Who are we?

By means of Agreement 010 of November 21, 2019, the Peace Office of the Navarra University Foundation is created, by competence of the Superior Council and considering that UNINAVARRA, highlights as a historic event for the country, the signing of the Final Agreement for the termination of the armed conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting Peace, signed between the Colombian Government and the guerrilla of the FARC - EP; without ignoring that this is only the beginning of a social, political and economic work that allows and guarantees a legal peace towards reconciliation, justice, truth, reparation and non-repetition.

That in view of the role that corresponds to higher education institutions in society, UNINAVARRA considers it relevant to contribute from its actions in building a culture of peace and a more just and equitable society.

That this culture of peace also entails building environments of harmony, equity and inclusion in the work and academic spaces of our Institution, where managers, collaborators, students, teachers, graduates and suppliers are committed and integrated around making peace a reality as a right for all.

In order to consolidate the aforementioned purposes, it is pertinent to create a unit in charge of directing and focusing different actions aimed at achieving them, as follows:
i) To know and interpret the territorial, regional and national problems that generate training, research, extension and social projection projects related to the victims and different actors involved in the armed conflict, helping the country to move forward in the search for viable and sustainable paths that allow the community to enjoy a dignified life and lasting peace.
ii) Create a culture of peace within UNINAVARRA that generates healthy spaces of well-being and cohesion for the academic, managerial and administrative community.
iii) Articulate Social Projection - G. Moscati Humanization Group - with the culture of peace as a strategy aimed at intervening in social problems and generating better living conditions in the community.
iv) To link all UNINAVARRA's departments, academic and administrative units around the joint construction of a culture of peace.
v) To form all of us as TEACHERS OF PEACE.

The Peace Office of the University Foundation Navarra, as an administrative unit attached to the Faculty of Education, advisory and consultative character of the collegiate and unipersonal authorities of the Institution, the environment and the country, on issues related to Peace and other issues and strategies that contribute to the consolidation of a culture of peace, inclusive, democratic and intercultural in UNINAVARRA, in the region and the country.

Educate for Peace through training, research, projection and social outreach in order to contribute to the consolidation of an inclusive, democratic and intercultural, lasting, just and equitable culture of Peace.

By 2025, UNINAVARRA will be recognized as an institution with a culture of peace, working at the social, economic and political level for truth, reparation, non-repetition, legality and reconciliation in southern Colombia, with criteria of sustainability, inclusion and university social responsibility.


General Objective

The Peace Office of UNINAVARRAThe general objective of this program, based on the processes of training, research, social projection and extension, is the construction and consolidation of a culture of peace in the region. UNINAVARRAThe main objective of this program is to promote the development of inclusive and participatory institutional work and academic environments in the region and in the country, and to intervene in social problems in order to improve the living conditions of the communities.

Specific objectives

  • Promote social reconciliation and reconstruction of the social fabric.
  • Promote environments of recognition, respect and materialization of human rights, the rights of victims and of the actors involved in the conflict.
  • Promote and develop training processes such as TEACHERS y TEACHERS OF PEACE to members of the academic and administrative communities of UNINAVARRAcommunity leaders and the community in general.
  • Generate actions aimed at empowering communities, highlighting and reinforcing the role of social leaders in building a culture of peace.
  • Promoting gender equality and contributing to the prevention of violence against women, children and adolescents.
  • Promote the inclusion and recognition of racial, cultural, ideological and gender diversity.
  • Implement the PEACE OBSERVATORYThe objective is to generate spaces for research in favor of the consolidation of a culture of peace.

The Navarra University Foundation, today more than ever, is focused on providing educational opportunities in the country and in our region, with the purpose of innovating and transforming regional and national development, consolidating according to its institutional development plan, a culture of organizational peace, with the commitment to team up for Education and Peace to contribute to a more equitable society and build spaces for healthy coexistence, prevent and reduce violence in the different social, family, environmental, political or economic interpersonal relationships.

Thanks to this commitment, ICONTEC certifies that the Management System of the organization: FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA NAVARRA integrates to the corporate strategy actions that contribute to the generation of a "Culture of Peace", creating peaceful environments in the work environment, students and the community in general, with a level of maturity: Consolidated Organizational Culture of Peace Management System.

Scope of the office

  • Coordinate with the Legal Office the implementation of academic services of intervention or training for victims and other actors of the conflict in strategic alliances with the Special Justice for Peace or with other institutions or national or international governmental entities, subject to an agreement signed by the Institution. Practices that should lead to the creation of the Observatory for Peace.
  • Articulate with the Units of Extension and Social Projection the offer and development of Continuing Education events on the culture of peace and the promotion of the importance of peace as a right for all in the execution of the intervention axes of the Humanization Group G. MOSCATI.
  • Coordinate with the Faculties and Academic Programs the adaptation of their curricular systems to a culture of peace (Study Plans, Programmatic Contents of the flexible component).
  • Articulate with the Uninavarra Research Center - CINA - the creation, approval and development of research projects of Research Groups and Research Seminars on Culture of Peace within the framework of the Institution's lines of research.
  • In the same way, to train as GREAT LITTLE TEACHERS and TEACHERS OF PEACE to the small and large researchers of UNINAVARRA.
  • Coordinate with University Welfare UNINAVARRA actions aimed at building and consolidating peace environments in the different welfare services with emphasis on Línea Amiga and Plan Padrino.
  • Coordinate with the Human Resources Unit continuing education plans for teachers and collaborators in the areas of culture of peace and training as TEACHERS y TEACHERS OF PEACE. Similarly, include in all employment contracts the commitment to respect women's rights, prohibit any conduct of violence or sexual abuse of gender and the commitment to promote and create peaceful environments in the development of their activities.
  • Articulate with the Administrative and Financial UnitThe inclusion, in the contracts signed with suppliers, of a commitment to respect women's rights and the prohibition of any conduct involving gender-based violence or sexual abuse, as well as a commitment to promote and create peaceful environments in the development of their activities.
  • Include the Communications and Marketing and Internationalization Units as a support aimed at disseminating our achievements on culture of peace and trainers of TEACHERS y TEACHERS OF PEACE and the development of strategic alliances with governmental and non-governmental organizations to build national and international networks on peace.


Contact us at

Telephone numbers: (8) 874 0089 - 871 1199 - 8722049

Mail peace office


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