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The FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA NAVARRA - UNINAVARRA-, has as its main domicile the city of Neiva, Department of Huila. Likewise, for the fulfillment of its goals and objectives, it may create branches or headquarters of its academic programs in other cities of the country, subject to compliance with the legal and regulatory standards provided for that purpose.

The FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA NAVARRA - UNINAVARRA- is a non-profit legal entity of private law, of common utility, organized as a Foundation.

The academic character it adopts is that of a UNIVERSITY INSTITUTION, it will provide its service in the fields of action of technique, science, technology, humanities, art and philosophy. It will offer undergraduate and graduate programs, which will refer to the following fields of action: technique, science, technology, humanities, art and philosophy, and as a UNIVERSITY INSTITUTION, it may offer training programs in occupations, academic training programs in professions or disciplines, specialization programs at the respective levels and master's and doctoral programs in accordance with the provisions of Law 30 of 1992 and the rules that modify or replace it.

The programs will be offered under the following methodologies: face-to-face or open and traditional distance, virtual distance, using all types of technological and pedagogical mediations that allow offering an educational service under quality conditions.
Likewise, it may offer training programs for work and human development, subject to compliance with the regulatory requirements for such purpose.


We are a university community of knowledge generation that with a business and social vision and under the principles of academic excellence, deepens in autonomous learning, production and application of knowledge for the integral formation of Colombians, qualifying them for the exercise of professional, research and social projection activities being an actor in the scientific, cultural, economic, political and ethical development at local and regional level with international vision.


The NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION - UNINAVARRA - will be recognized as an efficient and humane Higher Education Institution, consolidated in the region and articulated with national and foreign institutions, leader in the qualification of professionals trained and linked to the real sector. Our academic programs will be recognized as high quality programs and distinguished by their academic and scientific level at the service of the community with social responsibility.


The constitution of the FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA NAVARRA - UNINAVARRA-, is the result of the work, commitment and conviction of a group of businessmen of recognized social, entrepreneurial and cultural performance of the Department of Huila, being these, Doctors Mirian Parra Chacón, Sandra Liliana Navarro Parra and Jaime Antonio Navarro Parra and the founding companies: Clínica de Ortodoncia Sandra Navarro E.U., Centro de Estudios Navarra. E.U. Estudios Avanzados en Salud and Clínica Medilaser S.A., who from their own ideals of an egalitarian and just society, considered it necessary to contribute to the development and higher education of the region and the country, focusing their efforts on the existing needs of qualification and training of the Surcolombian human talent.

It is for this reason that on August 25, 2010, the parents of the University Foundation met in the city of Neiva, Huila, with the clear purpose of establishing, structuring, organizing and directing a private, non-profit Higher Education Institution, based in the city of incorporation, but with geographical influence in the Department of Huila and the underlying regions. As a result of this historic meeting, the UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION OF NAVARRA- UNINAVARRA- through the Constitution Act.

The motivation of the founders was not to establish an institution of higher education that would simply add to the statistics of the national government, but rather, the FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA NAVARRA - UNINAVARRA-. Since its genesis, it was understood as a University Institution committed to knowledge, inclusion, solidarity, social justice and peace, aspects that from the mission and vision make evident the firm purpose of working for a more egalitarian, just, peaceful and inclusive Colombia.

In 2011, the Ministry of National Education - MEN, awarded the NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION- UNINAVARRA- its legal status through Resolution 10570 of November 22, 2011. As of this year, a new University Institution was born for Huila and Southern Colombia, which immediately began the respective application procedures for the qualified registrations required for the provision of new educational services.

The first program of the Institution that received the approval and the Qualified Registration from the Ministry of National Education was Medicine, by means of a Resolution of the Ministry of Education. 16098 of November 14, 2013; which began part of its academic activities in November of the same year. This program received the renewal of its qualified registration, by means of Resolution 006816 of April 26, 2023 of the present year.

Since then and up to the present, the Educational Project of the NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION- UNINAVARRA- has been significantly consolidated, expanding its academic offerings according to the qualification needs identified in its framework of action and the region. The undergraduate and graduate programs offered by the Institution with current Qualified Registration are the following:

  • Technology in Health Services Management (Resolution No. 1555 of February 07, 2014 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Law (Resolution No. 3932 of March 20, 2014 - Ministry of National Education). Program that received the renewal of its accreditation, by means of the (Resolution No. 021534 of November 12, 2021 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Environmental Engineering (Resolution No. 3933 of March 20, 2014 - Ministry of National Education). Program that received the renewal of its accreditation, by means of the (Resolution No. 01132 of February 03, 2022 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Industrial Engineering (Resolution No. 5552 of April 14, 2014 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Nursing (Resolution No. 8072 of May 30, 2014 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Technology in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (Resolution No. 9444 of June 19, 2014, corrected by Resolution 4805 of April 15, 2015 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Business Administration (Resolution No. 14871 of September 11, 2014 - Ministry of National Education). Program that received the renewal of its accreditation, by means of the (Resolution No. 003477 of March 16, 2022 - Ministry of National Education).


  • Specialization in Constitutional Law and Inter-American Human Rights System (Resolution No 23782 of December 23, 2016 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Specialization in Medical Law (Resolution No. 013936 of August 15, 2018 - Ministry of National Education).
  • Specialization in University Teaching (Resolution No. 1292 of February 4, 2019 Ministry of National Education).
  • Specialization in Specialization in Labor Law and Social Security (Resolution No 7360 of April 28, 2021 Ministry of National Education).
  • Specialization in Occupational Health and Safety Management (Resolution No 7616 of May 5, 2021 Ministry of National Education).
  • Specialization in Oral Litigation Specialization (Resolution No. 014642 of August 12, 2021 Ministry of National Education).
  • Specialization in Family Medicine (Resolution No 6812 of April 26, 2023 Ministry of National Education).

The Institution began with an academic administrative structure based on Faculties, where the first four (4) were the following: Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

On July 10, 2018, the Faculty of Education was created, being attached to it the Peace Office with its Diploma and institutional flagship course "Teachers of Peace", from which the Institution bets on the implementation of a Peace Chair, which promotes and consolidates in the academic community and society in general the acquisition of conceptual and methodological tools on the peace process in Colombia and how to build a world where it is possible to coexist and resolve conflicts under the understanding and respect for Human Rights.

Since knowledge is one of the founders' commitments, throughout the institutional life, the different scenarios and environments for the generation of new knowledge based on research have been reinforced, which, according to the institutional vision, should not be limited to classroom work or the contributions of the teaching community, but required the articulation of a whole sum of human, technological and logistical resources to create a fertile and propitious ground that would give way to research and intellectual productions of social and academic impact.

Accordingly, it is relevant to note that in 2013 the Research Center of the Faculty of Health Sciences was created, which later became the Research Center UNINAVARRA - CINA, by Agreement 011 of 2015, constituting since then as an academic, decentralized and transversal body, whose fundamental functions are the direction, advice and planning of institutional activities with regard to research and its objective of generating educational spaces conducive to the construction and dissemination of knowledge. The Superior Council by means of agreement 004 of April 27, 2023 modified the name of the Research Center of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA "CINA" to: Center for Research and Innovation - UNINAVARRA "CIINA", in order to unite the research process with the innovation processes and activities it carries out. 

Practical knowledge is also an important factor in the training provided in the NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION- UNINAVARRA-For this reason, institutional practice scenarios have been consolidated according to each one of the knowledge nuclei of the Programs, trying to make these same scenarios a center of convergence and interaction of all the knowledge from the development of interdisciplinary practices.

Under this context, the creation of the Martin Luther King Legal Clinic, which became operational in July 2017, the Conciliation Center in July 2019 and the Simulation Clinic in January 2019 stand out.

During the years of operation, UNINAVARRA has been consolidating other processes and has implemented important programs for the welfare of its academic community; responsibility and social projection have played a major role in the consolidation of institutional life.

Among the most important programs developed are: The Godfather Plan Program, which was born in 2014 and is led by the University Welfare and Alumni Area; the G. Moscati Humanization Program, which was born in 2014 and adopted its current name in 2015, in honor of the Italian physician, humanist and saint Giuseppe Moscati; the Little Great Researchers Program, which was born from the project. Define your vocation of ExpoUninavarra. This last program is consolidated within the institutional offer and seeks to foster a culture of love for science and research in the children of the region.

One of the institutional purposes reflected in its mission and vision is the consolidation of a High Quality Educational Project with commitment and social responsibility; therefore, it has made an effort to compile tools and habits that allow it to create and internalize in its academic, teaching and administrative community a culture of quality in education and in all the processes that support it.

As a result of this firm commitment and as part of the implementation and consolidation of its processes the FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA NAVARRA- UNINAVARRA, in 2016 underwent verification by the certifying entity ICONTEC under the ISO 9000 standard, obtaining the ISO 9000 ICONTEC quality certification, in twelve (12) processes supporting its teaching mission process, which were recertified in 2018 and 2019; in 2018, it obtained the quality certification of the UNINAVARRA Research Center - CINA.

In August 2019, the Institution received from the Mayor's Office of Neiva, Huila, the award "Escudo Ciudad de Neiva" in recognition of the constant interaction and the contribution that the Institution has made to education in the city of Neiva.

In March 2020, it obtained the certification of the Organizational Culture of Peace Management System, as a result of the work led by the Peace Office, through certificate CP-CER751795 from ICONTEC.

The growth of the Educational Project of the UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION OF NAVARRA- UNINAVARRA has not been limited to its academic offerings and other missionary processes, its efforts have also been directed to expand its infrastructure and welfare scenarios for the entire community. The Institution was born with a single headquarters and quickly in 2016 due to the good results obtained and the acceptance by the community, it was necessary to expand its infrastructure to a building in the Altico neighborhood (valid until 2018) 750 meters away from the main headquarters; Later in 2017 another infrastructure was enabled, which received the name of Parque Navarra, a property located 650 meters from the main headquarters and in the same year obtained the Urban License for the construction of the new Campus UNINAVARRA, which is located in the suburban area of Neiva, in the Ceibas Afuera neighborhood via San Antonio de Anaconia, its construction and adaptation began with the sports spaces and the consolidation of the construction is projected in the coming years.