As UNINAVARRA is a knowledge-generating organization and specifically a Higher Education Institution (HEI), academic innovation becomes the center of the process. It is approached from the processes associated with training, scientific, technical and research production, this approach within the MIAAU is then aligned with the concept of academic innovation.

In order to give fulfillment and sustainability to academic innovation, UNINAVARRA defines a main objective with which it will guarantee this dynamic and continuous process throughout life, in favor of quality education, that is, to create an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary simulated learning environment for the strengthening of competencies, abilities and skills of undergraduate and graduate students, in the practical training stage, allowing the transformation of teaching, curriculum and evaluation.


UNINAVARRA creates an Institutional Innovation Policy, applied to the two Macroprocesses that lead the Academic and Administrative Innovation Model of UNINAVARRA - MIAAU, characterized by the creativity and motivation of human talent, to contribute from their processes, the initiatives that will lead to the transformation of the UNINAVARRA's processes. implementation of differentiating factors in its mission functions. Likewise, it is supported by the inclusion of the didactic technique of Learning Based on Challenges - ABR, as a strategy for the promotion of the innovation model, consequently, defining the strategic subjects in which interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning is developed in simulated learning environments, strengthening of external practices. and subjects in general, which make up the curricula of its undergraduate and graduate programs.



The Navarra University Foundation UNINAVARRA, since its conception, has been established as a: "University Community of knowledge generation that deepens in autonomous learning, production and application of qualified knowledge for the exercise of professional, research and social service activities being an actor in the scientific, cultural, economic, political and ethical development at local and regional level with international, business and social vision under the principles of academic excellence". This allows its constant relationship with the environment and its commitment to development, based on three policies duly established in the University Educational Project, PEU - Agreement 006 issued by the Superior Council on November 9, 2010 -, Policy of Extension and social interaction, Policy of relationship with the community and Policy of Relationship with the business sector.


Based on the premise that education is a right for all, UNINAVARRA considers that it should be part of the development and evolution of every human being, for this reason, its vision is directed towards learning at any time of life and in any scenario that may occur, according to the needs of the individual or by choice, as a life project. The day to day becomes a constant learning process that helps to improve the quality of life; this is how the objective of lifelong learning is being strengthened, which is immersed in the axis of intervention UNINAVARRA MAYOR. It is aimed at adults over 60 years of age and seeks to generate spaces for continuing education.

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