Human Resources UNINAVARRA You are CaPAZ
Coordinate with the Human Resources Unit continuing education plans for teachers and collaborators on issues of culture of peace and training as PEACE TEACHERS and TEACHERS OF PEACE. Similarly, include in all employment contracts the commitment to respect women's rights, prohibit any conduct of violence or sexual abuse of gender and the commitment to promote and create peaceful environments in the development of their activities.
Teachers of PEACE
The Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA, in accordance with its mission, vision and social responsibility, assumes the commitment to work for a culture of Peace, recognizing the difference, pluralism, equity and inclusion, in environments of participatory democracy. The Masters of Peace Diploma corresponds to one of the strategies defined by UNINAVARRA in the construction of a culture of Peace, to the extent that it is a scenario for learning, reflection and debate on Peace and its consolidation. For this purpose, it has a Peace Office, the Organizational Peace Culture System and an interdisciplinary team with wide recognition in Peace issues.
Assertive communication workshop for leaders
With the intention of enhancing the communication skills and human development of employees, the Human Talent Management and the Peace Office of our institution, within the framework of the Training Plan 2023, developed the assertive communication workshop for the leaders of UNINAVARRA.
Closure of the Masters of Peace diploma program
Committed to the construction of Peace and in accordance with its social responsibility, the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA, convinced of the urgent need for all of us to be protagonists in the effective achievement of a stable and lasting peace, opened an academic space around the study and knowledge on issues and pedagogies for peace, In this diploma course, participants had the opportunity to reflect on the new paradigms of peace education and practical tools of horizontal pedagogy and learning focused on the management of the culture of peace.