World Congress of Medical Simulation - WCMS 2022

"Healthcare Simulation Technologies and Simulated Medical Education".


The Scientific Committee of the World Congress of Medical Simulation - WCMS 2022 "Healthcare Simulation Technologies and Simulated Medical Education" of the Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA-, thanks you for your interest in participating in this event, where researchers, professors, professionals, students, organizations and the general public are invited to present unpublished papers as a great opportunity to contribute to the social appropriation of knowledge and public dissemination of science in healthcare simulation technologies and experiences in simulated medical education to improve patient safety.


Presentation Modalities.


Presentation of the work with the support of a poster in which relevant information of the research carried out will be presented during the day of the poster session established in the program of the event.

Oral Presentation

Presentation of the work in the auditorium for no more than 20 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for the question and answer session. Subsequently, the slide template of the event will be sent.

Research papers and/or experiences in simulated medical education must be original (not presented in other congresses or published in indexed journals and prepared by the authors submitting the paper) and have one of the following topics of interest:

  1. Collaborative and interdisciplinary learning.
  2. Innovation of learning strategies (challenge-based and/or simulation-based learning).
  3. Assessment of professional competencies (undergraduate and graduate) and learning outcomes.
  4. Creation and development of new simulators, physical, digital, robotic and/or virtual technologies.
  5. Integration of simulation-based learning into the curriculum.
  6. Advantages of simulation for increasing the quality of medical care and patient safety.
  7. Continuing education and training in simulation centers for graduates.



  1. Fill out the abstract template for poster presentation or the full paper template for oral presentation following the guidelines therein.
  2. Name the file with the name of the author who submitted the paper, followed by a maximum of three of the key words of the paper. Example: Juan Pérez-Simulación Interdisciplinar Urgencias.
  3. Submit the completed template through the event website
  4. The Scientific Committee will send an official written communication by e-mail, with feedback on the document received, if necessary.
  5. Send the required corrections and/or clarifications, within the term granted; after this term, it will be understood that the participation is withdrawn.
  6. The Scientific Committee will send an official written communication by e-mail, about the decision on their participation in the event and accepted modality, which will be unappealable. The author will be sent the slide template of the event for oral presentation when applicable.
  7. Register and pay the registration fee through the event website.
  8. Send the Letter of Transfer of Rights so that your work can be published in the proceedings of the event with ISBN, which will be available on the event website




Evaluation and Selection Criteria

  • Clarity in the problem statement
  • Justification and objective of the work
  • Materials and methods
  • Statistical approach
  • Ethical considerations
  • Clarity and completeness of graphs and tables
  • Analysis of the results obtained
  • Conclusions
  • Scope and limitations of the study





The best papers that the evaluators deliberate will be recognized and awarded with honorable mentions, as follows:

Best paper

Best poster

The rest of the participants will be awarded one (1) participation certificate per research paper.

Scientific Committee


Job potentiation



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