened".
- Resolution No. 004 OF 2023 (MARCH 25) "Whereby a typing error is corrected in Resolution 001 of 2023".
- Resolution No. 005 DE 2023 (APRIL 24) "By which the representation of Students and Teachers before some Collegiate Bodies of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is declared void".
- Resolution No. 006 DE 2023 (JUNE 07) "Whereby the Economic Recognition to the Monitors of the academic period 2022-2 is made".
- Resolution No. 007 DE 2023 (07 JUNE) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Cultural, Artistic and Sports, to be applied in the first academic period of the year 2023".
- Resolution No. 008 DE 2023 (AUGUST 31) "By which the process of election of Student and Faculty Representatives to the collegiate bodies of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA is called".
- Resolution No. 009 DE 2023 (SEPTEMBER 2) "By which the appointment of students in the Monitoring Program of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA for the period 2023-2 is made".
- Resolution No. 010 OF 2023 (SEPTEMBER 29) "Whereby Resolution 008 of August 31, 2023 is amended" - Extension of registration until October 12, 2023".
- Resolution No. 011 DE 2023 (SEPTEMBER 30) "Whereby the Economic Recognition to the Monitors of the academic period 2023-1 is made".
- Resolution No. 012 OF 2023 (OCTOBER 13) "Whereby Resolution 008 of August 31, 2023 is amended" - Extension of registration until October 19, 2023.
- Resolution No. 013 OF 2023 (OCTOBER 20, 2023) "Whereby Resolution 008 of August 31, 2023 is amended" - Extension of registration until October 26, 2023 - last deadline.
- Resolution No. 024 OF 2023 (NOVEMBER 15) "Whereby the results obtained in the call for the election of representatives of the Student and Teacher Estates to the highest bodies of Government and Management are approved and validated".
- Resolution No. 025 OF 2025 (NOVEMBER 23) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Cultural, Artistic and Sports, to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2023".
- Resolution No. 026 OF 2023 (NOVEMBER 23) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Excellence Scholarship and Honor Scholarship, to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2023".
- Resolution No. 001 OF 2022 (JANUARY 26) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Cultural, Artistic and Sports, to be applied in the first academic period of the year 2022".
- Resolution No. 002 DE 2022 (JANUARY 25) "Whereby the Economic Recognition to the Monitors of the period 2021-2 is made".
- Resolution No 006 of 2022 Call for Health Elections 2022
- Resolution No. 005 DE 2022 SCHOLARSHIPS I
- Resolution No. 007 DE 2022 SCHOLARSHIPS II
- Resolution No. 008 (MARCH 31) Extension of registration, call for the election process of Student Representatives to the Health Sciences Faculty Council.
- Resolution No. 009 DE 2022 (MAY 02)
- Resolution No. 010 OF 2022 (MAY 06)
- Resolution No. 013 DE 2022 (SEPTEMBER 2) "By which the election process of the Student and Faculty Representatives to the collegiate bodies of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA is called".
- RESOLUTION 014 OF 2022 (SEPTEMBER 19) "By which the following incentives are granted: Excellence Scholarship and Honor Scholarship, to be applied in the second academic period of the year 2022".
- Resolution 015 DE 2022 (SEPTEMBER 19) "By which the designation of students in the Monitoring Program of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA for the period 2022-2 is made".
- Resolution 016 (September 30, 2022) - Modifying Resolution 013 of September 02, 2022 - Extension of registration, call for the election process of Student Representatives to the collegiate bodies of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA.
- Resolution 018 (October 21, 2022) - Modifying Resolution 013 of September 02, 2022 - Extension of registration, call for the election process of Student Representatives to the collegiate bodies of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA, until October 27, 2022 (last deadline).
- Resolution 019 DE 2022 (OCTOBER 27) "Whereby the following incentives are granted: Cultural, Artistic and Sports, to be applied in the second academic period of 2022".
- Resolution 020 DE 2022 (OCTOBER 27) "Whereby the Economic Recognition to the Monitors of the academic period 2022-1 is made".
- Resolution 021 DE 2022 (01 NOVEMBER) "By which the representation of Students and Teachers before some Collegiate Bodies of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is declared deserted".
- Resolution 022 OF 2022 (NOVEMBER 15) "Whereby the results obtained in the call for the election of representatives of the student and faculty members to the highest bodies of government and management are approved and validated".
- Resolution 023 OF 2022 (DECEMBER 22) "Corrects Resolution 019 of 2022 (Incentives)".
- Resolution No.001 of 2021 - Selection of Monitors 2021-1
- Resolution No.002 of 2021 - Stimulus 2020-2
- Resolution No.003 of 2021 - Scholarships I
- Resolution No.006 of 2021 - Selection of Monitors 2021-2
- Resolution No.007 of 2021 - Call for Elections 2021
- Resolution No.008 of 2021 - Extension of the Call for Elections 2021
- Resolution No.009 of 2021 - 2nd. Extension of the Call for Elections 2021
- Resolution No.010 of 2021 - 3rd Extension of the Call for Elections 2021
- Resolution No.011 of 2021 - Homologation of Uninavarra 2021 Election Results
- Resolution No.012 of 2021 - Cultural, Artistic and Sports Stimuli 2021-1
- Resolution No.013 of 2021 - Economic Recognition of Monitors for the period 2021-1
- Resolution No.001 of 2020 - Stimuli
- Resolution No.002 of 2020 - Economic Acknowledgment Monitoring
- Resolution No.003 of 2020 - Appointment of Monitors
- Resolution No. 004 of 2020 - Call for 2020 Elections
- Resolution No.005 of 2020 - Modification of Call for 2020 Elections
- Resolution No.006 of 2020 - Suspension of Terms Call for 2020 Elections
- Resolution No. 007 of 2020 - Scholarships I
- Resolution No. 008 of 2020 - Modification of Resolution 007 Scholarships I
- Resolution No.010 of 2020 - Selection of Monitors
- Resolution No. 011 of 2020 - Modification of Call for 2020 Elections
- Resolution No. 012 of 2020 - Homologation of 2020 Election Results
- Resolution No. 013 of 2020 - Scholarships II
- Resolution No.014 of 2020 - Economic Acknowledgment Monitoring
- Resolution No.015 of 2020 - Stimuli
- Resolution N0.016 of 2020 - Economic Recognition Monitoring 2020-2
- Resolution No.001 of 2019 - Appointment of Monitors
- Resolution No.002 of 2019 - Call for Elections 2019
- Resolution No.003 of 2019 - Modification of Call for Elections 2019
- Resolution No.004 of 2019 - Modification of Call for Elections 2019
- Resolution No.005 of 2019 - Scholarships I
- Resolution No.006 of 2019 Stimuli
- Resolution No.007 of 2019 - Economic Recognition Monitoring
- Resolution No.008 of 2019 - Academic Monitoring
- Resolution No.009 of 2019 - Academic Monitoring II
- Resolution No.010 of 2019 - Scholarships II
- Resolution No.001 of 2018 - Call for Elections 2018
- Resolution No.002 of 2018 - Call for Elections 2018
- Resolution No.003 of 2018 - Call for Elections 2018
- Resolution No.004 of 2018 - Scholarships I
- Resolution No.005 of 2018 - Homologation of Results
- Resolution No.006 of 2018 - Excellence Scholarship
- Resolution No.007 of 2018 - Honorary Scholarships II
- Resolution N0.008 of 2018 - Culture, Arts and Sports Stimulus.
- Agreement 001 OF 2023 (JUNE 27) "By which Agreement 001 of 2022 - Quality Assurance Policy of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is clarified".
- Agreement 002 DE 2023 (JUNE 27) "Whereby the Editorial Policy is updated and the structure and operation of the Editorial UNINAVARRA is regulated".
- Agreement 003 DE 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) "Whereby the curriculum guideline "Didactic Strategy for Simulation Based Learning - ABS" is issued and the name of the Simulation Clinic is updated".
- Agreement 004 DE 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) "By which the Open Science Policy of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is adopted".
- Agreement 001 of 2020 - Account Redaction Policy
- Agreement 002 of 2020 - Human Resources Policy
- Agreement 003 of 2020 - Financial Policy
- Agreement 004 of 2020 - Physical and Technological Infrastructure Renewal and Updating Policy.
- Agreement 005 of 2020 - Curriculum Policy
- Agreement 006 of 2020 - Inclusion Policy, Everyone to Study.
- Agreement 007 of 2020 - Institutional Management Policy
- Agreement 008 of 2020 - Uninavarra's Editorial Policy and Structure
- Agreement 009 of 2020- Innovation Policy
- Agreement 010 of 2020 - Guidelines for curriculum, credits, organization, activities and learning outcomes.
- Agreement 011 of 2020 - Transversal Entrepreneurship Training Policy
- Agreement 012 of 2020 - Founders' Assembly Internal Regulations
- Agreement 007 DE 2024 (JUNE 06) "Whereby Agreement 019 of November 10, 2023 is partially amended" - Expansion of incentives for admission to Higher Education.
- AGREEMENT 009 OF 2024 (JUNE 25) "Whereby an incentive is established for the Faculty Representatives before the Collegiate Bodies of the Navarra University Foundation".
- AGREEMENT 008 OF 2024 (JUNE 25) "Whereby article 20 of Agreement 002 of 2020 - Teaching Regulations" is partially amended.
- AGREEMENT 009 OF 2024 (JUNE 25) "Whereby an incentive is established for the Faculty Representatives before the Collegiate Bodies of the Navarra University Foundation".
- AGREEMENT 010 OF 2024 (JUNE 25) "Whereby Agreement 019 of November 10, 2023 is partially modified" - Economic incentives for new students.
- AGREEMENT 012 OF 2024 (AUGUST 15) "By which article 85 of Agreement 012 of 2015 - Academic and Student Regulations - Inclusion of Saber Pro Degree Modality" is partially amended.
- AGREEMENT 013 OF 2024 (NOVEMBER 18) By which the Protocol for the prevention, detection, attention and sanction in cases of Gender Based Violence and Sexual Violence is updated, framed in the actions of equity, inclusion, diversity and interculturality of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA-, and Agreement 012 of 2019 is repealed.
- AGREEMENT 014 OF 2024 (NOVEMBER 20) By means of which the tuition and other fees of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are set for the year 2025.
- AGREEMENT 018 OF 2024 (DECEMBER 11) "Whereby the Saber Pro Exam grade modality of Article 85° of Agreement 012 of 2015 - Academic and Student Regulations is suppressed".
- Agreement 004 DE 2023 (APRIL 27) "By which the Research and Innovation Center of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA - CIINA is restructured".
- Agreement 005 DE 2023 (APRIL 27): "By which articles 16° and 41° of Agreement 002 of 2015 - Regulations of Graduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation are partially modified."
- Agreement 006 DE 2023 (APRIL 27): "Whereby the incentives and economic recognition of the career teachers of the Navarra University Foundation are established".
- Agreement 007 OF 2023 (JUNE 21) "Whereby Agreement 004 of 2023 is partially amended and its provisions are compiled" - CIINA Restructuring.
- Agreement 008 DE 2023 (JUNE 21) "Whereby strategies and incentives are established for the admission of new students to undergraduate and graduate programs in the 2023-2 academic period".
- Agreement 011 DE 2023 (AUGUST 1) "By which the tuition fee for the Specialization in Family Medicine of the University Foundation Navarra - UNINAVARRA is set for the academic period 2023-2".
- Agreement 014 OF 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) By which a paragraph is added to Article 16° of Agreement 002 of 2015 - Regulations of Graduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation, partially modified by Agreement 010 of 2017 and Agreement 005 of 2023.
- Agreement 015 OF 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) By which articles 85° and 107° of Agreement 012 of 2015 - Academic and Student Regulations are partially modified.
- Agreement 016 OF 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) By which Agreement 004 of 2023, compiled by Agreement 007 of 2023 - Administrative Structure of the Research and Innovation Center UNINAVARRA - CIINA - is partially modified.
- Agreement 017 DE 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) By which the provisions established in Law 2101 of 2021 are adopted regarding the ordinary working day at the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA.
- Agreement 018 DE 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) By which an incentive is established for Student Representatives before the Collegiate Bodies of the Navarra University Foundation.
- Agreement 019 OF 2023 (NOVEMBER 10) By means of which the tuition and other fees of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are set for the year 2024.
- Agreement 012 DE 2023 (AUGUST 22) By which the name of the Faculty of Health Sciences is modified.
- Agreement 013 DE 2023 (AUGUST 22) By which the Biology Program is created.
- Agreement 020 Of 2023 (DECEMBER 21) Modification of the HUSAC name
- Agreement 002 DE 2022 (FEBRUARY 02) "Whereby the name of the School of Engineering is modified".
- Agreement 005 OF 2022 (FEBRUARY 02) "Whereby Article 6A° is added to Chapter II of Agreement 022 of November 17, 2021".
- Agreement 006 - Suspension of effects article 3° Agreement 008 of 2021
- Agreement 009 DE 2022 (APRIL 25) "By which Title XI of Agreement 012 of 2015 - Academic and Student Regulations" - Disciplinary Process is partially modified.
- Agreement 012 (MAY 31) - Establishing the application of the UNINAVARRA Contigo Financing Plan and the waiver of registration fees for the 2022-2 academic period.
- Agreement 013 of 2022 (JUNE 22) "Graduate Program Discount".
- Agreement 014 of 2022 (JUNE 22) "By which article 85° of Agreement 012 of 2015 - Academic and Student Regulations is partially modified".
- Agreement 015 DE 2022 (AUGUST 03) "By which the criteria for the selection of students for the enrollment of the degree modality of Pregraduate Course of Deepening are established".
- Agreement 018 DE 2022 (NOVEMBER 01) "Whereby the application of the 2022 tuition fees to new students in the 2023-1 period is authorized for the following programs: Law, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Business Administration and Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology".
- Agreement 019 DE 2022 (NOVEMBER 09) "By which article 28° of Agreement 002 of 2015 - Regulations of Graduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation is partially modified".
- Agreement 020 OF 2022 (NOVEMBER 16) By means of which the tuition fee for students of the Medicine Program of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is fixed for the year 2023.
- AGREEMENT 021 OF 2022 (DECEMBER 07) By means of which the tuition and other fees of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are set for the year 2023.
- AGREEMENT 022 OF 2022 (DECEMBER 07) By means of which Agreement 007 of 2021 is partially amended.
- Agreement 001 - Modification of Postgraduate Degree Name
- Agreement 002 - Modification of the Environmental Engineering Syllabus
- Agreement 003 - By which the Syllabus of the Law Program of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University Foundation Navarra - UNINAVARRA contained in Agreement 017 of November 13, 2020 is adjusted.
- Agreement 004 - Modification of Industrial Engineering Syllabus
- Agreement 006 - HALL HEALTHCARE CENTER Simulation Clinic Internal Regulations
- Agreement 007 - Modification of the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology Curriculum
- Agreement 008 - Modification of Academic and Student Regulations
- Agreement 009 - DH PROTOCOL
- Agreement 010 - Fees for new postgraduate courses
- Agreement 011 - Stimulus Programs Faculty of Engineering
- Agreement 012 - UNINAVARRA Contigo Financing Plan
- Agreement 013 - Creation of the Environmental Consultancy
- Agreement 014 - Academic Qualification Strategy for University Teaching Qualification
- Agreement 015 - Modification of CIINA name
- Agreement 016 - UNINAVARRA Southern Colombia Observatory
- Agreement 017 - UNINAVARRA Public Health Observatory
- Agreement 018 - UNINAVARRA Contigo Financing Plan - Approvals and Registrations
- Agreement 019 - Suspension of effects of agreement 008 of 2021
- Agreement 021 - Observatory Uninavarra Orange Economy
- Agreement 022 - Payment Fees 2022
- Justification of monetary rights 2022
- Agreement 023 - Regulation of Preparatory Exams
- Agreement 023 - Regulation of preparatory examinations. Medicine (errata)
- Agreement 001 OF 2020 - By which the Academic Credit System of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is regulated.
- Agreement 002 DE 2020 - By which the Syllabus of the Medicine Program of the School of Health Sciences of the University Foundation Navarra - UNINAVARRA is reformed.
- Agreement 003 of 2020 - Financing Plan - UNINAVARRA Contigo
- Agreement 004 of 2020 - Free Registration and Approvals
- Agreement 005 of 2020 - Modification of Financing and Approval Plan
- Agreement 006 of 2020 - Good Governance Code
- Agreement 007 of 2020 - Modification of Library Regulations
- Agreement 008 of 2020 - Amendment - UNINAVARRA Contigo
- Agreement 009 of 2020 - Correction Agreement 008 of 2020
- Agreement 010 of 2020 - Modification of UNINAVARRA CONTIGO Program
- Agreement 011 of 2020 - Teacher Merit Competition
- Agreement 012 of 2020 - Addition of the Functions and Procedures Manual
- Agreement 013 of 2020 - Creation of the Center for Entrepreneurship
- Agreement 014 of 2020 - Modification of the Credit System
- Agreement 015 of 2020 - By which the curriculum and syllabus of the Business Administration Program of the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA- is reformed.
- Agreement 016 of 2020 - Modification of UNINAVARRA CONTIGO - Postgraduate Discounts
- Agreement 017 of 2020 - Modification of the Law Syllabus
- Agreement 018 of 2020 - 2021 - Payment Fees
- Agreement 019 of 2020 - UNINAVARRA Contigo Financing Plan
- Agreement 020 of 2020 - Internal Operating Regulations of the Superior Council
- Agreement 021 of 2020 - Development Plan 2021-2025
- Agreement 001 of 2019 - Tuition and other fees for the specialization in university teaching.
- Agreement 002 of 2019 - Adoption of Strategies
- Agreement 003 of 2019 - Modif Agreement 001 Specialization Fees
- Agreement 005 of 2019 - Rules and Regulations of the Conciliation Center.
- Annex Agreement 005 - Rules of Procedure of the Conciliation Center
- Agreement 008 of 2019 - 2020 Payment Fees
- Agreement 010 of 2019 - Creation of Peace Office
- Agreement 011 of 2019 - Whereby the QUALITY COMMITTEE is created.
- Agreement 012 of 2019 - Protocol on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
- Agreement 013 of 2019 - Creation of the Simulation Clinic.
- Agreement 002 of 2018 - Enrollment Discount Voucher II Cohort Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System.
- Agreement 004 of 2018 - Amendment of agreement 009 of 2016.
- Agreement 005 of 2018 - Amendment of agreement 007 of 2017.
- Agreement 006 of 2018 - 2018 Monitoring Regulations.
- Agreement 007 of 2018 (July 10) - Academic Credits
- Agreement 008 of 2018 ( JULY 10 ) - Creation of the institutional archive.
- Agreement 009 of 2018 ( JULY 10) - Creation of the internal archive committee.
- Agreement 011 of 2018 (September 26) - By which article 30 of agreement 012 of 2015 is amended.
- Agreement 012 of 2018 - Amendment of agreement 006 of 2018 (Monitoring).
- Agreement 013 of 2018 - Tuition value for Eleventh Semester students (Rotating Internship) of the Medicine program 2019.
- Agreement 014 of 2018 - Tuition and other fees for 2019.
- Agreement 015 of 2018 (December 28) - Intellectual property statute.
- Agreement 016 of 2018 (December 28) By which the specialization in labor law and social security is created.
- Agreement 017 of 2018 (December 28) - Creation of the Conciliation Center of the legal office.
- Agreement 018 of 2018 (December 28) - Internal regulations of the conciliation center of the law office.
- Agreement 019 of 2018 - Industrial Hygiene and Safety Regulations.
- Agreement 001 of 2017 - Fees for Specialization in Constitutional Law
- Agreement 002 of 2017 - Modification of the Student Regulations.
- Agreement 004 of 2017 - Creation of the legal office.
- Agreement 005 of 2017 - Rules of procedure of the legal office.
- Agreement 006 of 2017 - UNINAVARRA Internal Work Regulations.
- Agreement 007 of 2017 - Final food support program.
- Agreement 008 of 2017 - Modification of the teachers' statute.
- Agreement 009 of 2017 - Tuition Fees 2018
- Agreement 010 of 2017 - Whereby article 16 of Agreement 002 of March 30, 2015 is amended.
- Agreement 001 of 2016 - Regulates academic credit
- Agreement 002 of 2016 - Restructuring of the curriculum and Syllabus of the Medicine Program.
- Agreement 004 of 2016 - Nursing Curriculum (Apartes)
- Annex 1 agreement number 004 of 2016 - Nursing curriculum.
- Agreement 006 of 2016 - Quota Reservation
- Agreement 007 of 2016 - Attrition policy. Addition to the welfare regulations.
- Agreement 008 of 2016 - Tuition and other fees for 2017.
- Agreement 001 of 2015 - Graduate school UNINAVARRA
- Agreement 002 of 2015 - Postgraduate Regulations
- Agreement 003 of 2015 - Formative internships for health students.
- Agreement 004 of 2015 - Postgraduate Salary Scale
- Agreement 009 of 2015 - Tuition fees and other fees 2016
- Agreement 010 of 2015 - Creation of the Library Committee.
- Agreement 011 of 2015 - Whereby the CINA Research Center is created.
- AGREEMENT 001 OF 2024 (JANUARY 23) "By which the Third Call for the admission process for the IV Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is opened".
- AGREEMENT 002 OF 2025 (JANUARY 23) "By which the Undergraduate Admissions Instructions and the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for new students of the Undergraduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are modified, to be applied in the year 2025" - Induction of new students.
- AGREEMENT 003 OF 2025 (JANUARY 23) "By which Agreement 051 of 2023 is partially modified as amended by Agreements 003, 046 and 048 of August 14, 2024- Schedule of Degree Ceremonies".
- AGREEMENT 009 OF 2025 (JANUARY 29) "Whereby Agreement 077 of 2024 is amended - Chronogram of Graduation Ceremonies".
- AGREEMENT 010 OF 2025 (FEBRUARY 07) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the I Cohort of the Specialization in Internal Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is issued".
- AGREEMENT 011 OF 2025 (FEBRUARY 15) "Whereby Agreement 075 of 2024 is amended - Schedule of Extemporaneous Additions to be applied in 2025".
- AGREEMENT 012 OF 2025 (FEBRUARY 15) "Whereby Agreement 076 of 2024 is amended - Schedule of Approvals and Recognition of Credits to be applied in the year 2025".
- AGREEMENT 013 OF 2025 (FEBRUARY 15) "Whereby Agreement 077 of 2024 is modified as amended by Agreement 009 of January 29, 2025 - Chronograms of Graduation Ceremonies to be applied in the year 2025".
- CIRCULAR 013 DE 2025 (February 28) - Academic Leave for UNINAVARRA Chair Activities
- AGREEMENT 003 OF 2024 (FEBRUARY 01) "By which Agreement 051 of 2023 - Schedule of Graduation Ceremonies" is partially amended.
- AGREEMENT 004 OF 2024 (FEBRUARY 01) "By which Annex 1 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Extension of enrollment in 16-week programs.
- AGREEMENT 011 OF 2024 (MARCH 04) "Whereby the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Specialization Program in Labor Law and Social Security contained in Annex 4 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is modified".
- AGREEMENT 012 OF 2024 (MARCH 04) "Whereby the Teacher Evaluation Schedule is issued to be applied during the 2024-1 academic period".
- AGREEMENT 014 OF 2024 (MARCH 15) "Whereby the Schedule of Homologations and Recognition of Credits to be applied in the 2024-2 academic period is issued".
- AGREEMENT 016 OF 2024 (MARCH 19) "By which Annex 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Schedule of Preparatory Examinations applicable in the academic period 2024-1 to fourth semester students of the Medicine Program.
- AGREEMENT 021 OF 2024 (APRIL 24) "Whereby the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for the III Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation is issued".
- AGREEMENT 026 OF 2024 (APRIL 24) "By which Annex 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities applicable to eleventh and twelfth semester students of the Medicine Program.
- AGREEMENT 027 OF 2024 (MAY 06) "By which Annex 1 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Modification of the dates of the admission and registration process for applicants to the Medicine and Nursing programs.
- AGREEMENT 030 OF 2024 (MAY 29) "By which Agreement 010 of October 02, 2014 - Institutional Flexible Component of the Navarra University Foundation" - Coffee Chair is partially amended.
- AGREEMENT 031 OF 2024 (MAY 29) "By which Agreement 016 of May 02, 2022 is partially modified - Parameters for the programming of academic agendas of the teachers of the Navarra University Foundation" - Modification of the deadline for submitting academic agendas.
- AGREEMENT 032 OF 2024 (JUNE 25) "By which Annex 1 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Registration and 2nd Admission Process for the Medicine Program.
- AGREEMENT 035 OF 2024 (JULY 31) "By which Annex 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 "Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of former students" is partially modified".
- AGREEMENT 037 OF 2024 (JULY 31) "By which Annex 3° Schedule of Evaluative Cuts to be applied to first semester students of the Medicine Program in the academic period 2024-2, approved by means of Agreement 038 of 2023, is partially modified".
- AGREEMENT 038 OF 2024 (JULY 31) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for the III Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation is added".
- AGREEMENT 041 OF 2024 (AUGUST 08) "By which Annex 1 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Academic Administrative Activities first semester students, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Business Administration programs.
- AGREEMENT 042 OF 2024 (AUGUST 08) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Specialization Program in Occupational Safety and Health Management of the Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA for the period 2024-2 is issued".
- AGREEMENT 044 OF 2024 (AUGUST 08) "Whereby the Dual Degree Regulations are issued".
- AGREEMENT 045 OF 2024 (AUGUST 08) "By which Agreements 009, 026 and 030 of 2018 are partially modified in relation to the Research degree modality in the Undergraduate Programs attached to the Faculties of Health Sciences and Basic Sciences, Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism and Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA".
- AGREEMENT 046 OF 2024 (AUGUST 08) "By which Agreement 051 of 2023 - Schedule of Graduation Ceremonies" is partially amended.
- AGREEMENT 047 OF 2024 (AUGUST 08) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for the Specialization Programs in Constitutional Law and Inter-American System of Human Rights, Labor Law and Social Security, Medical Law and Oral Litigation of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA applicable to the academic period 2024-2 is issued".
- AGREEMENT 048 OF 2024 (AUGUST 14) "Whereby Agreement 051 of 2023 is partially modified - Schedule of Graduation Ceremonies".
- AGREEMENT 049 OF 2024 (AUGUST 28) "By which Annex 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified and the Schedule of the Preparatory Examination of Basic Sciences for students of the Medicine Program is established, to be applied in the academic period 2024-2".
- AGREEMENT 053 OF 2024 (SEPTEMBER 02) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for former students of the Undergraduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is issued, to be applied in the year 2025".
- AGREEMENT 054 OF 2024 (SEPTEMBER 02) "By which the Undergraduate Admissions Instructions and the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for new students of the Undergraduate Programs of Medicine and Nursing of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are issued, to be applied in the year 2025".
- AGREEMENT 055 OF 2024 (SEPTEMBER 2) "Whereby the Teacher Evaluation Schedule is issued to be applied during the 2024-2 academic period".
- AGREEMENT 056 OF 2024 (SEPTEMBER 02) "By which Annex 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified" - Report of grades of eleventh and twelfth semester students of the Medicine Program.
- AGREEMENT 061 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 03) "By which Annex 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 is partially modified, regarding the date of report of grades for eleventh semester students of the Medicine program and the Schedule of the Preparatory Examination of Basic Sciences for students of the Medicine Program, to be applied in the academic period 2024-2" - Suppresses the second repetition date of the preparatory exam.
- AGREEMENT 062 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 03) "By which the call for the admission process for the IV Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is opened and the corresponding Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities is issued".
- AGREEMENT 064 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 03) "By which Article 6 of Agreement 001 of 2015 is partially modified and the Student Selection and Admission Process is compiled with its respective tests, for the undergraduate programs of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA".
- AGREEMENT 065 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 03) "By which the call for the admission process for the I Cohort of the Postgraduate Medical - Surgical Specialization in Internal Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is opened, applicable to the year 2025".
- AGREEMENT 073 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 30) "By which the Undergraduate Admissions Instructions and the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for new students of the Undergraduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are modified, to be applied in the year 2025, contained in Agreement 054 of September 02, 2024".
- AGREEMENT 074 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 30) "By which the dates are set for the Evaluative Courts to apply to the Undergraduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA in the year 2025".
- AGREEMENT 075 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 30) "Whereby the Schedule of Extemporaneous Additions to be applied in the year 2025 is issued".
- AGREEMENT 077 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 30) "By which the Chronograms of Graduation Ceremonies and Second Language Examinations are issued, to be applied in the year 2025".
- AGREEMENT 076 OF 2024 (OCTOBER 30) "Whereby the Schedule of Approvals and Recognition of Credits to be applied in the year 2025 is issued".
- AGREEMENT 091 OF 2024 (NOVEMBER 29) "By which the Second Call for the admission process for the IV Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is opened".
- AGREEMENT 092 OF 2024 (NOVEMBER 29) "By which the Second Call for the admission process for the I Cohort of the Postgraduate Medical - Surgical Specialization in Internal Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is opened, applicable to the year 2025".
- Agreement 003 (JANUARY 25): "Whereby the Regulations for Outgoing and Incoming Undergraduate and Graduate Student Mobility are updated".
- Agreement 006 OF 2023 (MARCH 29) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the V Cohort of the Specialization in University Teaching is modified, contained in Agreement 040 of 2022".
- Agreement 013A OF 2023 (MARCH 29): "By which the career and teaching career ladder at the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA- is regulated".
- Agreement 017 (MAY 31) Vacation Courses Regulation Update
- Agreement 018 (JUNE 28) "By which the registration process is opened for applicants to the Medicine Program of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA for the 2024-1 academic period".
- Agreement 019 DE 2023 (JUNE 28) By which the Internal Regulations of the Academic Council of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA- are issued.
- Agreement 020 (JULY 07) "By which the Schedule of the Preparatory Examination of Basic Sciences for students of the Medicine Program is fixed, to be applied in the academic period 2023-2".
- Agreement 021 (JULY 22) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for the First Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation is issued".
- Agreement 022 OF 2023 (JULY 25) "By which two chapters are added to the Regulations for Outgoing and Incoming Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Mobility - Agreement 003 of 2023".
- Agreement 023 DE 2023 (JULY 25) "Whereby the Regulations for Outgoing and Incoming Teacher Mobility at the national and international level are issued".
- Agreement 024 (JULY 25) "By which Annexes 1° and 2° of Agreement 032 of October 05, 2022 are partially modified".
- Agreement 024 Modification of Annex 1 - Calendar of Former Students
- Agreement 024 Modification of Annex 2 - Admission Instructions
- Agreement 028 (JULY 26) "By which the Calendar of Academic Administrative Activities is issued to apply to new students of the Graduate Programs offered by the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA, applicable to the cohorts that begin in the academic period 2023-2".
- Agreement 031 (JULY 31) "By which the second call for admission is opened for the I Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation and the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities is modified".
- Agreement 038 (SEPTEMBER 08) "By which the Undergraduate Admissions Instructions are issued, the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for former undergraduate students and new graduate students, and the dates of the evaluation cuts to apply to the programs of the Navarra University Foundation in the year 2024".
- Agreement 040 (SEPTEMBER 21) "Whereby Agreement 016 of 2022 is clarified and amended, in relation to the maximum hours allowed under the provisions established in Law 2101 of 2021".
- Agreement 041 (SEPTEMBER 29) "By which the requirements for approval of the Research degree modality in the Law Program attached to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University Foundation of Navarra - UNINAVARRA are unified".
- Agreement 044 (SEPTEMBER 29) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Specialization Program in Occupational Safety and Health Management of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA for the period 2024-1 is issued".
- Agreement 046 (OCTOBER 02) "Whereby Annexes 1 and 2 of Agreement 038 of 2023 are partially modified", with their respective Annexes 1 and 2.
- Agreement 046 - Modification Annex 1
- Agreement 046 - Modification Annex 2
- Agreement 047 (OCTOBER 02) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for the II Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation is issued".
- Agreement 048 (OCTOBER 02) "Whereby the Schedule of Extemporaneous Additions to apply in the 2024-1 academic period is issued".
- Agreement 049 (OCTOBER 13) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Graduate Programs attached to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, contained in Agreement 028 of 2023, is modified".
- Agreement 051 (NOVEMBER 02) "By which the Chronograms of Graduation Ceremonies and Second Language Examinations are issued, to be applied in the year 2024".
- Agreement 052 (NOVEMBER 02) "Whereby a clarification is made on the application of Agreement 040 of 2023".
- Agreement 057 (NOVEMBER 29) "By which the Calendars of Academic and Administrative Activities for the II Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation are added".
- Agreement 060 (NOVEMBER 29) "Whereby the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Specialization Program in Constitutional Law and the Inter-American Human Rights System, contained in Agreement 028 of 2023, partially modified by Agreement 049 of 2023, is modified".
- Agreement 061 (DECEMBER 07) "By which the second call for admission is opened for the II Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation".
- Agreement 062 DE 2023 (DECEMBER 07) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for the First Cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine of the Navarra University Foundation is added".
- Agreement 065 DE 2023 (DECEMBER 22) "Whereby Agreement 027 of December 31, 2023 is amended. August of 2022" - Foreign language guidelines for UNINAVARRA students, students in quota reservation cohorts 2017-1 to 2021-2.
- Guidelines for the Development of Academic Activities 2022-1
- Agreement 002 of 2022 (FEBRUARY 04) "By which Annex 1 of Agreement 018 of August 26, 2021 is partially amended"..
- Agreement 006 of 2022 (MARCH 03) "Whereby article 1° of Agreement 020 of 2021 is modified". Modification of the academic calendar for new graduate students.
- Agreement 011 - Modification of evaluation cuts - First semester students Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering
- Agreement 016 - By which the parameters for the programming of teachers' academic agendas are adjusted and Agreement 007 of 2021 is repealed.
- Agreement 017 - By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the new cohorts of Postgraduate Programs for the 2022 term, contained in Agreement 020 of 2021, modified by Agreement 006 of 2022, is modified.
- Agreement 020 - "Whereby the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Navarra University Foundation for the First Cohort of the Specialization in Occupational Safety and Health Management is issued".
- Agreement 021 DE 2022 (JULY 27) "Whereby the requirements for approval of the undergraduate degree modality of the Undergraduate In-depth Course in the programs affiliated to the Faculties of Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Economic and Administrative Sciences and Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning of the University Foundation of Navarra - UNINAVARRA are unified".
- Agreement 023 OF 2022 (JULY 27) "By which Annex No. 2 of Agreement 022 of 2021 is partially modified" - Evaluative cuts
first to ninth semester medical students. - Agreement 025 OF 2022 (AUGUST 05) "By which Annex 1 of Agreement 018 of 2021 and Annex 2 of Agreement 022 of 2021 are partially modified" - referring to the extension of enrollment for 16-week programs and its consequent academic calendar and evaluation cuts -.
- Agreement 025 Annex 1 INSTRUCTION-FOR-ADMISSIONS-2022
- Agreement 025 Annex 2 - EVALUATIVE COURT SCHEDULE YEAR 2022
- Agreement 027 (AUGUST 31, 2022) Whereby the Foreign Language Guidelines for students of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are updated and compiled.
- Agreement 032 OF 2022 (OCTOBER 05) "By which the Admissions Instructions are issued, the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities for former students and the dates of evaluative cuts are set to apply in the Undergraduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation, to apply in the year 2023" Attached are the corresponding ANNEXES 1, 2 and 3. (Annexes)
- Agreement 033 OF 2022 (OCTOBER 05) "Whereby the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the First Cohort of the Specialization in Occupational Safety and Health Management, contained in Agreement 020 of 2022, is modified".
- Agreement 034 DE 2022 (OCTOBER 05) "By which the Calendar of Preparatory Seminars as a degree modality for students of the Law Program is set, to apply in the academic period 2022-2".
- Agreement 038 OF 2022 (OCTOBER 20) "Whereby the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the First Cohort of the Specialization in Occupational Safety and Health Management, contained in Agreement 020 of 2022, is modified".
- Agreement 040 OF 2022 (OCTOBER 31) "By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities is issued to be applied in 2023 to new students of the Graduate Programs offered by the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA.
- Agreement 041 DE 2022 (OCTOBER 31) "By which the Chronograms of Graduation Ceremonies and Second Language Examinations are issued, to be applied in the year 2023".
- Agreement 044 Of 2022 (NOVEMBER 29) By which the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the VII Cohort of the Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American System of Human Rights, contained in Agreement 020 of 2021, modified by Agreements 006 of 2022 and 017 of 2022, is modified.
- Agreement 048 DE 2022 (DECEMBER 15) "Whereby the Calendar of Preparatory Seminars as a degree modality for students of the Law Program, initiated in the 2022-2 academic period, is supplemented, to apply in the 2023-1 academic period."
- Agreement 049 OF 2022 (DECEMBER 15) "By which Annex 1° of Agreement 032 of October 05, 2022 is partially modified" - Modification of the registration period for the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology program.
- Agreement 001 of 2021 - Modification of first semester calendar
- Agreement 003 of 2021 - Modification of postgraduate calendar
- Agreement 005 of 2021 - Preparatory Seminars Calendar
- Agreement 006 of 2021 - Modification of Evaluation Courts
- Agreement 007 of 2021 - Parameters for the scheduling of academic agendas
- Agreement 008 of 2021 - Modification of second language guidelines
- Agreement 009 of 2021 - Modification of Rotating Internship II Schedule
- Agreement 011 of 2021 - Postgraduate Calendar (2021-2 - 2022-1)
- Agreement 012 of 2021 - Saber 11° Tests (2021-2)
- Agreement 013 of 2021 - Calendar of New Graduate Studies I Cohort (1)
- Agreement 014 of 2021 - Modification of First Semester Calendar
- Agreement 015 of 2021 - Modification of Evaluation Courts
- Agreement 017 of 2021 - Modification of the Postgraduate Academic Calendar 2021-2
- Agreement 018 of 2021 - Admissions Instructions 2022
- Annex 1 Admissions Instructions 2022
- Agreement 020 of 2021 - Postgraduate Calendar 2022
- Agreement 022 of 2021 - Calendar of Academic-Administrative Activities 2022
- Annex 1° - Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities Year 2022
- Annex 2° - Schedule of Evaluative Cuts Year 2022
- Agreement 023 of 2021 - Modification of Evaluation Courts
- Modif 2 Annex 3 - Schedule of Evaluative Cuts year 2021
- Agreement 024 of 2021 - Modification of Admission Instructions
- Modif Annex 1 - Admissions Instructions 2022
- Modified Annex 1 - Admissions Instructions 2022 Corrected
- Agreement 029 of 2021 - Schedule of Graduation Ceremonies and Second Language Examinations, to be applied in 2022.
- Agreement 001 of 2020 - Modification of the Postgraduate Academic Calendar
- Agreement 002 of 2020 - Course development
- Agreement 003 of 2020 - SABER 11 COVID-19
- Agreement 004 of 2020 - Modification of Calendar X Medicine
- Agreement 006 of 2020 - Calendar of Academic-Administrative Activities of the Specializations in Constitutional Law and Inter-American System of Human Rights - V Cohort and University Teaching - III Cohort.
- Agreement 007 of 2020 - Modification of Degree Modalities Requirements
- Agreement 010 of 2020 - Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities Specializations
- Agreement 011 of 2020 - Suspend requirement Icfes results
- Agreement 012 of 2020 - Modification of Basic Component, Chair UNINAVARRA
- Agreement 013 of 2020 - Modification of Institutional Flexible Component, Robotics
- Agreement 014 of 2020 - Modification of first semester calendar
- Agreement 015 of 2020 - Modification of postgraduate calendar
- Agreement 017 of 2020 - Modification of the schedule of evaluative breaks for first semester students of the Law Program, in the 2020-2 academic period.
- Agreement 021 of 2020 - Calendar of Academic-Administrative Activities
- Agreement 024 of 2020 - Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities POSGRADUATES
- Agreement 026 of 2020 - Modification of Agreement 031 of 2018 Law Degree Modalities
- Agreement 027 of 2020 - Saber 11° Tests
- Agreement 001 of 2019 - Tuition and other fees for the specialization in university teaching.
- Agreement 002 of 2019 - Modifies academic calendar
- Agreement 003 of 2019 - Modification of Admissions Instructions and Academic Calendar "Week of Additions and Cancellations".
- Agreement 004 of 2019 - Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System.
- Agreement 005 of 2019 - Calendar of academic and administrative activities for the year 2019 "Specialization in University Teaching".
- Agreement 008 of 2019 - Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities of the Specialization in University Teaching.
- Agreement 009 of 2019 - By which Agreement 008 of April 03, 2019 is corrected.
- Agreement 012 of 2019 - Modification of the Academic Administrative Calendar of the Specializations in University Teaching and Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System.
- Agreement 014 of 2019 - Partial modification of the 11th and 12th semester Medical Program Calendar.
- Agreement 016 of 2019 - Modification of the Academic Calendar "Parents Induction".
- Agreement 018 of 2019 - Admissions Instructions and new student calendar 2020
- Agreement 020 of 2019 - Academic-Administrative Calendar of the Navarra University Foundation for undergraduate and graduate students.
- Agreement 021 of 2019 - Partial modification of the schedule of activities of first semester students of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
- Agreement 023 of 2019 - Modification of the Institutional Flexible Component.
- Agreement 024 of 2019 - Modification of Law Degree Modality
- Agreement 027 of 2019 - By which Annex 1 of Agreement 020 of 2019 is partially amended.
- Agreement 028 of 2019 - By which Annex 1 of Agreement 018 of 2019 is partially amended.
- Annex 1 - Administrative Academic Calendar 2020
- Annex 2 - 2020 Admissions Instructions
- Annex 3 - Schedule of Specialization Activities 2019
- Annex 4 - Schedule of evaluative cut-offs 2019
- Agreement 002 of 2018 - Partial modification of the Calendar of Academic and Administrative Activities 2018-1 of the Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System.
- Agreement 003 of 2018 - Partial modification of the 2018-1 Calendar of Academic Administrative Activities for students of the 2015-2 cut of the Health Services Management Technology Program.
- Agreement 004 of 2018 - Partial modification of the Instructions for the Admissions Process for Undergraduate Programs.
- Agreement 005 of 2018 - Partial modification of the 2018-1 Calendar of Activities of the Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System.
- Agreement 006 of 2018 - Modification of the Specialization Schedule
- Agreement 008 of 2018 - Instructions for the Admissions process for the second period of 2018.
- Agreement 009 of 2018 - Health degree modality.
- Agreement 014 of 2018 - Schedule of evaluation cut-offs 2018-2
- Agreement 016 of 2018 - Modification of Specialization Schedule
- Agreement 018 of 2018 - Masters of Peace of 2018
- Agreement 019 of 2018 - Article 118 of agreement 012 of 2015 "Academic and Student Regulations" is regulated.
- Agreement 020 of 2018 - Foreign language guidelines are modified.
- Agreement 023 of 2018 - Modification of calendar
- Agreement 032 of 2018 - Article 3 of 024 of September 26, 2018 is amended.
- Agreement 033 of 2018 - Article 1 of 022 of November 02, 2017 is amended.
- Agreement 022 of 2018 - Modification of Academic Calendar
- Agreement 026 of 2018 - Engineering degree modalities.
- Agreement 030 of 2018 - Degree Modality Administrative Economics Sciences
- Agreement 031 of 2018 - Law Degree Modalities
- Agreement 024 of 2018 - Administrative academic calendar, 2019 evaluation cuts.
- Agreement 029 of 2018 - Partial modification of articles 1° and 2° of Agreement 024 of September 26, 2018.
- Agreement 001 of 2017 - Calendar of Academic Administrative Activities for the year 2017, for the Specialization Program in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System.
- Agreement 002 of 2017 - Correction of the Law Program Study Plan.
- Agreement 004 of 2017 - Instructions for the Admissions process, for the second period of 2017, for undergraduate programs.
- Agreement 005 of 2017 - Dates of Evaluative Courts for the second academic period of 2017.
- Agreement 006 of 2017 - Undergraduate graduation ceremony dates.
- Agreement 009 of 2017 - Creation of the CINA research center.
- Agreement 014 of 2017 - Modification of Core Component Courses.
- Agreement 015 of 2017 - Modification of the Admissions Instructions.
- Agreement 017 of 2017 - Modification of admission score in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology.
- Agreement 019 of 2017 - Induction of Students
- Agreement 020 of 2017 - Partial modification of the admissions instructions for the second period of 2017.
- Agreement 021 of 2017 - Transitory regulation of the degree modality - essay, of the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology Program in the period 2017-1.
- Agreement 022 of 2017 - Administrative academic calendar and evaluation cut-offs 2018-1
- Agreement 001 of 2016 - Institutional Academic Calendar for undergraduate programs of UNINAVARRA, for the year 2016.
- Agreement 002 of 2016 - Quality Assurance Policy
- Agreement 004 of 2016 - Guidelines on foreign language.
- Agreement 005 of 2016 - Instructions for the admissions process.
- Agreement 006 of 2016 - Evaluation cut-off dates
- Agreement 007 of 2016 - Pre-university Requirements
- Agreement 001 of 2015 - Selection and Admissions Process
- Agreement 002 of 2015 - Academic Mobility Program
- Agreement 003 of 2015 - Courses of the Flexible Complementary Component of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Agreement 005 of 2015 - Instructions for the Admissions process for undergraduate programs.
- Agreement 002 of 2014 - Academic Calendar 2014-2
- Agreement 003 of 2014 - Core Component Faculty Humanities and Social Sciences
- Agreement 004 of 2014 - Study Plan of the Law Program.
- Agreement 005 of 2014 - Flexible component Law Program
- Agreement 006 of 2014 - Foreign Language Guidelines
- Agreement 007 of 2014 - Institutional Basic Component Courses
- Agreement 008 of 2014 - Modification of the Academic Calendar 2nd Semester
- Agreement 009 of 2014 - Admissions Instructions
- Agreement 010 of 2014 - Flexible Institutional Component
- Agreement 011 of 2014 - Regulation of Vacation Courses
- Agreement 012 of 2014 - Validations Regulation
- Agreement 013 of 2014 - External Internships
- Agreement 014 of 2014 - Academic Calendar 2015
- Program Educational Project (PEP)-Technology in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging - Former Curriculum
- Program Educational Project (PEP)-Technology in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging - New Curriculum
- CIRCULAR No. 002_Participation in the IX Folkloric Encounter Uninavarra 2024
- CIRCULAR No. 001 - SaberPro
- CIRCULAR 003 OF 2024
- Agreement No. 010 _Update of the name of the Semillero
- AGREEMENT No. 039 OF 2024 - Update of the Business Professional Practice
Contingency Plan for the Health Services Management Technology program.
- Presentation of Contingency Plan - TGSS
- AGREEMENT 064 OF 2023 (November 29) "Whereby the Contingency Plan of the Health Services Management Technology program of the School of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is approved and Agreement 024 of May 30, 2023 is repealed".
- Annex B Contingency Plan - TGSS
- Contingency plan for Health Services Management Technology - TGSS