The Nursing program of the NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION aims to respond effectively to the needs posed by the relationship between supply and demand, improving the epidemiological profile of the region, as well as the Colombian Higher Education System, the social processes of our country and the different strategies of the development plans of government agencies at the local, regional and national levels in education, health, planning, among others. Likewise, health care has changed over the years according to the General System of Social Security in Health, from its sanitary perspective according to the demographic and epidemiological profile, and therefore a transition must be made in the way health services are conceived and provided.

UNINAVARRA, integrates the formation of the professional of Nursing focusing its knowledge directed to contribute in the formation of the Being as the duty to be, committed to their profession and their country, through the real context of the population where the student identifies with the characteristics of the population through scientific academic processes, starting from the need to generate competent Nursing professionals to improve the quality of life of the population through interventions of primary health care, public health, community and family Nursing; based on health promotion, specific protection, disease prevention, from risk and risk control to avoid complications, disabilities and death; processes that trigger research interest as well as comprehensive training support. This training is extended to the social projection that as a training entity of human talent in health generates capabilities to perform in various fields, being the practice center the means for personal and professional development generating integral professionals during their training, suitable to care for healthy or sick users.

The mission of the NAVARRA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION - UNINAVARRA, is to train nursing professionals with a high scientific academic value, research spirit, educational and business innovation, promoting a sense of professional belonging, teamwork, inter-transdisciplinarity, construction, application of scientific knowledge and self based on ethical and moral values, self-discipline, with a great social sense, responsibility and leadership; that through the application of the tools of their profession and discipline to the care of the person, the family and the community, generate processes of human and social transformation.
In the year 2020 the Program will be recognized by the local, regional and national community for its capacity in the integral formation of NURSES and NURSING professionals with human quality, creative and innovative attitude, generators of their own models and intervention schemes with emphasis on primary health care, integral health care of the individual, the family and the community.

Applicant Profile

General entry profile and admission requirements

Admission to UNINAVARRA is free and voluntary by enrollment processes of applicants according to their vocation. Admission to UNINAVARRA is based on three profiles:

  • Personal profile where personality traits of the applicants are evaluated to verify affinity with the entrance profile of each program.
  • Intellectual profile where the degree of knowledge is evaluated and based on the State Aptitude and Knowledge Tests of the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education ICFES, minimum admission scores will be established for each program.
  • Attitudinal profile determined in interview processes in which the Program Director will determine the affinity between the student and the formative requirements of the program. In the case of Health Sciences, psychometric personality tests will be specifically applied to evaluate the psychological profile from a clinical perspective in order to ensure the affinity and stability of this profile in each student with the career to be pursued.

Professional profile

UNINAVARRA will train a nurse as a professional of high human quality in his/her performance with emphasis in primary health care and integral health care; characterized in his/her performance by his/her effectiveness, efficiency, efficacy, being competent in applying his/her integral human sense in:

  • Elaborate and apply nursing care processes, ensuring the quality of care in the performance environments, contributing to the well-being of individuals, families, groups and communities to face the situations of life crisis and health problems that arise from the moment of conception, through all stages of the life cycle and all phases of the health - disease continuum.
  • To guide the individual, families, groups and community in health matters, encouraging self-care and developing a rational attitude in the use of health care resources, such as the use of primary health care interventions, public health and family health that is developed.
  • Design, organize, and execute social projects and research according to the reality of the environment in order to advance disciplinary knowledge.
  • To assume responsibility in the administration of nursing care in an assistance or extramural service unit, applying administrative, scientific and ethical principles, adapting to the technological advances and regulations of the moment, as well as the knowledge of the regional, national and international situation and the social, political and economic variables that affect health.

The nursing professional will develop personal values and competencies, based on human quality through:

  • Teamwork.
  • Discipline.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Righteousness.
  • Honesty.
  • Cooperation.
  • Cognitive application.
  • The agreement.
  • Sensitivity to the environment.
  • Social sensitivity.
  • Solidarity.
  • Peace.
  • Tolerance.
  • Fulfillment of duty and respect.

Occupational profile

The UNINAVARRA graduate will be a person with an autonomous life project and with a view to personal and social growth. Their contributions in a scientific community will contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of their region and nation, always with a view to a free and fair country project for all its members. For this the UNINAVARRA graduate must be:

  • A being restless to offer solutions to the problems of their environment, characterized as a professional nurse who through respectful and supportive service for others, rescue the sense of being as an individual, family and society, as well as being an active player in contributing solutions to the problems facing the region and the country.
  • Promoter of technological and scientific development from an ethical perspective that prioritizes human and social values, being a protagonist of teamwork for the development of health, with projects of mutual cooperation, through interdisciplinary relationships, social interaction and coordination, promoting work with other disciplines for the identification, analysis and solution of health problems that, due to their complexity, require an approach from different fields of knowledge and the linkage with other social actors.
  • Leader in the various sectors at the institutional, social and community level in which he/she develops and is the manager of an environment in which justice and respect for the individual, the family and the community are prioritized, based on the application of current regulations and collective interests of the region, the country and at the international level.
  • Critical of his environment and with a proactive capacity of the social, technical and scientific problems of his environment, participating in the processes of improvement of the General System of Social Security in Health, the provision of health services, quality of care.
  • Leader in the management of social projects, operationalizing them from the institutional or independent business perspective, as a business generator and/or management of health or social projects.
  • To practice the profession with knowledge and skills in health education and management techniques as a first-hand tool to intervene in the new health systems and services, as well as in the application and adaptation to the current regulations of the general social security health system.

Job Profile

The nursing professional will be able to work at local, regional, national and international levels in health promotion companies (EPS), health service provider institutions (IPS), management, surveillance and control institutions such as health secretaries, ministry of social protection, superintendence, national health institute, educational institutions at basic level, higher education, formal and non-formal education centers for preschool, school, adolescents, adults, elderly and people with disabilities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, service and productive companies at dependent or independent level, among others.

Assistance: as a general practitioner in health care institutions, nursing homes, work centers, among others, for the integral health care of individuals, families and communities.

You can develop competencies that allow you to perform in general and specialized areas such as:

  • Hospital Services Administration
  • Teaching
  • Social -Community
  • Industrial
  • Administrative - Management of institutions, services or projects.
  • Social outreach
  • Corporate
  • Coordination and/or management of health or social projects and programs.
  • Consulting and professional advice
  • Coordinate occupational health programs and execute actions in occupational medicine and hygiene.
  • Develop research projects from their field of action and with other disciplines.

Internship Agreement

  • Clínica Medilaser S.A. Neiva, Florencia, Tunja and Bogotá.
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