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Title awarded:   Industrial Engineer
SNIES Code   103239
Qualified Registration:  Resolution no. 001278 of February 15, 2024
Duration of the Program:   9 semesters
Number of academic credits:   158
The program is attached:   Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning
Academic Level:   Undergraduate
Level of training:   Professional
Methodology:   On-site
Location:   Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Periodicity of admission:   Semiannual
Contacts:   +57 317 514 1730 - 608 8740089 - 608 8722049 - 608 871119

Engineering Research Group

About the Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

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    Presentation of the program

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    The Industrial Engineering program of the NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION -UNINAVARRA- is structured on the basis of two training components: basic (semesters I, II, III, IV and V) and professionalization (semesters VI, VII, VIII, IX and X), and five areas: basic sciences, basic engineering sciences, applied engineering, humanities and social sciences, and the complementary area; with 54 subjects and 163 academic credits, structure based on the training demands of the industrial engineer.

    This program proposes a training that aims to develop skills and abilities in students in the management of productivity and business logistics. Therefore, it proposes a curriculum that contributes to this training and differentiates it from other curricula.

    The curriculum, therefore, explicitly provides more training in the areas of productivity and logistics. To this end, it offers three production courses and two business logistics courses during the professionalization component, in semesters VII to IX. Similarly, the topic of productivity appears as a transversal element in all the other subjects of the professional component.

    The curricular structure proposed for the program also makes it distinctive with respect to others offered in the region, in the way it builds meaning from the needs detected in the environment, translated into research questions that allow establishing a dialogue between subjects and promote teaching and learning processes for both students and teachers, allowing interdisciplinary views of the objects of study, which allow students to play a leading role in the process of knowledge construction, develop strategies for autonomous work and result in the construction of a research culture.

    To provide society with integrally trained engineers, committed to the industrial development of the region and the country, for the growth and prosperity of their environment.

    UNINAVARRA's Industrial Engineering program will be positioned professionally by the academic and human quality of its graduates, who will permanently demonstrate their capacity for work and leadership.

    Thus, the conditions of the Industrial Engineering Program of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA are consistent with the institutional typology, identity, mission and vision; it is also consistent with the modality of its offerings.

     Admission requirements

    Admission to UNINAVARRA is free and voluntary, through enrollment processes of applicants according to their vocation. Admission to UNINAVARRA is based on three profiles:

    • Personal profile: personality traits of the applicants are evaluated to verify affinity with the entrance profile of each program.
    • Intellectual profile: the degree of knowledge is evaluated, and based on the Aptitude and Knowledge State Tests of the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES), minimum admission scores will be established for each program.
    • Attitudinal profile: determined in interview processes in which the Program Director will determine the affinity between the student and the formative requirements of the program.

    Applicant Profile

    The applicant to the Industrial Engineering program at Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA will have communicative skills to express the knowledge acquired in their academic training, and will have clarity in their professional choice, as well as ethical bases that express their commitment to the community, the family and the State.

    Graduate profile

    The Industrial Engineering graduate has a comprehensive training and knowledge to make diagnoses of the environment that allow him/her to provide solutions based on Industrial Engineering, design and implement logistic chains, organize the production of a company of goods or services, design and implement solutions to improve productivity in production processes of goods and services, design and implement solutions to marketing problems of any type of company, create companies, and apply the administrative process in other fields of knowledge.

    The graduate of the Industrial Engineering program, at the end of the training process, will be able to:

    • Design and implement solutions to production problems of goods or services, based on methods and techniques of flexible production systems, to increase productivity.
    • To formulate research projects aimed at optimizing production systems and resources used to improve competitiveness.
    • Integrate quality systems techniques, tools and knowledge into process design, according to the organizational context, to evaluate and monitor process performance.
    • To guide and apply the knowledge of engineering, socio-humanistic sciences and basic sciences, integrating them for the design, planning, management, optimization and control of production systems of goods and services involving human resources, processes, financial, technical, time, information and material resources, in order to contribute as an agent of productivity improvement, which is the fundamental objective of the company.
    • Contribute to the socioeconomic development of the region and the country, actively participating in the solution of problems within the organizations, seeking to make them highly competitive.
    • Perform management and control activities in areas of the company such as Production, Quality, Administration, Human Resources, Logistics and Research and Development.

    Professional profile 

    The professional of the Industrial Engineering program is the person who, after finishing his or her degree, can work in the field of operations management, supply chain management, project formulation, evaluation and administration, marketing management, and administrative and financial management in any type of company.

    According to the curriculum, the Industrial Engineering graduate will be able to:

    • To become entrepreneurs by creating their own technology-based company.
    • Assume operational and managerial positions in engineering areas of companies.
    • Participate in data analytics teams in public and private entities.
    • Assume positions in logistics areas in industries of multiple sectors.
    • Work as an analyst for decision support in public and private entities.
    • Participate in engineering projects in various fields.
    • To act as advisor and/or consultant in procedures involving his line of action in projects and undertakings.

    In addition, he/she will be able to work as:

    • Production Manager.
    • Logistics Manager.
    • Quality Manager.
    • General Manager.
    • Cost Director.
    • Purchasing Manager.
    • Entrepreneur of his own company.
    • Professional in charge of production planning and start-up in manufacturing companies.
    • Manager, coordinator or director of Quality in companies of different productive sectors of the country.
    • Human Resources manager, coordinator or director.
    • Operations coordinator or director in service sector companies.
    • Coordinator or logistics manager in companies of the transportation sector.
    • Manager, coordinator or director of investment and research projects.

    Based on these approaches and in accordance with the demands and requirements of the State, the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA orients the Industrial Engineering program towards the development of competencies that define the professional profile of the graduate for the realization of their life project and their field of action. The professional has the ability to respond to specific labor needs, guaranteeing real present and future opportunities for work performance, by contributing to the solution of needs and problems of socioeconomic and cultural development. In addition, it has a proven technical, technological and scientific actuality in its contents, and is in line with the philosophy of the Institution, where the subjects that make up the curriculum are relevant, appropriate and contribute to the formation of the professional profile of the academic program.

    This makes it evident that there is a direct relationship between the professional, graduation and occupational profile and the name of the program, which has not been modified, but is maintained precisely because it is relevant in the current scenario of education and industry.

    Estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial Fortalecen su Formación con Visita Académica a Tolimax S.A.

    Con el objetivo de acercar a los estudiantes a la realidad del sector industrial, el programa de Ingeniería Industrial de la Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA organizó una visita académica guiada a Tolimax S.A., una empresa referente en el sector manufacturero. Esta experiencia permitió a los futuros ingenieros conocer de primera mano los procesos productivos y operacionales de la organización, fortaleciendo así su formación académica y profesional.

    Tolimax S.A. es una empresa reconocida en la industria manufacturera por su innovación en procesos de producción y su enfoque en eficiencia operativa. Durante la visita, los estudiantes pudieron observar en detalle las líneas de producción, los sistemas de gestión de calidad y las estrategias implementadas para optimizar la productividad y minimizar desperdicios.

    Durante el recorrido, los estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial tuvieron la oportunidad de interactuar con expertos del sector de alimentos, quienes explicaron los diferentes procesos que conforman la cadena de producción de Tolimax S.A.. Además, presenciaron el funcionamiento de maquinaria y conocieron las metodologías aplicadas en la industria para garantizar altos estándares de calidad.

    La visita no solo permitió a los estudiantes observar los procesos industriales, sino que también les brindó la oportunidad de desarrollar competencias clave para su formación, como:

    • Análisis de procesos productivos
    • Gestión de calidad
    • Trabajo en equipo y liderazgo
    • Toma de decisiones basadas en datos

    La posibilidad de conocer el funcionamiento interno de una empresa como Tolimax S.A. contribuye significativamente a la formación de futuros ingenieros industriales. Estas experiencias les permiten no solo validar sus conocimientos teóricos, sino también identificar oportunidades de mejora e innovación en la industria.

    Este tipo de iniciativas académicas refuerzan el compromiso de UNINAVARRA con la formación de Ingenieros Industriales altamente capacitados, listos para afrontar los retos del sector industrial con una visión estratégica y un enfoque en la mejora continua.

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    Cazadores de Talento: Un Webinar para Transformar la Gestión del Reclutamiento Empresarial

    En un mundo laboral en constante evolución, la identificación y selección del talento adecuado se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para el éxito de las organizaciones. Con el objetivo de proporcionar estrategias innovadoras y efectivas para este proceso, el programa de Ingeniería Industrial de la Fundación Universitaria Navarra (UNINAVARRA) organizó el webinar Cazadores de Talento: Estrategias Efectivas de Atracción y Selección.

    La conferencia estuvo a cargo de la reconocida experta Yenny Marcela Ruiz Lizarralde, Magíster en Psicología de las Organizaciones y el Trabajo, y psicóloga, quien brindó a los asistentes herramientas clave para mejorar sus procesos de reclutamiento y selección en el ámbito empresarial.

    Durante la conferencia, se destacaron estrategias innovadoras para la identificación de talento, la importancia de una selección basada en competencias y la aplicación de herramientas tecnológicas en el reclutamiento. Además, Ruiz Lizarralde enfatizó la necesidad de fomentar procesos de contratación equitativos y sostenibles, adaptados a las demandas del mercado actual.

    “La atracción y selección de talento es mucho más que encontrar el perfil adecuado; se trata de conectar a las personas con oportunidades que potencien su crecimiento profesional y, al mismo tiempo, impulsen el desarrollo de las empresas”, afirmó la conferencista.

    El evento contó con la participación de estudiantes, profeosores y profesionales del área de recursos humanos, quienes destacaron la relevancia del contenido y la aplicabilidad de las estrategias expuestas. Los asistentes resaltaron cómo las metodologías presentadas pueden mejorar sus procesos de selección y contribuir a la optimización de la gestión del talento humano en sus organizaciones.

    El desarrollo de este webinar tuvo un impacto significativo en varios Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), alineándose con la visión de un crecimiento económico equitativo y sostenible:

    • ODS 4 Educación de Calidad: El evento ofreció un espacio de aprendizaje en el que los participantes adquirieron conocimientos especializados sobre estrategias de selección de talento, fortaleciendo su formación profesional y su competitividad en el mercado laboral.
    • ODS 8 Trabajo Decente y Crecimiento Económico: Las estrategias de atracción y selección de talento permiten a las organizaciones contratar a los perfiles adecuados, garantizando condiciones laborales óptimas y promoviendo el crecimiento económico a través de un capital humano bien gestionado.
    • ODS 10 Reducción de las Desigualdades: La implementación de estrategias de selección equitativas y basadas en el mérito contribuye a reducir desigualdades en el acceso al empleo, promoviendo la inclusión de diversos perfiles en el ámbito laboral.

    El webinar Cazadores de Talento reafirmó la importancia de contar con estrategias modernas y eficientes en la atracción y selección de talento. En un entorno empresarial altamente competitivo, los procesos de reclutamiento deben evolucionar para garantizar que las empresas cuenten con el talento adecuado para su crecimiento y sostenibilidad.

    Con este tipo de iniciativas, el programa de Ingeniería Industrial de UNINAVARRA sigue apostando por la formación de profesionales altamente capacitados y preparados para afrontar los retos del mercado laboral actual.

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    Reinduction of students and teachers

    In an atmosphere of enthusiasm and academic commitment, Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA carried out the re-induction for students and professors of the Industrial Engineering program for the 2025-1 period. The event, held at the institution's facilities, aimed to strengthen the sense of belonging, update the academic community on institutional regulations and present the academic strategies for the new semester.

    During the event, attendees received key information on academic guidelines, institutional resources, university welfare and teaching-learning strategies. Likewise, fundamental aspects such as student regulations, evaluation processes and the importance of teamwork within the program were reinforced.

    The reinduction also served as a space for integration between students from different semesters and professors, promoting an environment of collaboration and support. During the event, dynamic and motivational activities were carried out in order to strengthen the relationship among the participants and foster motivation to face the academic challenges of the semester.

    The students highlighted the importance of this type of meetings, since they allow them to learn about updates in the program, resolve concerns and strengthen their commitment to the career. For their part, teachers highlighted the relevance of these spaces to align pedagogical strategies and improve the educational experience at the institution.

    With this reinduction, UNINAVARRA reaffirms its commitment to academic excellence and the integral development of its students, consolidating a strong educational community prepared for the challenges of the future.

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    Deciphering the mind of the buyer: a webinar that transforms the way you do business

    In a world where consumer behavior is constantly evolving, understanding their motivations and buying patterns is key to business success. With this objective in mind, the Industrial Engineering program of Fundación Universitaria Navarra (UNINAVARRA) held the webinar "Deciphering the Mind of the Buyer: Keys to Consumer Psychology to Boost your Business", a space for learning and innovation led by the speaker Cindy Tatiana Oviedo Navas, PhD Candidate in Complex Thinking, Master in Management (MBA) and Business Administrator.

    This academic event allowed entrepreneurs, business people and marketing professionals to delve into the world of consumer psychology, exploring effective strategies to attract and retain customers based on a deep understanding of their needs and purchasing decisions.

    Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

    The development of this webinar not only provided key tools for business optimization, but also had a significant impact on several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aligning with the vision of sustainable progress and quality education.

    SDG 4: Quality Education: The event promoted access to specialized knowledge on consumer psychology, strengthening the training of students, entrepreneurs and professionals interested in improving their business strategies through continuous and quality learning.

    SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Through the strategies shared, attendees were able to identify new ways to strengthen their businesses and enterprises, fostering the development of sustainable businesses that generate employment and economic stability.

    SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: The webinar encouraged innovation in the way the market is approached, promoting the use of psychological and technological tools to improve customer relations and optimize business processes.

    SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: By better understanding consumer behavior, participants acquired tools to promote more conscious and sustainable consumption habits, positively impacting both their businesses and society in general.

    An event that leaves its mark

    With an enthusiastic participation and a series of valuable lessons learned, the webinar "Deciphering the Buyer's Mind" was consolidated as a benchmark in the training of professionals committed to the transformation of the business sector.

    From UNINAVARRA, the Industrial Engineering program continues to bet on training spaces that strengthen knowledge, innovation and sustainable economic growth, actively contributing to the development of a society better prepared for the challenges of the future.

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    Why study Industrial Engineering at UNINAVARRA?

    Why study Industrial Engineering at UNINAVARRA?
    n con 2 Personas
    The Industrial Engineer graduated from UNINAVARRA has a comprehensive training that allows him/her to make diagnoses of the environment and contribute to the optimization of processes.
    Professional training
    The training includes knowledge to design, implement and manage logistic supply chains, as well as to organize, plan and control operations and production in industrial companies of goods and/or services.
    Practice environments
    Students have access to internships in exclusive high-tech and innovative laboratories, which allow the development of advanced practical skills.
    Academic exchanges
    The training includes opportunities for academic exchange, allowing students to collaborate with institutions and professionals from different contexts, enriching their experience.
    Application to real cases
    Graduates are trained to design and implement improvement actions in production processes and quality management systems, applying their knowledge to real cases and regional problems.

    Internship Agreement

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