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Title awarded:   Family Medicine Specialist
SNIES Code  111582
Qualified Registration:  Resolution n.º 6812 of April 26, 2023 of the MEN, validity: 7 years.
Duration of the Program:  6 semesters
Number of academic credits:  198
The program is attached:  Faculty of Health Sciences and Basic Sciences
Academic Level:  Postgraduate
Level of training:  Medical-surgical specialization
Methodology:  On-site
Location:  Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Periodicity of admission:  Semiannual
Contact us:  +57 317 514 1730 - 8740089 - 8722049 - 8711199

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    Presentation of the program

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    Family Medicine, more than an area of medical knowledge, is an integrating axis of medical practice, which provides holistic and humanized medical care to the person; performing particular processes of characterization, validation of information, management, education and proposal of intervention strategies to focus them on primary health care from a systemic, generalist, differential and inclusive approach that promotes the care of the individual, his family and his community.

    This specialization focuses its work on the person; involving the globality and complexity of the being, taking into account both the physical and psychosocial component of the individual and the determinants that modify and maintain their health. For family medicine, health is more than a state of "Well-being", it is the objective and subjective amalgam of factors that, from each of the individual and family life cycles, tend to the harmonious development and the experience of the individual immersed in a social sphere. For this reason, an ethnographic approach is involved where social, family and community relationships and the relationship with the disease itself are pillars of the care process. The ethnographic vision of Family Medicine allows the differential approach of the individual, the family and its cultural group, allowing the production of cost-effective strategies aimed at maintaining the health of specific groups according to their characteristics and needs.

    The knowledge and work of the Family Medicine specialist is transversal to the different medical specialties, not as a professional hoarder of knowledge, but as an integrating specialist, mediator and coordinator of medical care, ensuring its resolvability and timeliness. His approach moves away from the separatist perspective and involves the generalization of medical knowledge to provide comprehensive care to individuals, families and communities.

    The specialization in Family Medicine is the result of a need for holistic care based on the individual and not on the disease. Due to its principles and focus on prevention, it is a pioneer and fundamental support in integral processes of Primary Health Care and maintenance of the health of individuals, families and communities.

    General requirements

    According to the institutionally determined enrollment requirements, applicants to study a postgraduate Medical-Surgical program at UNINAVARRA must submit the following documents:

    1. Registration form duly completed.
    2. Receipt evidencing payment of registration fees.
    3. Photocopy of the identity document (Citizenship Card / Alien Registration Card or passport).
    4. If you are not Colombian you must bring your student or resident visa.
    5. Resume with supports, including undergraduate transcripts incorporating internship (medical).
    6. Accredit a university degree in one of the programs of the health area, in a Colombian Higher Education Institution duly recognized and authorized by the Ministry of National Education, or a foreign one recognized by the competent authority of the country of origin and whose degree is validated by the Ministry of National Education.
    7. Mandatory Social Service Resolution

    Specific requirements

    As stated by AGREEMENT NUMBER 03 OF 2015 (May 25, 2015) of the Faculty Council of Health Sciences, which regulates the admission process for Clinical-Surgical Postgraduate Degrees, the following specific requirements were established for admission to the Specialization in Family Medicine program.

    1. Evaluation of resume with supporting documents, including undergraduate transcripts incorporating the internship (medical).
    2. Knowledge test with the characteristics determined by the institution.
    3. Demonstrate proficiency in reading comprehension in English at the independent or intermediate level, i.e. level B1, through the mechanism established by the institution in the call for the admission process.
    4. Interview.
    5. Psycho-technical test.

    Applicant Profile

    To enter the postgraduate program, the applicant must have studied medicine and certify a medical degree as a graduate of a higher education institution recognized by the Ministry of National Education or abroad (for which he/she must provide the resolution of validation in which it is demonstrated that the program studied and the degree obtained is equivalent and recognized by the MEN in Colombia as a Physician).

    The applicant's profile should demonstrate medical knowledge and interest in social aspects as determinants of health, sufficient for a good performance in the training process in the Family Medicine Specialization.

    Must have social sensitivity and humanistic principles, showing interest in caring in an integral and continuous way to people, in the different life cycles, their families and communities in health matters. Willing to contribute with his/her work and professionalism in the reduction of health inequities.

    Graduate profile

    The specialist in Family Medicine, graduated from UNINAVARRA will be characterized by being a professional with a general knowledge base in medicine and with specialization in the maintenance of the health of the individual in their different life cycles.

    A skilled specialist who is familiar with community immersion tools, public health policies and generates strategies that positively impact national health indicators.

    A person-centered professional with the pluripotential resolution capacity to work in primary health care, hospital, emergency, rehabilitation, palliative care and administration of health services and policies.

    An ethical community leader who will be highly committed to the region, the country and the research processes that generate knowledge in the areas concerning health and its determinants.
    To fulfill this profile, the graduate physician will have the following attributes:

    • Have a profound ability to establish a patient-physician relationship based on empathy, which will be transferred to his or her family and the community in which he or she is immersed.
    • Given the characteristics of their training, they must have a high level of resolution and management skills. optimal prevalent health problems affecting different age groups, limiting the patient's mobility to more complex levels of care, which translates into the optimization and rationalization of health system resources.
    • Their communicative and administrative skills enable them to act as leaders of the health care teams, facilitating the interaction of other medical specialties and other health care professional, focusing efforts on the wellbeing of individuals and the community environment.
    • His ability to relate to the community, his ethnographic knowledge, his knowledge of and to investigate based on their needs, to be able to identify the problems and to and, based on its diagnosis, to focus its efforts on the education and training of the with a differential focus on self-care and self-knowledge.
    • To have competences in adaptive processes to the particular characteristics of the environment, respecting the cultural, behavioral and communicative differences of the community.
    • To be aware of the institutional support networks inherent to the community and its and of governmental and non-governmental programs that can be used to improve the quality of the as a support to the needs of the population, serving as a connector between them and the individual.
    • Their work will be focused on health promotion and disease prevention, as a fundamental element that generates social change, taking into account the principle of the cost-benefit ratio, which is of vital importance in the face of health systems with extensive limitations. economic.
    • Thanks to your knowledge in research and ICTS be able to create scientific information. and innovative strategies that it applies to research, education and transformation. individual and collective.
    • It does not make presumptions about the individual, but rather, after a process of characterization involves the reality of the person and his or her context and uses simple tools that to evaluate, analyze and assist in the process of transformation of deleterious paradigms and motivates the process of adopting healthy habits, both physically and mentally, of self-care and mutual care.
    • He is a human being concerned about ensuring that people regain their dignity in the whole process of care towards the improvement of their quality of life.

    La alegría: una emoción positiva y su impacto en la salud

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    La alegría es una de las emociones consideradas positivas, desencadenada por estímulos que generan una sensación de gozo y bienestar. A diferencia de la felicidad, que es un estado duradero y una actitud ante la vida, la alegría se experimenta en momentos específicos y con distintas intensidades.

    Existen diversos tipos de alegría según su intensidad y los estímulos que la originan, entre ellos:
    ✅Alegría auténtica: surge de experiencias genuinas y satisfactorias.
    ✅Alegría hedónica: relacionada con el placer sensorial y el disfrute inmediato.
    ✅Alegría hilarante: caracterizada por la risa y la diversión.
    ✅Eudaimonía: ligada al bienestar y la realización personal.
    ✅Alegría patológica: manifestación desproporcionada de alegría, a menudo relacionada con trastornos psicológicos.

    La felicidad como derecho fundamental
    Desde una perspectiva legal y social, la felicidad ha sido reconocida como un derecho fundamental y una responsabilidad de los Estados. Este concepto se basa en garantizar el bienestar de las sociedades, promoviendo condiciones que favorezcan el desarrollo integral de las personas.

    En este sentido, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) proclamó el 20 de marzo como el Día Internacional de la Felicidad, a través de la resolución 66/281 de 2012, con el objetivo de resaltar la importancia de este derecho en la vida de las personas.

    Segunda Narrativa de las Emociones: “La Alegría”
    Estos y otros aspectos fueron abordados en la Segunda Narrativa de las Emociones: “La Alegría”, realizada el 19 de marzo de 2025 en el auditorio del Centro Cultural de Neiva – Banco de la República.

    El evento permitió a los asistentes reflexionar sobre la importancia de la alegría en la vida cotidiana, su influencia en la salud mental y emocional, así como su papel en la construcción de una sociedad más equilibrada y feliz.

    Narrative of emotions: a success of affluence

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    On February 26, 2025, the first session of the Narrative of Emotions series, entitled "Anger," was held with great success, an event that explored this emotion from the perspectives of health sciences and law.

    The activity was organized in collaboration with the faculties of Health and Humanities, together with the Neiva Cultural Center of the Banco de la República Library. Thanks to this joint effort, more than 120 attendees gathered to reflect on the influence of emotions in everyday life and their impact on different areas of knowledge.

    Emotions play a fundamental role in health and in the way people cope with their experiences. Physical, genetic, structural, cultural and familial factors influence how each individual reacts to various situations, resulting in unique emotional responses.

    From a legal perspective, anger can be a determining factor in decision-making and in the commission of crimes, functioning in some cases as an aggravating or mitigating factor in legal proceedings. At the physiological level, this emotion involves multiple systems of the organism, including neuronal activation, neurotransmitter release and hormonal responses.

    While anger is traditionally viewed as a negative emotion, it can also act as an engine that drives people to overcome challenges and channel their energy into problem solving.

    The Narrative of Emotions series will continue with new sessions that will address other emotions from an interdisciplinary approach. Stay tuned for our next sessions!

    Academic Meeting: Family Physicians in Canada and their Role in Medical Policy and Education

    Second year Family Medicine residents from UNINAVARRA participated in an academic conference with Dr. Oscar Cuellar, a professional in Political Science from the University of Quebec and a graduate of the Universidad Surcolombiana. During the meeting the topic was discussed: The family physician in Canada: focus of national health policy, medical education and the possibility of specialty rotations.

    Increased Number of Practice Sites for Educational Excellence

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    On February 3, the dermatology internship of resident John Hagler Romero began at the Federico Lleras Dermatological Institute, located in the city of Bogota. Although the agreement had been in force since the approval of the Medicine program of the Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA, it has now been renewed and extended to include residents of medical-surgical specializations.

    This experience represents a significant advance in the academic training offered by UNINAVARRA.

    Why study the Specialization in

    Family Medicine at UNINAVARRA?

    Presentacion Medicina Familiar

    You will receive medical training with a holistic and humanized approach: Family medicine focuses on providing comprehensive, person-centered care, considering both physical and psychosocial aspects. This holistic approach ensures that all of the patient's needs are addressed and their well-being is promoted as a whole.

    We promote prevention and health promotion: Family medicine focuses on disease prevention and promoting healthy lifestyles. Family physicians play a key role in educating patients about the importance of prevention and designing intervention strategies to maintain long-term health.

    We understand the importance of primary health care: Family medicine is fundamental to primary health care, being the gateway to the health care system for many people. Family physicians are experts in the early detection of disease, the management of chronic conditions and the monitoring of patients' general health.

    At UNINAVARRA, we have advanced resources for training in family medicine. The High Complexity Simulated Hospital (HUSAC) gives students the opportunity to practice in a realistic environment with state-of-the-art technology. In addition, we have strategic alliances with important health institutions, such as the Medilaser Clinic, so that students can perform professional practices in a quality clinical environment.

    If you are interested in providing comprehensive medical care and being an agent of change in people's health, the specialization in family medicine at UNINAVARRA will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in this vitally important field.

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