a) Reading Comprehension Course: ehese courses are aimed at Navarre students who require potentialities and strategies for an excellent comprehension, in addition, they will be offered tips that will help them to facilitate their textual interpretation process, through this course that will have 10 classroom hours consists of the realization of paraphrasing, identification of the structure according to its typology. Recognition of continuous and discontinuous texts, speed reading.
b) Seminar-workshop for the creation of academic texts: andn this seminar is aimed at strengthening their grammatical writing skills, due to the fact that in the courses they are assigned to write essays or scientific texts such as articles (IMRAD), degree projects, entrepreneurship, journal portfolio, internship report, and reports. The seminar-workshop is a writing production strategy for learning by doing, concentrating, it is not a deliberate course, nor of research, but of written communication through a reflective and investigative structure. Consequently, the previous activities consist of readings, analysis of texts, the production of different written materials, their relation and evaluation to selected models and the preparation of the same for the diffusion in the different means of publication, the activities will be carried out individually and in groups.
c) Study techniques: The development of this course is of great importance because the student who enters higher education does not bring strategies or study habits that help him to prioritize academic activities and how these can facilitate their stay in the institution, so the emphasis that this course will bring is to increase the academic performance of the student through an organization, learning to distribute the spaces can develop their discipline, through organization. Afterwards, some memory exercises will be done in order to be able to use it in moments that require studying for a partial. Then we will work on a work plan, studying with method, the conditions of a good planning, time and task scheduling. The objective of this course is for each student to structure his or her own study plan.
d) Study Techniques - in mathematics: lMathematics has been little apathetic for most students and in higher education these hardnesses are instilled, but in reality they are an engine for the mental development of the human being, in this workshop some techniques for the memorization of formulas will be socialized and some practical games will be carried out to stimulate the potentialities that numbers develop in the human being such as interpretative competences, argumentative competences, propositive competences, logical thinking competence, analogical thinking competence, deliberate thinking competence, problem solving competence.