UNINAVARRA's LAW program interrelates the curricular contents with the areas of private law, public law, and promotes interaction with other areas of knowledge, within a modern, pertinent and attractive proposal, with emphasis on practical aspects and with an offer of selection, organization, structuring, distribution and evaluation of learning, which corresponds to the reality and needs of the Central South Amazon Region.
The curricular contents and learning outcomes developed by the Law Program at UNINAVARRA are oriented to train professionals in the generation and updating of knowledge and in the acquisition of essential skills to understand, from the interaction of various disciplines, the importance of their area of knowledge, without neglecting its humanistic nature, studying the conducts that generate legal responsibility in this area and the situations that create risks that threaten the welfare of human beings, with a preventive and conciliatory approach, making available to the student the regulations, jurisprudential analysis, comparative law and doctrine.
Applicant Profile
El aspirante del programa de Derecho en UNINAVARRA tendrá habilidades comunicativas para expresar los conceptos adquiridos en su formación académica, Tendrá claridad en su elección profesional. Bases éticas sólidas que se evidencian en su compromiso con la comunidad, la familia y el Estado
General entry profile and admission requirements
Admission to UNINAVARRA is free and voluntary by enrollment processes of applicants according to their vocation. Admission to UNINAVARRA is based on three profiles:
- Personal profile where personality traits of the applicants are evaluated to verify affinity with the entrance profile of each program.
- Intellectual profile where the degree of knowledge is evaluated and based on the State Aptitude and Knowledge Tests of the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education ICFES, minimum admission scores will be established for each program.
- Attitudinal profile determined in interview processes in which the Program Director will determine the affinity between the student and the formative requirements of the program.
Perfil del abogado y abogada de UNINAVARRA
The profile of the UNINAVARRA graduate is a conjunction of three fundamental elements for the development of the human being: personal, professional and occupational profile.
- As a person, the UNINAVARRA graduate is an integral human being, aware of his or her life project and sensitive to the problems of society, being an actor in its transformation.
- As a professional, he understands that everything he has learned in his training has a clear and specific utility in the development of his profession.
- On the occupational side, they are objectively and demonstrably qualified in a series of skills recognized by the productive sector and the institution.
El (la) egresado (a) es un crítico y propositivo, plantea soluciones a problemas específicos aplicando la ciencia y la técnica. Tiene plena consciencia de las implicaciones de su profesión y su visión ética se basa en la formación deontológica y la vivencia en el aula de clase. Procura entender los fenómenos sociales como acciones que guían los destinos de su comunidad, sobre los cuales debe tener una posición y una opinión que puede y debe ser escuchada.
Professional profile
Encuentra su fundamento en cuatro pilares institucionales:
- Theoretical and practical knowledge of the law.
- Su formación orientada al área del derecho privado.
- His skills in legal conflict management, orality and socio-legal research.
- Its sense of justice, equity and the founding values of the social rule of law and citizenship.
Occupational profile
The UNINAVARRA lawyer may work in the independent practice of law, as an advisor or consultant on legal issues, in private enterprise, in the public sector, in academia, as an official of the judicial branch, according to the skills and competencies developed within their academic training.
Innovation in the training of lawyers
Contamos con una organización de actividades académicas innovadoras que se articulan al Plan de Estudios y que fortalecen las habilidades y competencias de los futuros profesionales del derecho, se destacan algunas:
Why study law at UNINAVARRA?
- You will have skills in legal conflict management, orality and socio-legal research.
- Contarás con un equipo de profesores reconocidos por su formación académica y experiencia profesional (Magistrados, jueces, fiscales, litigantes).
- Te formarás en el aula y en los escenarios de simulación interdisciplinar como la sala de oralidad y la clínica de simulación.
- Contarás con opciones para realizar un semestre de intercambio académico fuera del país, gracias a los convenios de movilidad internacional (España, México, Estados Unidos, Chile, entre otros)
- You will learn to solve real problems from an interdisciplinary point of view, from the activities we carry out in the program.
Perfiles de profesores
Abogada, Especialista en Derecho Administrativo, en Instituciones Jurídico – Políticas, Magíster en Historia, Investigadora JUNIOR – MINCIENCIAS, Integrante del Grupo de Investigación DIÁLOGOS, actual Vicerrectora de la Fundación Universitaria Navarra -UNINAVARRA
Abogada, Especialista y Magíster en Derecho Médico. Candidata a Doctora en Derecho. Directora de Responsabilidad Médica Clínica Medilaser. Profesora del Programa de Derecho de UNINAVARRA.
Abogada, especialista en derecho constitucional y SIDH. Profesora del Programa de Derecho de UNINAVARRA.
Licenciado en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana, Abogado, Especialista en derecho constitucional, especialista en derecho probatorio, magíster en filosofía del derecho y teoría jurídica. Profesor del Programa de Derecho de UNINAVARRA
Abogado, especialista en ciencias administrativas y constitucionales, especialista en ciencias penales y criminológicas, magíster en ciencias penales y criminológicas, candidato a doctor en derecho. Profesor del Programa de Derecho de UNINAVARRA
Licenciado en teología, Abogado, especialista en derecho administrativo, Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Comunitario. Profesor del Programa de Derecho de UNINAVARRA
Internship Agreement
Currently, there are Academic Cooperation Framework Agreements and Cooperation Agreements for academic or professional internships with the following entities:
- Electrificadora del Huila
- Neiva Chamber of Commerce
- Friends Like Rice Foundation
- Flower Mills Huila
- Molinos Roa S.A.
- TDH S.A.
- Corporación Universitaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de Colombia
- Regional Autonomous Corporation of Alto Magdalena - CAM