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Title awarded:   Specialist in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System
SNIES Code  106068
Qualified Registration:  MEN Resolution No. 005905 of May 2, 2024, effective for 7 years.
Duration of the Program:  2 semesters
Number of academic credits:  24
The program is attached:  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Academic Level:  Postgraduate
Level of training:  University Specialization
Methodology:  On-site
Location:  Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Periodicity of admission:  Semiannual
Contacts:   +57 317 514 1730 - 8740089 - 8722049 - 8711199

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    Presentation of the program


    The purpose of the Specialization Program in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System is to train specialists to study in depth the main instruments available to the domestic and international legal system, to satisfactorily fulfill the administration and management of the different roles that are assumed before the effective protection and proper justice in the protection and defense of human rights, The aim is to understand and recognize the communication between the Colombian constitutional system and the international system for the protection of human rights, which will allow him/her to identify the points of union and dissolution.

    To train professionals in Constitutional Law and the Inter-American System for the protection of Human Rights, comprehensive, with extensive knowledge in the area, with vocation and social commitment in the defense of human rights and the development of constitutional principles, so that the professional develops skills that allow him/her to contribute to the formation of a society with greater respect, justice and coexistence.

    Specialists in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of UNINAVARRA, will be recognized for their knowledge in the areas of Constitutional Law and Inter-American Law, for the ability to generate protectionist dynamics at the local, regional and national level with international projection.

    Who is the target audience?

    Lawyers whose personal, work or professional activity is related to public administration or the exercise of the public function, teaching, litigation or consulting in the areas of constitutional and/or human rights; as well as professionals in any area who have an interest in the subject of specialization or are engaged in the practice, study or defense of constitutional law, human rights and the Inter-American Human Rights System.

    posgrados derecho constitucional

    Specialists in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of UNINAVARRA, will have deep knowledge in the areas of Constitutional Law and Inter-American Law, being therefore able to generate protectionist dynamics at the local, regional and national level with international projection, through different actions related to domestic or inter-American litigation. They will be specialists capable of compiling, systematizing, analyzing, assessing and dealing with situations, conditions and opportunities of the social, political, economic and cultural reality, with accurate answers to legal, social, political and economic problems that impact the constitutional and human rights field, with sensitivity and social relevance.

    Graduates of the Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of UNINAVARRA, will be able to develop with property in the fields of academia, advisory and consulting, in public and private entities, NGOs or in the independent exercise of their respective professions; under a constitutional approach and Inter-American law. They will have the ability to assume or participate in individual and collective legal defense in individual or high impact litigation, in domestic courts and bodies of the Inter-American Human Rights System.

    Team of Navarrese Teachers

    Why study Constitutional Law and the Inter-American Human Rights System at UNINAVARRA?
    We are the only graduate program in Constitutional Law and the Inter-American Human Rights System in Colombia.
    Our specialization has a regional focus developing lines of deepening based on the South Colombian context and the groups of special protection under a perspective of strategic litigation at national and inter-American level.
    We use a moot court methodology, where the production of knowledge is based on questions about current constitutional issues and human rights violations at the national, regional and international levels.

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