The Institution, within the framework of a participatory democracy and the right to free development of personality, in order to achieve the welfare of its community, encourages and supports the initiatives of students, teachers, employees and workers, aimed at strengthening their multiple interests, as they contribute to human growth within the values and principles, in harmony with the raison d'être of the Institution and its mission.
In the development of the above, the Institution will ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of life of the academic community within the Foundation, satisfying their psycho-affective, recreational, cultural and health needs, in an environment conducive to the development of the pedagogical and research process.
Through the University Welfare System, the Foundation intends to create, improve and maintain conditions that favor the integral development of the university community by supporting actions in the fields of health, sports, culture and human development, thus raising the levels of satisfaction and the sense of belonging to the Institution.
Therefore, University Welfare is based on the participation and commitment of the entire community, which must be built on moral, philosophical, ethical and academic foundations, respecting the institutional mission, and above all the following principles: autonomy, quality, responsibility, efficiency, economy, universality, comprehensiveness and inclusion.
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