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Edna Xiomara Rodríguez Robles
Línea Amiga Leader Conéctate con la Vida Program
Specialist in Educational Psychology

Psychologist from the Universidad Surcolombiana, specialist in educational psychology, with experience in psychological care, intervention in educational processes and research. She has worked with families in vulnerable conditions, children and adolescents, has knowledge and specific domain in issues associated with crisis intervention, grief and suffering, depression, anxiety and life project.

Diana Patricia Quintero Gutiérrez
Sponsor Leader of the Plan Padrino Program in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Technology.

Psychologist from the Universidad Surcolombiana, Professional prepared to understand and address through evaluation and intervention processes, problems concerning social violence, difficulties in the family nucleus and those related to the educational environment, with the aim of promoting patterns of coexistence that promote a better quality of life. Experience as an educational agent in vulnerable populations, teacher training, and addressing issues in the education and health sectors.

Sindy Bastidas Gaitan
Lead Sponsor of the Plan Padrino Program in Business Administration


Psychologist from the Universidad Surcolombiana. She has worked in the educational field providing student accompaniment, vocational guidance, crisis care, psychological counseling and supporting learning processes. She has experience in the application of psycho-technical tests, psychological interviews and human talent training.

Alix Vanesa Gafaro Jimenez
Lead Sponsor of the Plan Padrino Program in Industrial Engineering.

Psychologist from the Universidad Surcolombiana, with experience in design and implementation of social, environmental and educational programs and projects aimed at early childhood, adolescents and vulnerable population. She has carried out diagnosis, monitoring and psychosocial accompaniment at individual, group and community level.

Jorge Armando Zúñiga Trujillo
Law Program Sponsor

Godfather, Psychologist graduated from the Universidad Surcolombiana, with experience in the area of vocational profiling, school orientation, personnel selection, application of psycho-technical tests, and external consultation. He has worked as an educational psychologist where he has worked as a facilitator of academic processes, identification of learning problems and student support.

Paola Andrea Bernal Sánchez
Sponsor Plan leader in Environmental Engineering

Psychologist from the Universidad Surcolombiana. With experience in monitoring and psychosocial accompaniment at individual and group level, educational institutions and has supported in the implementation of programs, social and educational projects aimed at adolescents and vulnerable population.

Stephany Ledesma Bermeo
Lead Sponsor of Plan Padrino in Medicine

Psychologist from the Universidad Surcolombiana, with experience in youth and adolescent care in the educational and clinical area, as well as in crisis care, psychosocial care and school counseling, with knowledge in university academic processes, student counseling and mental health care.

Maria Del Pilar Perez Ulloa
Sponsor of the Medicine Program

Psychologist, with experience in psychodiagnostic evaluation processes, intervention and guidance for adolescents, parents and users in general, she has carried out psychoeducation work with the community, professional and vocational guidance, with knowledge in school coexistence projects, training and workshops for young people and adults with disabilities.
addiction problems.