NUMBER 002 OF 2015
(March 30)
"Whereby the regulations of the Graduate Programs of the Navarra University Foundation -UNINAVARRA- are issued".
(Compiled by the General Secretariat team, within the framework of the "UNINAVARRA EFFICIENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT" Innovation project, based on the different institutional rules issued by the unipersonal and collegiate authorities according to their competence. Last update: June 01, 2023)
in use of its statutory powers, especially those conferred by Article 32 of Agreement 005 of 2011 -General Statute-, and;
That article 29 of Law 30 of 1992, in exercise of the constitutional autonomy of the university institutions, or, technological schools and professional technical institutions, in accordance with their field of action and in accordance with the law, may, among other aspects, create and modify their statutes;
That according to the provisions of paragraph d), article 32 of Agreement 005 of 2011 - General Statute-, it is the function of the Superior Council to issue and reform the regulations, student, teaching, university welfare, and other regulations that are required for the good institutional progress, prior favorable concept of the Assembly of Founders;
That UNINAVARRA, through its University Educational Project (PEU) -Agreement 006 of 2010-, provides that it may approve and implement academic programs in professions or disciplines and programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels;
Additionally, the University Educational Project (PEU) provides that the student of UNINAVARRA is the builder of their training process as part of their individual life plan, is an integral being in the process of development related to their environment in an expectant way creating and applying knowledge and developing worldviews based on values. As a learning subject, he/she must lead his/her training process responsibly, strengthening his/her personal and professional competencies and skills by participating and working together with his/her peers;
That likewise, the PEU recognizes as an active student of UNINAVARRA those who have been admitted to graduate programs, fulfilling the requirements and duties defined by the Institution and are duly enrolled. This quality will only be lost or suspended in the cases specifically established in the institutional rules;
That it is necessary to regulate the postgraduate programs at UNINAVARRA, in order to establish the rules that will regulate the relationship of students with the Institution once they start operating;
That the Research and Social Projection Group DIALOGOS of UNINAVARRA, prepared and delivered this draft Agreement to the Academic Council, so that through it and prior endorsement it may be presented to the Superior Council as the competent body for its approval;
That one of the objectives of the present norm is to strengthen the institutional Lines of Research, and of each one of the Faculties that are part of the organic structure of UNINAVARRA;
That the Academic Council in ordinary session dated March 25, 2015, determined to endorse the draft regulation of graduate programs and continue with its processing before the Superior Council;
That the Superior Council in extraordinary session on March 30, 2015, according to Act No. 002, after analyzing the draft Agreement by which the postgraduate programs in this House of Studies are regulated, decided to approve it;
In view of the foregoing;
ARTICLE 1°. MISSION. We are a university community of knowledge generation that with a business and social vision and under the principles of academic excellence, deepens in autonomous learning, production and application of knowledge for the integral formation of Colombians, qualifying them for the exercise of professional, research and social projection activities being an actor in the scientific, cultural, economic, political and ethical development at local and regional level with international vision.
ARTICLE 2°. VISION. UNINAVARRA in 2020 will be recognized as an efficient and humane Higher Education Institution, consolidated in the region and articulated with national and foreign institutions, leader in the qualification of professionals trained and linked to the real sector. Our academic programs will be recognized as high quality programs and distinguished by their academic and scientific level at the service of the community with social responsibility.
ARTICLE 3. Postgraduate programs will be attached to the Faculties and articulated to the School of Postgraduate and Extension of UNINAVARRA; designed, organized and executed within the framework of national and institutional regulations and regulated by the Superior Council.
ARTICLE 4. UNINAVARRA's postgraduate programs allow the construction of knowledge, its socialization and the formation of human talent, capable of enriching the cultural and material development of the region and the country.
ARTICLE 5. Research, social projection and extension, conceptual deepening and training are the basic principles of the Institution's graduate programs, understood as a continuous and systematic process oriented to the generation of scientific, technical, humanistic or artistic knowledge.
The concept of knowledge is expanded beyond its exclusive significance linked to the rigor of the mathematical accuracy of the phenomenon under investigation and encompasses the conceptual and argumentative rigor of its discussions, the interpretative value they generate and the quality of the works and services that are created to improve the living conditions of society.
Research and social projection are fundamental in UNINAVARRA's Graduate Programs. It is accepted that the concepts of research and social projection have different connotations, criteria and requirements according to their development in different areas of knowledge.
ARTICLE 6. The Graduate Programs will promote different forms of knowledge production with an open attitude that will allow research and social projection groups and the academic community to interact with regional, national and international scientific cooperation networks.
ARTICLE 7. Postgraduate programs will ensure comprehensive training, stimulate research, social projection and conceptual deepening, creating conditions conducive to the advancement of knowledge and disciplines with a view to the development of the social mission.
ARTICLE 8. The Postgraduate Programs have the following objectives:
- To develop research in the sciences, arts and technology.
- To train professionals in the different areas of
- To carry out advisory, outreach and educational activities
- Promote and strengthen the development of research lines of the Institution and the Faculties.
ARTICLE 9. The Superior Council is responsible for the creation of Postgraduate Programs, subject to the approval of the Academic Council, the Postgraduate and Extension School and the Faculty Council, and the economic and technical feasibility of the Financial and Planning areas.
ARTICLE 10. For the creation of a Postgraduate Program, three distinct and interrelated moments are recognized:
- Registration in the Institutional Development Plan
- Elaboration and formalization of the
- Endorsements and Approval.
ARTICLE 11. The Postgraduate proposal must be included in the Institutional Development Plan and in the Action Plan of the Faculty to which it will be attached.
ARTICLE 12. The proposal must be elaborated and presented by one or several Research or Social Projection Groups, with the support of the Graduate and Extension School, based on UNINAVARRA's Development Plan and articulated to the research lines of the Institution and the Faculty.
The proposal must comply with the parameters established in the norms issued by the Ministry of National Education and by the Institution.
ARTICLE 13. The approval and creation of the Graduate program requires:
- Faculty Council Endorsement
- Endorsement of the Graduate School and Extension.
- Economic and technical feasibility study by the Planning and Financial areas.
- Endorsement by the Academic Council.
- Approval and creation by the Board
ARTICLE 14. The study plans of the Postgraduate Programs and the programmatic contents that comprise it, will be developed in academic periods, according to the training objectives, organized in courses, seminars, modules, rotations, internships, thematic and problematic cores.
ARTICLE 15. The academic work of the students of the Graduate Programs at UNINAVARRA will be measured in credits.
The number of credits of the study plan will be specified in the Agreement of creation of the Program.
ARTICLE 16. <Article currently modified by Article 1° of the Agreement 005 April 27, 2023 - Note: initially modified by the Agreement 010 December 15, 2017, now repealed.-. The new text is as follows:> The curricula will define the research component, its form of evaluation and its relation to the degree.
In order to obtain the title of Specialist, in addition to the requirements established in these regulations, the student must develop and present a written paper or a graduate work.
The writings or works defined in these regulations are:
- Construction of a research project approved by CIINA's Ethics/Bioethics and Scientific Committee for Research and Innovation.
- Scientific articles submitted for publication as results of research projects in progress at UNINAVARRA and in accordance with the postgraduate course he/she is pursuing.
In order to be eligible for the Master's degree, in addition to the requirements established in these regulations, the student must develop and present a written paper or a thesis.
The writings or works defined in these regulations are:
- Dissertation for in-depth Master's Degrees: The degree work of the masters in depth must be directed to the study of primary and secondary cases, to the solution of a specific problem or to the analysis of a specific disciplinary situation where it will demonstrate the appropriation of knowledge and the improvement of innovative competencies to solve disciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary or professional problems, which induce the improvement and quality of professional work.
- Thesis for Research Master's Degrees: The research master's degree work consists of carrying out complete research activities, beginning with the formulation of the project and ending with the socialization of the results, which must be distinguished by the methodological rigor and by the theoretical and/or disciplinary foundation of the corresponding field of knowledge. It will prove the strengthening of scientific, creative and innovative competences of the researcher(s). It is expected that the results of the degree work favor the formulation of future research projects and contribute new knowledge in the area of knowledge.
The writings and papers must be articulated with the lines of research of the Institution and the Faculties and their topics must allude to the problematic of the corresponding postgraduate knowledge, using methodologies recognized by the academic community, including a review of the state of the art -national and international- in the subject of study, the formulation of hypotheses and the proposal of possible solutions.
It must be an original paper supported by a sufficient bibliography on the topic of study prepared by one (1) student or a maximum of two (2) students.
PARAGRAPH 1. In the case of Medical and Surgical Specializations, students must complete the degree work required to opt for the title of research masters.
PARAGRAPH 2. Each Faculty Council shall regulate the Elaboration, Presentation and Approval of Writings and Works to opt for the title of Graduate programs attached to the Faculty, after a favorable opinion of the Ethics/Bioethics and Scientific Committee of Research and Innovation of CIINA.
ARTICLE 17°. The Graduate programs are articulated to the academic and administrative system of UNINAVARRA, under the following interdependence:
- Rectory.
- Research Unit.
- Social Projection and Extension Unit.
- Graduate School and Extension
- Faculty made up of:
- - Dean.
- - Program Coordinator
- - Extension Program Coordinator
- - Curriculum Committee by Program of
ARTICLE 18. Every Postgraduate program will be linked to the Faculty where the Research Group or Groups presenting the proposal is attached. When two or more groups from different faculties are involved, the graduate program will be linked to the faculty that these groups, with the intervention of the Deans, decide.
ARTICLE 19º. The Coordinator per Postgraduate Program will depend on the Faculty to which the Training Program belongs.
The activities of Coordination of a Graduate Program will be assigned by the Chair to the Academic Agenda of a full-time faculty member up to ten (10) hours per week, or to a professional or faculty member as an activity independent of the Agenda.
If the Coordination is not exercised by a permanent faculty member as an activity included in his/her Academic Agenda, it will be charged to the budget of the Graduate Program.
ARTICLE 20°. The functions of the Coordinator of a Postgraduate Program are the following:
- Comply with the academic and administrative policies set by the School and the Rector's Office.
- Recommending and suggesting to the Faculty proposals that contribute to the development and improvement of studies in
- Convene ordinary or extraordinary meetings and preside over the Curriculum Committee of the
- Attend and resolve the petition rights, queries, complaints and claims filed before UNINAVARRA on aspects of the Graduate Program under its responsibility.
- Elaborate, present and support before the Faculty Council the academic programs with their respective budgets, calendars and adjustments previously endorsed by the Program Curriculum Committee, one month before the beginning of the corresponding academic period.
- Propose and socialize before the Program Curriculum Committee and the Faculty Council the updates and modifications to the Study Plan and the programmatic contents of courses and seminars.
- To provide academic and administrative guidance to teachers and students of
- Submit to the Graduate Program Curriculum Committee, for its approval, the resumes of the external faculty members of the Graduate Program.
- Execute the administrative, academic and logistical processes required by the postgraduate program with the support of the Faculty and the School.
- Execute the process and schedule for the selection and admission of students, established by the Board of Directors.
- Organize and execute, within the framework of institutional and national regulations, the permanent self-evaluation of the graduate program that will allow access to the processes of renewal of qualified registration and accreditation of the program.
- Appoint the directors of dissertations or theses taking into account the suggestion of the
- Conceptualize and submit the corresponding documentation to the Faculty Council on the full compliance with the requirements for the degree of the students.
- Submit to the Program Curriculum Committee, the Faculty Council and the School an academic, administrative and financial report of the graduate program at the end of each academic period.
ARTICLE 21. To be Coordinator of a Graduate Program, it is required:
- Possess a graduate degree equal to or higher than the one offered, officially recognized and related to the area of training of the candidate.
- Have a minimum of two years of professional or research experience certified by an entity
- Have administrative skills.
ARTICLE 22. Every Graduate Program shall have a Curriculum Committee composed of:
- The Dean or his delegate
- The Coordinator of the Graduate Program, who will preside over it.
- A representative of the teachers assigned to the Program designated by them.
- One active student, a student representative designated by the student body itself
ARTICLE 23º. The functions of the Curricular Committee of the Graduate Program are as follows.
- To formulate and propose to UNINAVARRA specific policies and standards on the programs of
- Give an opinion on the curricular reform proposals presented by the Coordinator of the program of the
- Analyze and endorse the academic programs with their respective budgets, calendars and adjustments prepared and socialized by the Graduate Program Coordinator and then submit them to the Faculty Council.
- Advise and support the Graduate Program Coordinator in the development of the permanent self-evaluation process required by the program.
- Drawing up improvement plans based on the self-evaluation processes of the
- To give an opinion on the continuity, modification, suspension and suppression of the Graduate program before the Faculty Council.
- Define the process and schedule for the selection and admission of students according to the criteria established in the graduate program.
- Any others established in these regulations.
ARTICLE 24. Teachers of UNINAVARRA's Graduate Programs may be internal or external. Internal are those who are linked to the Institution in any of the modalities established in the internal regulations. External are those teachers who are not linked to UNINAVARRA.
ARTICLE 25. In order to be a professor of Graduate Programs, it is required to have a graduate level equal to or higher than the one offered in the Graduate Program, a minimum of 2 years of university teaching experience and a minimum of 5 years of professional experience.
When the faculty applicant does not meet the above requirements, the case will be presented by the Program Coordinator to the Faculty Council, which will make a reasoned decision on his/her appointment.
ARTICLE 26. In the case of internal teachers, academic activities in Graduate Programs may be included in their academic programming agenda.
Academic activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Teaching - Development of courses, seminars, modules, rotations, internships, thematic and problematic cores.
- Advising in writing or degree works (Essays, Dissertations, Preliminary research projects and publishable articles).
- Thesis and Dissertation Direction
- Jury
ARTICLE 27. The recognition of teaching fees for external professors and for interns who do not have this activity included in their academic agenda, will be made per teaching hour in accordance with the regulations issued by the Superior Council.
Note: Article regulated by the Superior Council through Agreement 004 of March 30, 2015.
ARTICLE 28. <Article modified by Article 1° of the Agreement 019 on November 09, 2022. The new text is as follows:> Those who aspire to be students of Graduate Programs at UNINAVARRA, must enroll in the respective program, accredit the university degree required in each of them and comply with the other requirements defined for admission by the program and the Institution.
PARAGRAPH ONE. A Graduate Student is a student who, once the requirements have been met, is admitted to a program of his/her own or in agreement with another Higher Education Institution and enrolls in UNINAVARRA.
PARAGRAPH TWO. In the event that the applicant does not have at the time of registration, admission and enrollment with the undergraduate degree, he/she may participate in the process by providing the legal act or its equivalent, issued by the competent authority of the Higher Education Institution, stating the date on which he/she will obtain his/her degree, which in no way may exceed two months following the start of classes of the academic period in which he/she was admitted, Therefore, such term shall be the maximum term allowed to submit the diploma or degree certificate stating the date of obtaining the professional degree, after which, if the documentation has not been completed, the enrollment shall be automatically cancelled, in which case, there shall be no refund of the fees paid for such concept.
ARTICLE 29. The Graduate Program Coordinator will report to the Admissions and Registration Unit, the list of admitted applicants for the opening of the respective academic record and compliance with other requirements.
ARTICLE 30. The respective Faculty Council will define the selection and admission criteria taking into account the characteristics established in the Educational Project of each program.
ARTICLE 31. It is the contract signed between UNINAVARRA and a natural person, in which the Institution commits to facilitate the Postgraduate education with the available resources and the student commits to comply with the obligations inherent to its quality.
ARTICLE 32. The enrollment process consists of three stages:
- Liquidation.
- Payment of fees
- Registration of
Enrollment must be renewed each academic period, according to the calendar established for each graduate program.
ARTICLE 33. A new student is considered to be an applicant who enrolls for the first time in a graduate program according to the Institution's regulations.
PARAGRAPH. All new students shall have the right to receive an induction during the first academic period and a digital copy of these Regulations.
ARTICLE 34. Students may cancel their academic period before the Admissions and Registration Unit until the last working day of the period, with the approval of the Graduate Program Coordinator. In no case will the tuition fee be refunded, unless the program is not offered by UNINAVARRA.
PARAGRAPH. The space will be reserved for the student for up to two academic periods.
ARTICLE 35. A re-entry student is a person who, after withdrawing from the graduate program, is authorized to re-enter after verifying, on behalf of the Coordinator, that he/she has not been withdrawn from the program for more than two academic periods.
The approval of the request for reinstatement will be subject to the scheduling of new cohorts of the Graduate program. When the student makes the request within two academic periods following his/her withdrawal, he/she will be able to re-enter once a new cohort is offered.
The credits taken and approved by the student will be recognized.
PARAGRAPH. The student who re-enters must follow the last study plan in force and it is the responsibility of the Graduate Curriculum Committee to carry out the necessary homologation study.
ARTICLE 36. When a person has been admitted to a Graduate Program, he/she may request a postponement of the academic period, within the enrollment period, to the Coordinator of the program.
To reserve a place, the applicant must pay 40% of the tuition fee at the date of application. At the moment of making the quota effective, the excess of the tuition corresponding to the value of the cohort will be cancelled.
ARTICLE 37. At the beginning of each academic period, the professor responsible for each of the courses of the graduate program must inform the students of the program content and provide them with the respective document.
ARTICLE 38. The homologation of credits will be carried out by the Curriculum Committee of each graduate program, for which the following requirements must be met:
- That there is correspondence with the current programmatic content of each of the credits included in the syllabus of the Postgraduate program of
- The student must have obtained a minimum grade of three point five (3.5) out of five point zero (5.0), in the credit to be homologated in the Program of In the event that the evaluation is qualitative, it must be demonstrated with the appropriate document issued by the Institution where it is stated that the grade is satisfactory in accordance with the parameters established by the Institution.
- To pay the corresponding pecuniary fees, as established by the Board.
ARTICLE 39. For the purposes of academic programming, the credits of the study plans will be:
- Regular: Set of academic activities expressed in academic credits and that are developed in the times defined as normal within the program's calendar.
- Directed: Set of academic activities that the Graduate Program Curriculum Committee authorizes, prior economic viability of the Financial area, to one or more students of the program, under the guidance of one or more professors linked to the Institution.
These courses keep the number of credits, program content and evaluation system of the regular courses and may be offered when they are not scheduled in the academic calendar of the program. The student or students who take these courses will pay the fees defined by the Financial Department.
ARTICLE 40. Graduate program student academic performance evaluations will be qualitative and quantitative.
PARAGRAPH 1. The qualitative grade will be expressed with a consideration, judgment or decision in terms of APPROVED (A), NOT APPROVED (NA). Qualitatively graded credits or curricular activities count as grade requirements but do not affect quantitative grade point averages.
For purposes of the equivalences between qualitative and quantitative qualifications, the following will be taken into account:
- Pass: 5 - 5.0, the student achieved the expected learning outcomes of the course. His/her academic results are those required to pass the course.
- Not Passed: 0.0 - 3.4, the student did not achieve the expected learning outcomes in the course. His results show deficiencies in the learning process.
PARAGRAPH 2. Quantitative grades are composed of an integer and a decimal in a numerical scale from zero point zero (0.0) to five point zero (5.0). When grading results in more than one decimal place, the following procedure will be followed with the hundredths: from 5 to 9, it will be approximated to the next higher tenth, and in the case of less than 5, it will be approximated to the lower tenth.
PARAGRAPH 3. The minimum passing grade will be three point five (3.5).
ARTICLE 41. <Article modified by Article 2° of the Agreement 005 April 27, 2023. The new text is as follows:> When a graduate student obtains a final grade in a course of one or more credits or curricular activity lower than 3.5 or NA (not approved), he/she will have the obligation to retake the course in its entirety. In this case, the student must pay the full tuition fee.
ARTICLE 42. A deferred evaluation is considered as that which is practiced in replacement of a regular or directed credit evaluation.
PARAGRAPH. The deferred evaluation must be requested by the student through a petition submitted to the Program Coordinator within three (3) working days following the regular examination.
The Coordinator will resolve the request within the following three (3) working days. If the request is accepted, he/she will inform the teacher in charge of the evaluation about the date, time and place of the evaluation.
When the answer is negative, the student may request reconsideration of the decision before the Graduate Curriculum Committee. Once this procedure has been exhausted, the final grade for the academic activity will be zero point zero (0.0).
The monetary fees for the deferred evaluation shall be as defined by the Institution.
ARTICLE 43. The student who wishes to make a complaint about grades, must write to the teacher of the course in the first instance, within 3 working days following the date of publication of the grades objected, who will have 8 working days to resolve the objection.
If the student disagrees with the grade revision, he/she must write to the Program Coordinator within 3 working days from the date of notification of the revision, who will designate a second grader within 3 working days from the date of knowledge of the fact.
The second grader to report his/her evaluation will have a period of 8 working days. The final grade will be the arithmetic average of the grades given by the course professor during the review and the second grader's grade.
ARTICLE 44. Only in case of arithmetic error, teachers may make changes in the final grades of credits or curricular activities. The grade change must be authorized by the Program Coordinator.
PARAGRAPH. The Program Coordinator may only authorize the correction of grades up to 30 days after the beginning of the academic activities of the following period.
ARTICLE 45. For purposes of certificates and transcripts, these will be issued by the Admissions and Registration Unit of the Institution.
PARAGRAPH 1. The Institution will provide academic information about the student to other persons or entities, only when the student expressly requests or authorizes it, or by order of a competent authority.
PARAGRAPH 2. Disciplinary remarks will not be included on transcripts for external use.
ARTICLE 46. In order to maintain student status in a UNINAVARRA Graduate Program, the weighted average that the student must maintain must be equal to or higher than three point five (3.5).
ARTICLE 47. In the event that a student obtains, in an academic period, a weighted average lower than three point five (3.5), he/she will be suspended from the program for one (1) regular academic period.
Approval of the application for reinstatement will be subject to the scheduling of new cohorts of the Graduate program.
PARAGRAPH: If in the academic period of re-entry the student again obtains a weighted average in credits lower than three point five (3.5), he/she will be withdrawn from the program.
ARTICLE 48. The deadline for obtaining the postgraduate degree upon completion of the study plan will be as follows:
For the Specialization, the student will have one (1) year to graduate, counted from the date that registers the completion of the study plan.
For the Master's Degree, the student will have two (2) years to graduate, counted from the date that registers the completion of the study plan, during the indicated term, the student must present and support the degree work.
If upon expiration of these terms the student has not graduated, he/she may, within the following year, express his/her interest to do so before the Graduate Curriculum Committee, which may grant him/her an additional term of one (1) year to obtain his/her degree, counted from the authorization. The student's request must be resolved within ten (10) days after it is filed.
Within this additional year, the student must pass the leveling course determined by the Curriculum Committee and meet the degree requirements. Upon expiration of this second term without obtaining the respective degree, the student must restart the program to obtain the degree.
PARAGRAPH. During the years in which the student develops his/her degree work, he/she must pay the financial fees defined by the Institution for the purpose of counseling and use of the infrastructure.
ARTICLE 49. UNINAVARRA will confer the Graduate Degree to students with current enrollment in the corresponding programs and who meet the following requirements:
- To have completed and approved the entire curriculum and other academic training and research activities contemplated for the
- Have obtained a weighted grade point average of not less than 3.5.
- To pay the degree fees established by the Institution.
- Be in good standing for all concepts with
- Certification issued by the Council of the Faculty where the Graduate program is assigned, where the review and approval of the proceedings for
ARTICLE 50. UNINAVARRA will hold graduation ceremonies on the dates determined by the Academic Council.
PARAGRAPH. Students who do not wish to graduate in the graduation ceremonies established by the Academic Council, may submit a request for a private ceremony to the Faculty Council, upon payment of the respective fees defined by the Institution.
ARTICLE 51. The following are distinctions recognized by UNINAVARRA for students of the Graduate programs who stand out for their academic performance:
- Merit recognition for high impact research, endorsed by internal or external peers.
- Publication of their research work, subject to compliance with the requirements established by Editorial UNINAVARRA.
- Publication of articles in institutional journals, subject to compliance with the requirements established by the Editorial Committee of the Journal.
ARTICLE 52. Graduate program students will have the right to:
- Benefit from the prerogatives derived from the Political Constitution, the Laws, the General Bylaws and other rules of the Company.
- To elect and be elected to represent his or her group in the different collegiate bodies of the Institution, in accordance with the internal regulations on the
The student representation will be for periods not exceeding the duration of the program and during the representation they must maintain their student status.
ARTICLE 53. The following are duties of Graduate students:
- Comply with the obligations derived from the Political Constitution, the Laws, the General Bylaws, these Regulations and other internal rules of the Company.
- Comply with the obligations inherent to its quality of
- Treat authorities, teachers, fellow students and other members of the community with respect.
ARTICLE 54. In harmony with the general principles of the Institution, the disciplinary regime will be aimed at preventing, correcting and sanctioning conduct contrary to university life.
Conduct contrary to institutional life is conduct that violates the Political Constitution, the Law, and the internal rules of UNINAVARRA.
ARTICLE 55. UNINAVARRA is the holder of the disciplinary action against graduate students. The Faculty Council to which the student belongs is the competent body to receive and process, in the first instance, the complaints or denunciations made against its students and it is up to it to decide whether or not a complaint merits the initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
PARAGRAPH 1. When the alleged misconduct is derived from facts in which students assigned to several graduate programs of different faculties have participated, a single disciplinary process will be carried out and will be the responsibility of the Academic Council or whoever it may designate.
PARAGRAPH 2. Disciplinary action is initiated by complaint or ex officio by UNINAVARRA, by public notoriety or by any other means that merits credibility.
ARTICLE 56. The statute of limitations for disciplinary actions is three (3) years, counted, for instantaneous misconduct, from the day of its consummation and for permanent or continuous misconduct, from the performance of the last act. When there are several conducts investigated in a single process, the statute of limitations of actions is fulfilled independently for each one of them.
ARTICLE 57. The conducts considered relevant for the application of the rules established in this chapter of the Regulations are those occurring in UNINAVARRA facilities, practice sites, extramural practices and all those places where the Institution develops outreach and social projection programs.
ARTICLE 58. In any of the cases of academic or disciplinary misconduct, before initiating a disciplinary process, the competent university authority must seek a peaceful way to resolve the conflict generated as a result of the infraction. In this way, it must resort to any of the following mechanisms:
- Mediation
- Conciliation.
PARAGRAPH. The Academic Council will regulate this requirement.
ARTICLE 59. The person who engages in the conduct is exempt from disciplinary liability:
- Force majeure or case of
- For strict compliance with a constitutional or legal duty of greater importance than the one sacrificed.
- Due to insurmountable coercion or fear of others
ARTICLE 60. The following principles apply to disciplinary proceedings:
- DUE PROCESS. The student must be investigated by a competent body, with observance of the procedures established in these regulations and has the right to defense and contradiction.
- The student is only investigated and disciplinarily sanctioned for behaviors that are described as misconduct in the cases foreseen by this regulation.
- PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. The student to whom a disciplinary offense is attributed is presumed innocent until his or her responsibility is declared in the respective process.
- The competent body must informally initiate the disciplinary action and strictly comply with the terms set forth in these regulations.
- DOUBLE INSTANCE. Against any decision that imposes a disciplinary sanction against a student, an appeal for reconsideration and appeal may be lodged, in accordance with the provisions of this article.
ARTICLE 61. It constitutes a disciplinary offense and therefore gives rise to action and imposition of the corresponding sanction, the incursion in behaviors foreseen in these regulations that entail the breach of duties or the excess in the exercise of rights, which have harmful effects on the coexistence and trust of the university community, the principles and the development of the objectives of the Institution.
ARTICLE 62. Conduct that violates academic order:
- Proceeding with fraud or attempted fraud in academic research, training and projection activities.
- Impersonation.
- The material or ideological falsehood or adulteration in the qualifications or
- Any act of fraud or attempted fraud in the examinations or in any other test.
For the purposes of this article, evaluation is understood to mean from the preparation of the subject to the final review of the test.
ARTICLE 63. These are behaviors that violate the disciplinary order:
- Failure to comply with any of the duties of the
- Any violation of academic freedom and freedom of association.
- The organization of associations contrary to the law or to the purposes of UNINAVARRA.
- The participation in disorders that undermine the prestige of
- Any violation of the legal property of any member of the community
- Any act tending to prevent the execution of the regulation, or the orders of the authorities of
- Presenting oneself to the Institution in a state of drunkenness or drug addiction.
- The performance of acts of immorality or perversion on the premises of
- The falsification of seals or documents that he/she intends to assert in the Institution, even if it is innocuous.
- Any act of intimidation against any person or any cause on UNINAVARRA premises.
- Any act of sabotage to any activity
- Trafficking or carrying drugs, narcotics, weapons, explosives or any other element that allows presuming its use against the life or physical integrity of the users, or to damage or destroy UNINAVARRA's property.
- Any damage to the property of the Fundación Universitaria Navarra or its use.
- Writings containing grotesque, denigrating, denigrating, infamous or threatening allusions against the university community or the Institution.
ARTICLE 64. Disciplinary offenses for purposes of punishment shall be: minor, serious and very serious, according to their nature, their effects, the modalities and circumstances of the act, the determining motives and the personal background of the offender.
The following aspects will be taken into account for grading:
- The degree of culpability.
- The nature of the fault and its effects, assessed according to the damage caused and its dissemination.
- The modalities and circumstances in which the offense was committed are assessed according to the degree of participation and the existence of aggravating or mitigating circumstances or the number of offenses under investigation.
- The determining motives are assessed according to whether the motives were noble or futile, or noble and altruistic.
ARTICLE 65. The following are extenuating circumstances:
- Good conduct
- Acknowledge and confess fault in a timely manner and do not mislead.
- Attempt, at its own initiative, to repair the damage or compensate for the harm caused before the disciplinary process is initiated.
- To have acted from noble or altruistic motives.
ARTICLE 66. The following are considered aggravating circumstances:
- Recidivism in the commission of the
- To carry out the act with the complicity of other students or collaborators of
- Committing the offense by taking advantage of the trust placed in him/her by an employee or a Director of the Institution.
- Committing the offense to conceal
- Shying away from responsibility or attributing it to someone else or
- Having acted for ignoble or futile motives.
- Committing the offense with premeditation.
ARTICLE 67. The competent authority or body may impose on students, depending on the seriousness of the offense, one of the following sanctions:
- Written reprimand after the commission of minor offenses, which will be imposed by the Council of the Faculty to which the program is attached. It is a written warning to the student, with a copy to the academic history.
- Conditional enrollment for the commission of serious misconduct decreed by the Faculty Council. The decision will specify the duration of the sanction, which may not exceed one (1) academic period. Appealable before the Academic Council.
- Temporary cancellation of enrollment for serious misconduct imposed by the Faculty Council. The decision will specify the duration of the sanction, not less than a full academic period. Appealable to the Academic Council.
- Definitive cancellation of enrollment for the commission of serious misconduct imposed by the Faculty Council, subject to appeal before the Academic Council.
PARAGRAPH. The disciplinary actions defined in paragraph of article 55 of these regulations, which are known in the first instance by the Academic Council, the second instance will correspond to the Superior Council.
ARTICLE 68. Any disciplinary sanction applied shall be recorded in the academic record of the sanctioned person.
ARTICLE 69. The disciplinary action and the application of sanctions will be applicable even if the student has withdrawn from UNINAVARRA.
ARTICLE 70. The body responsible for the application of a sanction, having learned of the possible misconduct, shall issue a resolution initiating the disciplinary investigation if it deems it appropriate or, failing that, shall issue a resolution to close the case. In the first case, it shall summon, by the most effective means, the accused to hear his or her defense, within one month of the initiation of the action, and shall order the taking of evidence within the same period, after which it shall decide what is appropriate.
During the disciplinary process, the suspension of the right to opt for the degree of the graduate program may be ordered as a provisional measure. A written record shall be made of all the proceedings.
ARTICLE 71. Any decision of a particular nature must be notified to the interested party personally, within three (3) working days following the date of the decision.
When it is not possible to give personal notification within the term indicated, it will be done by posting a copy of the Resolution on the bulletin boards of the respective academic-administrative unit, where it will remain posted for three (3) working days, of which the respective record will be left. After three (3) days, the notification will be understood to have been served.
The text of any notification shall indicate the legal remedies available against the decisions in question, the bodies before which they may be filed and the time limits for filing them.
ARTICLE 72. All decisions shall become final five (5) working days after being notified when there are no appeals, or when the terms have expired without any appeals having been filed.
ARTICLE 73. Unless otherwise provided, any decision of a particular nature is subject to the remedies of reconsideration and appeal, the purpose of which is for the body that made the decision or its superior, respectively, to study the matter decided in order to confirm, revoke or reform it. They must be filed in writing, stating the reasons that support them. In no case may the decision for each appeal exceed one (1) month.
ARTICLE 74. Undergraduate students of UNINAVARRA, who opt for the undergraduate course of deepening, may be recognized as academic credits in one of the postgraduate courses offered by UNINAVARRA, after admission to it, according to paragraph b), Article 54 of Agreement 003 of 2010 -Student Regulations-, and in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty Councils.
ARTICLE 75. The medical-surgical specializations of the Faculty of Health Sciences of UNINAVARRA will be governed by the dispositions established by the Superior Council.
ARTICLE 76. The Academic Council shall evaluate the efficiency and application of these regulations and shall propose to the University Superior Council any necessary revisions or reforms.
ARTICLE 77. The Superior Council recognizes the authorship of the project of this Agreement to the Research and Social Projection Group DIALOGOS.
ARTICLE 78. This Agreement is effective as of the date of its publication and will be applied to its own graduate programs or those in agreement with other Higher Education Institutions, unless the agreement stipulates that the regulations of the Higher Education Institution will be applicable to the students.
Given in Neiva, on the thirtieth (30th) day of March of the year two thousand and fifteen (2015).
President Secretary
Note: Agreement compiled by the General Secretariat team, within the framework of the Innovation project "UNINAVARRA EFFICIENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT", based on the different institutional norms issued by the unipersonal and collegiate authorities according to their competence. Last update: June 01, 2023)