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Title awarded:   Oral Litigation Specialist
SNIES Code  110581
Qualified Registration:  Resolution n.º 014642 of August 12, 2021 of the MEN, validity: 7 years.
Duration of the Program:  2 semesters
Number of academic credits:  29
The program is attached:  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Academic Level:  Postgraduate
Level of training:  University Specialization
Methodology:  On-site
Location:  Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Periodicity of admission:  Semiannual
Contacts:  +57 317 514 1730 - 8740089 - 8722049 - 8711199

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    Presentation of the program


    The Specialization in Oral Litigation is a program of the highest academic quality and social impact, its construction has been thought from the needs and difficulties to which the future specialist will have to give answers; starting from a current and relevant curricular design, which develops a dynamic vision of procedural law with emphasis on orality as the new trend of modern law.

    Who is the target audience?

    Lawyers, litigants, legal operators such as magistrates, judges, prosecutors, attorneys, public defenders, family defenders, public defenders and other officials who wish to learn more about strategic oral litigation techniques applicable to law.

    Lawyer listening to the judge in the court room

    The specialist in Oral Litigation will be a professional with a humanistic, political, ethical and conciliatory background. He/she will be an enterprising lawyer with legal knowledge, negotiation techniques and communication and argumentative skills, with knowledge of national and international oral procedures and handling of evidence that will allow him/her to act in extrajudicial, judicial or administrative hearings, through the use of formulas aimed at solving the legal problems of the region and the country.

    The specialist in Oral Litigation finds many fields of action as an independent professional or linked to a public or private entity. Specialists in Oral Litigation will have the necessary skills to work as advisors, consultants, conciliators or arbitrators, litigants, prosecutors, judges or magistrates, prosecutors, administrative officials with competence to advance judicial, administrative or inter-American and international processes, as well as to develop teaching or research work in related topics.

    Why study the Specialization in Oral Litigation at UNINAVARRRA?

     UNINAVARRA's Postgraduate Program in Oral Litigation is distinguished by the innovation of the systematic teaching of oral skills for the exercise of the new law and its diverse contexts, such as the intervention before Courts, Tribunals and Prosecutor's Offices, Attorney General's Offices, Comptroller's Offices and other public or private entities where justice is administered.

    The Specialization in Oral Litigation of the Navarra University Foundation guarantees the student an own space for academic practices, called the laboratory of the Oral Trial Room of UNINAVARRA, which has technological and technical characteristics at the forefront of the courtrooms used in the different trial scenarios in the country, which allows the participant to appropriate the use of the different techniques of the Oral Trial.

    The object of study itself is considered a distinctive and novel factor, consistent with the rigor and depth of the contents and innovative methodologies used in the oratory laboratory of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University Foundation of Navarra - UNINAVARRA. Oratory as a skill should be focused on knowledge and techniques necessary for the active intervention of the future specialist in all judicial or administrative contexts, since, with the passage from scripturality to orality, oratory becomes important to the extent that it allows the jurist the oral presentation required in the legal praxis, overcoming the failures that have been presented concerning the mechanical reduction of reading texts in the hearings (lecturality).

    imagen referencia litigación oral