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How can I access the LINDA platform?

How to change the password of my LINDA user?

How to recover or reset my LINDA password?

How can I update my data in the LINDA platform?

How can I view my academic history by terms?

How can I visualize my academic progress on the LINDA platform?

How to register a course on the LINDA platform?

How to cancel a course on the LINDA platform?

How can I see my grades by evaluation cut-offs?

How to generate certificates in the LINDA platform?

How to visualize the academic averages in the LINDA platform?

How to make a service request on the LINDA platform?

How to download the registration payment receipt in the LINDA platform?

LINDA Request Console

How do I know my approximate final grade?

How to cancel courses in the week of additions and cancellations?

How to download the new student registration receipt?

How to answer a survey or characterization?