The labor coexistence committee is formed "as a preventive measure of labor harassment" as established in resolution 652 of 2012 and with the functions established in law 1010 of 2006, therefore, it is important to know and have clarity as to what is considered labor harassment and what is not considered labor harassment.
Receive and process complaints that describe situations that may constitute workplace harassment, as well as the evidence that supports them.
Confidentially examine specific or specific cases in which a complaint or claim is made, which could typify conduct or circumstances of harassment at work, within the public entity or private company.
Hear the parties involved individually about the facts that gave rise to the complaint.
To advance meetings in order to create a space for dialogue between the parties involved, promoting mutual commitments to reach an effective solution to the controversies.
Formulate an improvement plan agreed between the parties, to build, renew and promote labor coexistence, guaranteeing in all cases the principle of confidentiality.
Follow up on the commitments made by the parties involved in the complaint, verifying their compliance with the agreement.
In those cases in which an agreement is not reached between the parties, the recommendations made are not complied with or the conduct persists, the Labor Coexistence Committee shall refer the complaint to the Attorney General's Office, in the case of the public sector. In the private sector, the Committee will inform the senior management of the company, close the case and the worker may file the complaint before the labor inspector or sue before the competent judge.
Submit to the senior management of the public entity or private company the recommendations for the effective development of preventive and corrective measures for workplace harassment, as well as the annual report on the results of the management of the labor coexistence committee and the reports required by the control agencies.
Follow up on compliance with the recommendations made by the Coexistence Committee to the human resource management and occupational health units of public and private companies and institutions.
Prepare quarterly reports on the Committee's management, including statistics on complaints, follow-up of cases and recommendations, which will be submitted to the senior management of the public entity or private company.