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Who are we?

Patrocinadores red aves huila

The HUILA CHILD BIRDERS' NETWORK was born from the project "Implementation of strategies to promote the culture of social appropriation of knowledge for the protection and conservation of birds in the department of Huila", which is an initiative led by the University Foundation of Navarra - UNINAVARRA in alliance with the Government of Huilathe Regional Autonomous Corporation of Alto Magdalena - CAM and the Ornithological Association of Huila - ASORHUIto strengthen the processes of social appropriation of knowledge in the framework of the Science, Technology and Innovation - CteI in children and adolescents in the department of Huila.

This proposal arises in response to the need evidenced in the department as a territorial demand to promote a culture and social appropriation of knowledge for the protection and knowledge of birds in the department of Huila, a situation evidenced through the analysis of indicators of coverage and access to such processes in different municipalities and educational education in the territory.

The problem from which the solution alternatives are addressed, focuses on the analysis of the deficient strategies in children and adolescents for the protection and conservation of birds in the department of Huila; and the main causes of this situation, firstly the disarticulation of the actors of the system for the promotion of social appropriation of knowledge about the avifauna of the department; and secondly the inefficient processes of dissemination and public communication of knowledge of the avifauna in the department; and secondly the inefficient processes of dissemination and public communication of knowledge of the avifauna in the department of Huila. Department of Huila.

Based on these elements, within the framework of the fundamental concepts of the Social Appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation - ASCTI and the capacities of the allied entities, the intervention strategies are proposed as follows: first, the creation of the departmental network of child bird watchers of Huila for the protection and conservation of avifauna. This strategy seeks the articulation of actors around the theme defined as strategic by the department and consists of the generation of a series of tools, methodologies and research processes focused on children and adolescents, as the main generators and replicators of knowledge in their educational institutions and communities.

Secondly, to implement a strategy for the dissemination and public communication of knowledge of the avifauna in the area. Department of Huila. Strategy that seeks the effective and transversal dissemination of the knowledge generated, to support pedagogical and empowerment processes of the communities around the respect, protection and conservation of the natural resources that the territory has and that many times is unknown by the different population groups.

For the implementation of these strategies, the participation of different actors is proposed in order to guarantee the adaptability and adoption of collaborative work practices and methodologies that guarantee the sustainability of the project's results. These actors and stakeholders are: boys and girls between 10 and 13 years of age, parents, educational institutions, foundations and community-based associations.

The creation of this departmental network and the implementation of the activities and products proposed in this project, with the support, participation and commitment of both the institutions and the other actors in the system, will make it possible to demonstrate, after 18 months of implementation, a positive change in the indicators promoting the culture of social appropriation of knowledge in a total of 1,010 beneficiaries distributed in 12 municipalities of the department (see table 1).Aipe, Colombia, Garzón, Gigante, Isnos, La Plata, Paicol, Palestina, Santa María, Teruel, Villavieja and Yaguará.).

Once the project is completed, the sustainability of the processes developed there will be guaranteed through CAM, an entity that has the experience, capacity and administrative and technical conditions to provide continuity in the medium and long term to the initiatives that will be derived from the social appropriation of knowledge generated in the impacted populations.


  • Mijael Brand Prada

    Ornithological Leader

  • Erik Camilo Gaitan

    Pedagogical leader