Health and Wellness


The Health and Wellness area designs and executes strategies that seek to strengthen HUMAN DEVELOPMENT and promote the MENTAL HEALTH of all the people who make up the UNINAVARRISTA community.

Mental Health 

  • Connect with Life Line 

The crisis hotline "Conéctate con la Vida" provides emotional first aid to students, professors, graduates and collaborators to address difficulties generated by marital conflicts, depression, anxiety, bullying, psychoactive substance abuse, gender-based violence, poor academic performance, difficult economic situation, among other aspects that require comprehensive attention.

This psychosocial support service is available through face-to-face care, phone calls, WhatsApp, text messages and emails, providing guidance on issues related to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of psychosocial problems such as suicide attempts, gender violence and psychoactive substance use.

In addition, the relevant referral is made to health service centers and governmental entities such as the Prosecutor's Office, URI, ICBF, hospitals, among others, as appropriate.


Attention Routes

Suicide Attempt Attention Route

Route for care in case of sexual or gender violence

Psychoactive substances consumption care route

Immediate Reaction Team

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