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What does the UNINAVARRA Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability do?

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability UNINAVARRA has been designed to meet the needs of entrepreneurs both in the institution and in the region. With this purpose, awareness, training and support activities are implemented in the various phases of the entrepreneurial and organizational process. The main objective is to promote the long-term sustainability of the entrepreneurial and business initiatives that use the services of this academic-administrative unit.

CES UNINAVARRA develops an integral route that combines curricular and extracurricular models. This route supports entrepreneurs in the creation of initiatives through a methodological process supported by the academic and research processes of the Fundación Universitaria Navarra. Likewise, CES UNINAVARRA seeks to be recognized as a reference in entrepreneurship in the region, promoting and encouraging new initiatives that consolidate the entrepreneurial culture.

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The CES of UNINAVARRA is a center committed to the socio-economic development of the region, through the promotion of competitiveness and business productivity, generating dynamism in business processes, spreading culture and developing entrepreneurship skills, students, graduates, teachers and the community in general; supported by a portfolio focused on innovation, technological development of Industry 4.0, with criteria of sustainability, sustainability and social responsibility, promoting entrepreneurship ecosystems using a human, relational and structural capital trained and committed.

By the year 2025, CES UNINAVARRA is projected as a center for generating alternatives for productivity and competitiveness of SMEs in Neiva, the department of Huila and the region with projection to internationalization, widely recognized for a timely and relevant portfolio to business needs and for an effective integration between the University - Business - State, managing entrepreneurship ecosystems promoting productive inclusion, equity, promotion and development of entrepreneurial and innovative culture, for growth and economic, social and sustainable development.

Lines of Action

In this sense, the Service Lines of CES UNINAVARRA are focused on offering its services in specific topics that are broken down as follows:


Ruta fondo emprender - SENA

Services Portfolio



Fairs and events

Corporate training

Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Team


Frequently Asked Questions

Best of all, these services are completely free of charge, thus providing an invaluable opportunity for the development and sustainability of new business initiatives.
CES UNINAVARRA offers comprehensive support to entrepreneurs and companies at any stage of development, from ideation to consolidation. With an inclusive and strategic approach, it supports all economic sectors, promoting innovation and business growth in the region. Its commitment is to foster a dynamic and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem, providing personalized advice and the opportunity to transform ideas into high-impact projects.
The Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability UNINAVARRA facilitates the access of entrepreneurs to its services and resources through specialized attention. Those interested can go in person to the Center's facilities, located at Carrera 6 No. 10-82 - Centro, or contact the Center virtually via e-mail: Facebook:

Contact information