Title awarded:   Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technologist
SNIES Code  103389
Qualified Registration:   Resolution 012515 of July 30, 2024
Duration of the Program:  6 semesters
Number of academic credits:  109
The program is attached:  Faculty of Health Sciences and Basic Sciences
Academic Level:  Undergraduate
Level of training:  Technology
Methodology:  On-site
Location:  Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Periodicity of admission:  Semiannual
Contacts:  +57 317 514 1730 - 608 8740089 - 608 8722049 - 608 8711199

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    Presentation of the program

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    The Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology program of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA, through a modern, innovative, relevant and attractive training proposal, responds to a pressing need for training human talent to support the processes of comprehensive health care in the region and the country.

    Currently, teaching-learning strategies in health have evolved substantially, placing clinical simulation as an essential part of the curricular and accreditation processes. That is why the Fundación Universitaria Navarra-UNINAVARRA, has the High Complexity Simulated University Hospital - HUSAC, considered as a high technology center equipped with integral scenarios that allow training, retraining and development of the skills required in medical practice, as well as in the competencies of future technologists in radiology and diagnostic imaging.

    The program's curriculum is aimed at developing competencies and skills in the future technologist in radiology and diagnostic imaging, which are related to health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the community; for which it is necessary to develop skills in each of the techniques of acquisition of diagnostic images currently available, as well as the analysis, processing, post processing and administration of diagnostic images acquired within the processes of safe care.

    The mission of the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology program is in accordance with the institutional mission of the Navarra University Foundation-UNINAVARRA, with entrepreneurial vision, social responsibility and international projection; based on autonomous learning, with the ability to generate new knowledge and apply it within the diagnostic processes, under the principles of ethics, safety, responsibility and quality.

    The future radiology technologist of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA, has a comprehensive, holistic, critical thinking, reflective, creative and purposeful training of high human quality, with skills that allow him to make appropriate use of technologies for the realization of high quality diagnostic imaging according to the new market requirements and that will allow him to be at the service of society to care and care for their health.

    The program of Technology in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA, aims to be by the year 2027 a program of high academic quality, recognized nationally and internationally as a program with academic excellence, distinguished by implementing within the training process components of international interaction, research, social projection, extension and entrepreneurship; forming technologists in radiology capable of impacting and transforming society through implementation of biomedical equipment for the acquisition of diagnostic images with ethics and responsibility.

     Entry requirements

    Documents for registration

    • Photocopy of identity card
    • Certificate of being affiliated to the social security health system.
    • Certificate of results of current State Examinations or Tests (ICFES or SABER 11).
    • Photocopy of the Diploma or Certificate of Graduation or Certification of being in the last grade of High School - Grade Eleven - (The certification applies to those students who aspire to obtain their high school diploma before the beginning of class).
    • If the applicant is a graduate, photocopy of diploma or degree certificate
    • If the applicant is a foreigner, he/she must comply with the legal norms of the country in terms of permanence and study, as well as present a certificate evidencing the passing of a Spanish language proficiency exam.

    Evidence to be submitted:

    • Interview by psychology
    • Interview by program director
    • Psychometric personality test

    Applicant Profile

    The general entry profile and admission requirements:
    Admission to the Navarre University Foundation-UNINAVARRA is free and voluntary, by enrollment processes of applicants according to their vocation. Admission to UNINAVARRA is based on three profiles:

    - Personal profile, where the applicant's personality traits are evaluated to verify affinity with the program's entrance profile.
    - Intellectual profile, which evaluates the degree of knowledge and, based on the State Tests of Aptitude and Knowledge of the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES).
    - Attitudinal profile, determined in interview processes in which the program director will determine the affinity between the student and the formative requirements of the program. In the case of Health Sciences and Clinical Sciences, psychometric personality tests will be specifically applied to evaluate the psychological profile from a clinical perspective, in order to ensure the applicant's affinity and stability with the career.

    The applicant who enters the program of Technology in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, must be a person, who having fully complied with the requirements of secondary education, is interested in comprehensive training with values and humanistic principles, sensitive to the human being, learning skills, motivation and commitment, which allows him/her to be part of multidisciplinary teams of health care in the professional field and contribute to the progress of the country with justice and equity.

    Professional profile

    The profile of the technologist in radiology and diagnostic imaging of UNINAVARRA, is that of a professional in the area of health with training: comprehensive, humanistic, ethical and investigative; possessing biomedical skills and the necessary responsibility for the acquisition, processing, post processing and sending of diagnostic images; making responsible use of safety protocols and radiation protection. Permanently in search of innovation and continuous professional training, strengthening updated concepts in the operation of high technology diagnostic acquisition equipment and use of hospital networks in order to obtain high quality images. Likewise, it is able to create, undertake and manage diagnostic imaging centers, with criteria of sustainability, sustainability and social responsibility, locally, nationally and internationally.

    Occupational profile

    The technologist in radiology and diagnostic imaging of the University Foundation Navarra - UNINAVARRA, will apply the learning outcomes acquired in their training, performing at the level of care, managerial-administrative and research applying the skills acquired in different fields of action at local, national and international level.

    Therefore, the technologist in radiology and diagnostic imaging of the University Foundation Navarra- UNINAVARRA will be able to perform in both general and specialized areas, in the following occupational scenarios:

    • Care area
    • Administrative area
    • Research area

    III International Conference on Diagnostic Imaging Update. "The Revolution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging".

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a crucial diagnostic technique used worldwide, standards and practices may vary between different countries and regions, but it also allows healthcare professionals to share knowledge and experience, which encourages standardization and continuous improvement of the quality of MRI care worldwide.

    International collaboration in MRI training and refresher training can help address common challenges and problems faced by professionals in different parts of the world. This includes issues related to patient safety, image interpretation, and implementation of new technologies and techniques.

    This Update Day also offers the opportunity to learn from world-renowned experts and to access resources and advances that may not be readily available in a single country, which enriches the education and professional development of participants, ultimately resulting in improved quality of care provided to patients, regardless of their geographic location.

    II International Conference on Diagnostic Imaging Update - Computed Tomography. "Evolution in diagnosis".

    Computed tomography (CT) was, at the time of its clinical introduction in 1971, an X-ray modality that allowed only axial images of the brain of interest in neuroradiology to be obtained. With the passage of time it has become a versatile imaging technique, with which three-dimensional images of any anatomical area can be obtained, and which has a wide range of applications in oncology, vascular radiology, cardiology, traumatology, or interventional radiology, among others.

    On the other hand, existing technologies evolve in such a way that nothing will ever be the same again. Innovation drives a technology forward and forces us to rethink what we saw as established; that is why the Navarra-UNINAVARRA University Foundation, in its commitment to high quality education, considered it pertinent to carry out the second Update Day; this time focused on Computed Tomography (CT), addressing issues of acquisition, processing, post processing and artificial intelligence in the service of medical diagnosis.

    We are confident that the health systems are called upon to advance the implementation of new and better medical management tools that generate value and social impact. In this path, cutting-edge technology plays an increasingly important role when it comes to taking processes that include thorough analysis and image-guided therapies to another level, taking a big step toward improving patient care in various clinical areas by effectively showing things that are impossible to see with conventional CT scans.

    2nd National and International Congress on Innovation and Research in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

    The II International Congress on Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development was carried out in the form of on-site from the city of Neiva (Huila) on August 25, 2022, within the framework of "Week I" (Research & Innovation).

    This academic and scientific event is a space for the social appropriation of knowledge and the public dissemination of science, which will include the participation of national and international speakers and lecturers, as well as the presentation of free papers that will allow the socialization of results and advances in research on topics such as radiological innovation, radiobiology, sustainable radiology.

    I International Conference on Breast Imaging Update New realities in Early Diagnosis "Prevention is detection and detection is cure".

    Breast imaging has become in recent years the most important method for early diagnosis of breast cancer, taking into account that this pathology is the second leading cause of death in women, it is essential that radiology technologists can have a constant training in this area of imaging that has a special upturn in recent decades and due to advances in technology, being able to impact positively on the quality of life of women.

    Taking into account that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared October as the month for breast cancer awareness worldwide, it was decided from the direction of the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology program of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA, to have an academic space that allows the participation of students and technologists in radiology and diagnostic imaging of national and international stature, to update concepts, acquisition techniques and detection of breast lesions.

    In this way the Fundación Universitaria Navarra-UNINAVARRA, demonstrates its commitment to the community, contributing to the continuing education of technologists in radiology and diagnostic imaging, not only in the region but also in other parts of the world.

    1st National and International Congress on Innovation and Research in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

    The 1st International Congress on Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development was carried out in the form of on-site from the city of Neiva (Huila) on November 11 and 12, 2021.

    Why study Radiology and Imaging Technology?

    Diagnostics at UNINAVARRA?

    Why study Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging at UNINAVARRA?
    n con 2 Personas
    You will have skills for the handling of biomedical radiodiagnostic equipment, applying the knowledge of radiological protection and for the analysis and interpretation of acquired diagnostic images.
    Professional training
    You will have a team of professors recognized for their academic training and professional experience in the area of diagnostic imaging (conventional and special X-rays, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Hemodynamics, among others).
    Hands-on learning at HUSAC
    We have the High Complexity Simulated University Hospital (HUSAC), equipped with high-fidelity simulators and advanced technology for hands-on learning, which improves skills and abilities for proper performance in a real scenario.
    Comprehensive Training with Internships in High Complexity Scenarios
    We offer a comprehensive, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training, complemented with clinical training practices in exclusive scenarios of high complexity such as the Medilaser Clinic, thanks to institutional and teaching-service agreements.
    Internationalization and Research Recognition
    We promote internationalization and multiculturalism through strategies such as Mirror Classes and COIL Classes. Our research groups are recognized by Minciencias.

    Internship agreements

    • Medilaser Clinic
    • Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital
    • E. E. S. E. Carmen Emilia Ospina
    • Emcosalud Clinical Society.

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