Title awarded:   Nurse
SNIES Code  103320
Qualified Registration:   Resolution 8072 of May 30, 2014
Duration of the Program:  8 semesters
Number of academic credits:  162
The program is attached:  Faculty of Health Sciences and Basic Sciences
Academic Level:  Undergraduate
Level of training:  University
Methodology:  On-site
Location:  Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Periodicity of admission:  Semiannual
Contacts:  +57 317 514 1730 - 608 8740089 - 608 8722049 - 608 8711199

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    Presentation of the program

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    The Nursing program, therefore, assumes the profession as a discipline linked to the health sciences, focused on the care of the individual, the family and society with humanistic emphasis and primary care focused on the comprehensive care of human health. Likewise, the research and entrepreneurship axes that are transversal to the development of the curriculum make this academic offer innovative and based on the achievement of high levels of excellence in the preparation of nursing professionals.

    For this reason, the curriculum includes, in the different academic areas, the development of curricular strategies that encourage students not only to learn how knowledge is produced, distributed and used in the globalized world, but also to study and understand the integral nature of science, health, research, innovation and artistic and cultural creation.

    Likewise, the Nursing program of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA- is aligned with the institutional values, which are considered fundamental for the transformation of students and allows unifying criteria for action.

    The mission of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA is to train nursing professionals with a high academic and scientific value, research spirit, educational and entrepreneurial innovation, promoting a sense of professional belonging, teamwork, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, construction and application of scientific knowledge, and of themselves, based on ethical and moral values, self-discipline, with a great social sense, responsibility and leadership; through the application of the tools of their profession and discipline in the care of the person, the family and the community, generate processes of human and social transformation.

    The Nursing Program will be recognized by the local, regional and national community for its capacity in the integral formation of nursing professionals with human quality, creative and innovative attitude, generators of their own models and intervention schemes with emphasis on primary health care and integral health care of the individual, the family and the community.

     Entry requirements

    Documents for registration

    • Photocopy of identity card.
    • Certificate of being affiliated to the social security health system.
    • Certificate of results of current state exams or tests (ICFES or SABER 11).
    • Photocopy of diploma, transcript or certification of being in the last grade of High School - Grade Eleven - (The certification applies to those students who aspire to obtain their bachelor's degree before the beginning of classes).
    • If the applicant has a degree, a photocopy of the diploma or degree certificate.
    • If the applicant is a foreigner, he/she must comply with the legal regulations of the country regarding permanence and study, and present a certification evidencing the passing of a Spanish language proficiency exam.

    Evidence to present

    • Interview by psychology
    • Interview by program director
    • Psychometric personality test

    Applicant Profile

    The applicant for the Nursing program at the Navarra University Foundation UNINAVARRA must possess the following qualities:

    • Ability to communicate assertively and clearly, both verbally and in writing.
    • Interest in health care management.
    • Vocation of service.
    • Inclination for service and social responsibility.
    • Willingness and good attitude for teamwork.
    • Attitude for decision making, leadership, innovation and problem solving.
    • Inclusion, respect and consideration for the diversity of cultures, creeds and thoughts.

    Professional profile

    The UNINAVARRA graduate will be a person with an autonomous life project and with a view to personal and social growth. Their contributions in a scientific community will contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of their region and nation, always with a view to a project of a free and fair country with all its members. For this, the UNINAVARRA graduate must be:

    • A being restless to offer solutions to the problems of their environment, characterized by being a nursing professional who, through respectful service and solidarity in favor of others, rescue the sense of being as an individual, family and society, as well as being an active player in contributing solutions to the problems experienced by the region and the country.
    • Promoting technological and scientific development from an ethical perspective that prioritizes human and social values, being a protagonist of teamwork for the development of health, with projects of mutual cooperation through interdisciplinary relationships, social interaction and consultation, promoting work with other disciplines for the identification, analysis and solution of health problems that, due to their complexity, require an approach from different knowledge and the linkage with other social actors.
    • Leader in the various sectors at the institutional, social and community level in which he/she operates, and is a manager of an environment in which justice and respect for the individual, the family and the community are prioritized, based on the application of current regulations and collective interests of the region, the country and at the international level.
    • Critical of their environment and with a proactive capacity to address the social, technical and scientific problems of their environment, participating in the processes of improvement of the General System of Social Security in Health and the provision of health services and quality of care.
    • Leader in the management of social projects, operationalizing them from the institutional or independent business perspective, as a business generator and/or manager of health or social projects.
    • To practice the profession with knowledge and skills in health education and management techniques as a first-hand tool to intervene in the new health systems and services, as well as in the application and adaptation to the current regulations of the general social security health system.

    Occupational profile

    The nursing professional will be able to work at local, regional, national and international levels in health promotion companies (EPS), health service provider institutions (IPS), management, surveillance and control institutions such as health secretariats, Ministry of Social Protection, Superintendence, National Institute of Health, educational institutions at basic level, higher education, formal and non-formal education centers for preschool, school, adolescents, adults, elderly and people with disabilities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, service companies and productive level at dependent or independent level, among others.

    You can develop competencies that allow you to perform in general and specialized areas such as:

    • Administration of hospital services.
    • Teaching.
    • Social-community.
    • Industrial.
    • Administrative - Management of institutions, services or projects.
    • Social outreach.
    • Business.
    • Coordination and/or management of health or social projects and programs.
    • Consulting and professional advice.
    • Coordination of occupational health programs and execution of actions in occupational medicine and hygiene.
    • Development of research projects from their field of action and with other disciplines.

    III JORNADA DE ACTUALIZACIÓN EN ENFERMERÍA: Cuidados, precauciones y retos en la atención en salud asociados al dengue

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    En medio del impacto del fenómeno del Niño, que elevó los casos de dengue y llevó a Neiva a una alerta roja hospitalaria, realizamos con éxito nuestra jornada de actualización en Enfermería. Este evento destacó por la activa participación de estudiantes y profesionales, quienes reforzaron sus conocimientos en el manejo clínico del dengue, con un enfoque en la identificación temprana, la prevención de formas graves y la atención en salud desde el nivel primario.

    Symbol Imposition Ceremony

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    The Ceremony of Imposition of Symbols is an event where the fifth semester students of Nursing receive the symbols of the profession and which they will proudly wear in their professional training, these will be the representation of each of the interventions in the extramural formative practices and the commitment that each student assumes when providing nursing care, it is a historical act that represents the symbolism, vocation, responsibility and professional commitment to society.

    Why study Nursing at UNINAVARRA?

    Why study Nursing at UNINAVARRA?
    n with 2 Persons
    Flexibility and Integrated Health Care
    We offer comprehensive and flexible training in health, from primary care to public health, with adaptable schedules from Monday to Sunday.
    Promoting Regional Entrepreneurship
    We promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the region with a special emphasis on business training.
    Hands-on learning at HUSAC
    We have the High Complexity Simulated University Hospital (HUSAC), equipped with high-fidelity simulators and advanced technology for hands-on learning, which improves skills and abilities for proper performance in a real scenario.
    Comprehensive Training with Internships in High Complexity Scenarios
    We offer a comprehensive, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training, complemented with clinical training practices in exclusive scenarios of high complexity such as the Medilaser Clinic, thanks to institutional and teaching service agreements.
    Internationalization and Research Recognition
    We promote internationalization and multiculturalism through strategies such as Mirror Classes and COIL Classes, and our research groups are recognized by Minciencias.
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    Internship Agreement

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