Ana Gascón Catalán (Spain)

Degree and PhD in Medicine and Surgery. Professor of the Department of Physiatry and Nursing at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She has worked as a researcher at the Genetics Laboratory of the Miguel Servet University Hospital (Zaragoza), at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza, at the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of the Institut de Recherches Scientifiques sur le Cancer (CNRS) in Villejuif (France) and at The Burnham Institute in La Jolla, USA. She has held management positions at the university as Director of Academic Planning. Currently, she is the coordinator of the Master in Social Gerontology. Author of communications to conferences, scientific articles and book chapters in the field of health and university teaching.

Mercedes Ruidíaz Peña (Spain)

Organization: University of Zaragoza. Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences. Department: Physiatry and Nursing. Academic Background: Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Zaragoza in 1986, specialization: code (UNESCO): 3207 13/2407. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, 1996 and Master in Public Health, 2015. Current professional status: Professor in the Nursing Degree at the University of Zaragoza, from 1990 to the present. Research activity: I have participated in research projects at regional and national level and I have publications in cell biology and indexed articles on cancer. Teaching activity: I have taught basic training subjects, such as Human Anatomy, First Aid, Medical Microbiology and General and Descriptive Physiology; I have carried out several teaching innovation projects. In university management: I have held unipersonal positions in the Department of
Physiatry and Nursing, as well as I have participated in several Commissions of the University of Zaragoza.

Miguel Ángel Castro Rosas (Peru)

Fishing engineer from San Luis Gonzaga de Ica University, Master in Business Administration from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, who enjoys contributing his experience in the development of the microalgae economy in Peru. Founder and current director of Inti Pacha, a project that seeks to promote the consumption, commercialization and production of spirulina microalgae in Peru.

Miguel Zamir Torres Ibargüen (Colombia)

Surgeon from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, specialist in Epidemiology from Universidad de los Llanos, Specialist in applied statistics from Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores, Master in Public Health from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is currently the Coordinator of the Research Support and Follow-up Group of the National Cancer Institute.

Conrado Moreno Figueredo (Cuba)

D. in Technical Sciences from the Polytechnic University of Poznan, Poland. Master in Energy Processes from the University of Waterloo, Canada and Faculty of Technology of the University of Havana, Cuba. Specialist in Fluid Mechanics from the Polytechnic University of Poznan, Poland. Chemical Engineer from the Faculty of Technology of the University of Havana, Cuba. He has done research in the field of energy, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Currently, full professor at the Center for the Study of Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER) and the Higher Polytechnic Institute José A. Echeverría (CUJAE). He was a member of the group that carried out the first wind prospecting work in Cuba in 1991, which gave an important impulse for wind energy to be currently considered among the country's potential energy sources. He led the group of Cuban specialists who built the first wind turbine of more than 1 kW (10 kW) connected to the electrical grid in 1999 in Cabo Cruz, Granma. For these and other results he received the Academy of Sciences Award in 2001. He has worked in countries such as Denmark, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Nicaragua, Ecuador.

Gustavo Buitrago Hurtado (Colombia)

Professor Gustavo Buitrago Hurtado is a chemical engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (1979, thesis "Experimental study of a continuous microbial fermentation") and Master in Environmental Engineering (1988, thesis "Evaluation of the treatment of coffee pulp by solid state fermentation").

Retired professor of the National University of Colombia, linked to the Institute of Biotechnology (IBUN), of which he was co-founder and director. He is leader of the Research Group on the Study of Yam. He was also national director of Extension, Innovation and Intellectual Property of the National University of Colombia from May 10, 2018 to January 15, 2020.

Luz Marina Clavijo Álvarez (Colombia)

Nurse from Universidad de los Llanos, specialist in health services auditing from Corporación Universitaria del Meta, Master in Education from Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino. Experience in undergraduate university teaching, teaching-service relationship and direct care in intensive care unit and wound care. She currently holds the position of full time professor, Coordinator of the Teaching Service Relationship of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Coordinator of the Course Care Management and Nursing Services of the Nursing program of the Universidad de los Llanos.

Andrés Felipe Algarra Cerón (Colombia)

Biologist from the University of Tolima with extensive experience in ichthyology and ornithology. His work experience includes the following institutions: Cordillera de los Picachos National Natural Park of the Orinoquia Territorial Directorate, Corporación Autónoma Regional del Alto Magdalena-CAM, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. He is currently a member of the Ornithological Association of Huila-ASORHUI. He has participated in several projects, scientific events, contents and chapters of books on biology and environment, among which are several chapters of the book Neiva Botanical Garden Park: An Encounter with Nature.

Luis Carlos Quintero Malo (Colombia)

Surgeon (Universidad El Bosque), Diploma in Management and Audit in health entities (Universidad Del Valle), Diploma in Medical Sexology (Universidad El Bosque), Diploma in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga), Specialist in Bioethics (Universidad El Bosque), Master in Bioethics (Universidad El Bosque), Course in Clinical and Social Bioethics Bioethics Network (Unesco), Course in Ethics and Human Research Bioethics Network (Unesco), Trainer of Trainers Bioethics Network (Unesco).

Bioethicist Clínica Medilaser S.A., National Bioethics Advisor Salud Total E.P.S., National Bioethics Advisor Sanitas E.P.S., Coordinator Nodo Surcolombiano de Ética e Investigación Minciencias, undergraduate and postgraduate teacher, member of the Ethics and Research Committee of Clínica Medilaser and UNINAVARRA.

Bioethicist Clínica Medilaser S.A., National Bioethics Advisor Salud Total E.P.S., National Bioethics Advisor Sanitas E.P.S., Coordinator Nodo Surcolombiano de Ética e Investigación Minciencias; Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor.

Luis Jorge Hernández Flórez (Colombia) 

Physician and surgeon (Universidad Javeriana), Doctor in Public Health (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Master in Public Health (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Specialist in Epidemiology (Universidad el Rosario), Specialist in data analysis (Universidad de la Salle).

Associate Professor of the School of Medicine of the Universidad de los Andes and coordinator of the Public Health Area, with work experience in the Social Security, Health Secretariat of Bogota and PAHO as a consultant.

Lilia Carolina Rojas Pérez (Colombia)

Chemical Engineer, Master and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Colombia. Recipient of national doctoral scholarship and recognition as a young researcher and innovator by Colciencias. Enthusiast of biotechnology, enzymatic engineering and green chemistry as part of the transformation of industrial processes, framed in sustainable development and environmental care. Professor of the Chemical Engineering program at Universidad EAN since 2018. His main areas of action are related to the application and design of biorefineries, biomass transformation through chemical, enzymatic and thermal processes to obtain high value-added products, first and second generation biofuels, food industry and natural products.

Pilar Ainara Cea Vaquero (Spain)

Graduated in Nursing at the University of Zaragoza (Spain, 2014), I studied the Master in Public Health at the same university, where my desire to continue learning about public health and management of health systems was strengthened. This led me to take the Master's Degree in Health Management at UDIMA (Madrid, Spain), and later, the Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at the University of Nebrija (Madrid, Spain) to complement my academic training. Currently, I teach Community Nursing at the University of Zaragoza as part of the Nursing Degree, and I carry out my healthcare activity at the Miguel Servet University Hospital in the same city.

Fredy William Andrade Pérez (Colombia)

Economist and Bachelor in Mathematics and Physics (Universidad Surcolombiana USCO), Specialist in International Business and Finance (Escuela de Administración de Negocios EAN), Master in Applied Economics (Universidad EAFIT) and candidate for Master in Public Management (Universidad de los ANDES). Head of Planning at the Universidad Surcolombiana and currently Huila Territorial Director of the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi.
Field of work: Economics of education, Institutional Economics, Public Economics.

Guillermo Arturo Muñoz Medina (Argentina)

I am a Physics Engineer from the National University of Colombia (Manizales), Master in Engineering from the University of Antioquia and PhD in Physics from the National University of La Plata (Argentina).

Sergio Alexis Castro Hermosa (Colombia)

Researcher specialized in renewable energy, printed optoelectronics and mechatronics design. Expert in hybrid and organic solar cell manufacturing, including the development of the first perovskite-based opaque paper solar cell. He is currently an electronics line manager at Tecnoparque Neiva - SENA.

Ofelia Ángel Oviedo (Colombia):

Agroindustrial Administrator, Master in Ecology and Strategic Ecosystems, Class II Meteorologist of the World Meteorological Organization, Master in Hydrology, Coordinator of IDEAM in Neiva, professor.

Raquel Adjafre (Brazil)

She is currently corporate manager of the Nutrition and Dietetics Service of the Santa Marta Hospital Group and coordinator of the Research Ethics Committee of the Santa Marta Teaching and Research Institute. She is a nutritionist, PhD in the Graduate Program in Human Nutrition at the University of Brasilia (UnB), with a degree and master's degree from the same institution. She has postgraduate degrees in Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition, Nutrition in Vital Cycles and Gastronomy. She has eleven years of experience as a teacher of higher education courses in Nutrition and Gastronomy: she was coordinator of both courses, besides being a teacher in several postgraduate courses. She was director-counselor of the Regional Council of Nutritionists, president of the Ethics Committee and member of the Technical Chamber of the Mass Catering area. She was advisor of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), member of the group of construction and application of methodologies for the improvement of the PNAE in the North and Center-West regions of Brazil. Lecturer in several Brazilian states on topics such as: ethical performance of the nutritionist, innovative management of food and nutrition units, and food and nutrition education actions.

Matheus Mantuanelli Roberto (Brazil)

Biologist, Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from UNESP in Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. He is a professor at the University Center of the Hermínio Ometto-FHO Foundation, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil, where he leads the Toxicology and Ecotoxicology Research Group. He teaches Cell Biology, Basic Histology, Genetics and Toxicology in several undergraduate courses, such as Biology, Biomedicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy. In research, he works on the evaluation of emerging contaminants through chromosomal and morphological tools.

Marco Calderón Espinosa (Costa Rica)

He has a degree in medicine and surgery from Universidad Hispanoamericana (Costa Rica). He has been professor of Anatomy and Embryology, company doctor, and currently serves as director of medicine at the International University of the Americas (Costa Rica). He has been a contributor to various publications related to health rights and sexual and reproductive health, and chronic diseases.

Pedro Pablo Tinjacá (Colombia)

Surgeon from the National University of Colombia, Epidemiologist from the Universities of Valle and Surcolombiana, Manager and health administrator of the FUCS. He has worked at the National Institute of Health, the Ministry of Health and as a director of EPS and IPS, medical auditor of accounts and quality, university professor for over 20 years, rescuer and volunteer of the Red Cross for over 20 years, also its director. Currently, prosecutor of the Medical College of Huila, treasurer of the medical union and coordinator of the Medical Board of Huila, epidemiologist of the Departmental Health Secretariat in vital statistics, judge of the Medical Ethics Tribunal and professor of UNINAVARRA.

Ricardo Andrés Novoa Álvarez (Colombia)

Surgeon from Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2005), Specialist in Epidemiology from Universidad Rosario-CES (2012), and Master in Sciences and Technologies Applied to Sport and Health from Universidad Manuela Beltrán (2019). University lecturer since 2016 and research manager for the Faculty of Health Sciences at UNINAVARRA since June 2021. The lecture will be entitled "Innovation and Research in Health. View from the academy, the sector and bioethics of innovation and research processes according to global trends in the field of health and medicine".

José Darío Rojas Oviedo (Colombia)

Physician and surgeon from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Master in Basic Biomedical Sciences with emphasis in Morphology (UIS), trained in Anatomical Conservation Techniques (Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile). Currently, coordinator of Morphological Sciences and professor of Anatomy and Embryology at UNINAVARRA, and member of the board of directors of the Colombian Association of Morphology, the Mexican Societies of Anatomy and the Pan-American Association of Anatomy.

Javier Ríos (Argentina)

Bachelor in Bioimaging Production. School of Medical Technology. National University of Córdoba (UNC), University Technician in Diagnostic Imaging. School of Technicians. School of Medical Sciences (FCM). National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo).

He currently serves as postgraduate director of the Diploma in Advanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at the Universidad Juan Agustín Maza. Faculty of Kinesiology and Physiotherapy and Professor of the Tecnicatura Universitaria en Diagnóstico por Imágenes-FCM. He is a founding member of the Bioimaging Chapter of the Argentine Federation of Associations of Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging Radiant (FAARDIT).

Horacio Pedro Andrés Garibaldi (Argentina)

He is a Radiologist technician with experience in the services of general radiology, angiography, computed tomography, neuroradiology, polytomography, otoradiology, of hospitals in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Co-author of the atlas of whole body computed tomography (2010).

Luis Rodríguez Perasso (Argentina)

Degree in Bioimaging Production (National University of Córdoba). Professor (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). Master in University Teaching (Universidad Nacional del Litoral). Coordinator of the Multislice Computed Tomography Service of La Entrerriana Imágenes S.A.. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Argentine Federation of Licensed and Technical Radiologists (FATRA). Professor of Physics and Computed Tomography at the Instituto Superior Madre Teresa de Calcuta. Postgraduate Professor of Multislice Computed Tomography, Universidad Nacional Maza.

Andrés Cabezas Cabrera (Chile)

He is a medical technologist in Imaging with a master's degree in Education, doctoral candidate in Education. He currently serves as director of the School of Medical Technology of the Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile). He is also director of the National Association of Medical Technology Schools (ASOTEM), founding member of the Interamerican Association of Professionals in Diagnostic Imaging and Treatment (ASIPRODIT), disciplinary collaborator in the International Network of Training and Education in Health, RIFES.

Luisa Fernanda González Herrera (Colombia)

Environmental and chemical engineer from Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia, with a PhD degree in Process Engineering from the Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France, with emphasis on air pollutant removal technologies. Currently, she is a consultant for the Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality Program at the Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). With more than 10 years of professional experience in different activities of research, teaching, environmental consulting and service in the public environmental sector, related to the measurement of pollutants in sources, air quality monitoring, policy development, among other activities related to the integrated management of air quality.

Sandra Liliana Bello Pérez (Colombia)

Surgeon (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia), specialist in General Epidemiology (Universidad El Bosque), candidate for a Master's Degree in Epidemiology (Universidad El Bosque). Consultant in prevention and control of Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases, Health Care Associated Infections, Vector Transmitted Diseases and Epidemiological Analysis. Experience in emergency and disaster care, with vulnerable populations due to armed conflict and migratory phenomena. Professor of Medical Research Seminar I and II, for the undergraduate course of Medicine 2019-2020 (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia), co-leader of the Interagency Group on Mixed Migratory Flows - Boyacá Region, Coordinator of the Health Program of Medical Teams International (Tunja). Woman Science and Research Award - Boyacá Region 2019, in the category "Best ongoing research" for the work Causes of attrition of exclusive breastfeeding of mothers of kangaroo babies with the research group GYNOB.

César Alberto Polanía (Colombia)

Medical Doctor from Universidad Nacional, specialist in Hospital Administration. He has stood out at the regional level for his achievements, management and leadership skills, mainly in the health sector. He has had important roles as Director of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare in the region, Secretary of Health of Huila, and director of the Rosario Hospital, the University Hospital of Neiva "Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo" and the ESE "Carmen Emilia Ospina". Additionally, he is former mayor of the municipality of Campoalegre and professor at the Universidad del Tolima.

Maria Alberta García Jimenez (Mexico)

D. in Nursing Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, research professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Member of the National System of Researchers. With extensive experience in nursing services management. President of the National Academy of Nursing.

Fiorella Rojas Pineda (Peru)

Nurse with a Master's Degree in Epidemiology and Public Health from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Spain, Diploma in Quality Management and International Accreditation Process - Graduate School of Business - Peru and Program of Governance, Political Management and Public Management of the PUCP in agreement with CAF - Development Bank of Latin America - and The George Washington University (GWU), Diploma in Design of Public Investment Projects in the Health and Social Sectors at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia - UPCH and doctoral studies in Public Health at the Universidad Cayetano Heredia UPCH. She is a specialist in supervision of the National Superintendence of Health - SUSALUD of the Ministry of Health - MINSA, university professor at the Scientific University of the South, consultant of the Educational Association for Human Development, member of Growing Up Foundation, present throughout Latin America. Health nurse with more than 15 years of experience, expert in health management, social development and early childhood. Researcher, undergraduate and postgraduate university teacher and thesis advisor. Worked as director of the Executive Directorate of the National Program Cuna Más - MIDIS, director of the Directorate of Implementation of Improvements in the Management of Social Programs - MIDIS, director of the Directorate of Monitoring the Management of Social Programs of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, consultant to the World Food Program of the United Nations, Advisor to the General Directorate of Operations of the Ministry of Health, Head of the Office of Planning and Quality - ESSALUD, Member of the technical team in the Health Management of the Ricardo Palma Clinic - Quirón Group, nurse at the Ricardo Palma Clinic of the Quirón Group and nurse and administrative assistant at the Tres Culturas Hospital in Toledo, Spain.

Daniel Ricardo Delgado(Colombia)

Research Professor at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Bachelor in Biology and Chemistry from the Universidad Surcolombiana, Master in Chemistry and PhD in Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, research director of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Sede Neiva, and Leader of the Engineering Research Group UCC-Neiva. Author of more than 130 scientific articles, editorial member of the journals Pharmaceutics of the MDPI group, Current Chinese Science and Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico Farmacéuticas.Dr. Delgado is the most cited scientist in the department of Huila, and is part of the select group of the hundred thousand best scientists worldwide.

John Faiber Rojas(Colombia)

Leader of Casa Taller IMAGINARTE. He studied higher education in Ecuador at the SAN ANTONIO DE IVARRA school, where he trained as a sculptor specializing in wood carving. He is a plastic artist with experience in the handling of diverse materials and artistic techniques, such as drawing, painting, and sculpture, 3D modeling, handling 3D and 2D programs ZBrush, 3Dmax, SkechUp, Repetier-Host and 2D Photo Shop and Corel DRAW, photogrammetry, PhotoScan. He has three trainings on bioconstruction and permaculture in the city of Medellin. He currently leads his company Casa Taller Imaginarte, along with his partner, who is also a Master of Arts. It has an extensive tour in national and international exhibitions.

Diana Bolaños(Colombia)

Leader of Casa Taller IMAGINARTE. Master of Fine Arts from the University of Cauca. Diana is a young artist who discovered her preferences for the artistic discipline at a very early age. Since her seventh semester of undergraduate she stood out with departmental exhibitions, then national and has an international exhibition in Miami, United States. His works have been published by the indexed magazine of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente in the city of Cali and by the departmental magazine Agorasalom. Currently, he leads his art company called Casa Taller Imaginarte with his partner who is also an artist, sculptor and sells works nationally and internationally. His monumental project entitled "Mis Raíces" will be built in Pitalito, Huila, within the macro project Museo al Aire.

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