The Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability of the Navarra University Foundation is the academic-administrative unit responsible for the transversality and development of extracurricular models, the promotion and consolidation of an entrepreneurial culture within UNINAVARRA.


In accordance with the mission of the Navarra University Foundation - UNINAVARRA - the Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability is the academic-administrative unit in charge of making the entrepreneurial vision and the orientation of the Institutional Educational Project of UNINAVARRA a reality, regarding the development of the entrepreneurial competencies of its students, professors, graduates and graduates.

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability of the Navarra University Foundation UNINAVARRA, by the year 2025 will be a reference within the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem through the work done in the consolidation of an entrepreneurial culture within the Institution and through it in the region, as well as with the companies generated by its students, graduates and graduates; being these innovative organizations with high growth potential, based on business models that privilege knowledge generation processes, articulated to the Institutional research efforts and with a high projection to internationalization.


The Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability of UNINAVARRA, will have in its first phase three main lines of action on which it will focus its efforts, these being:

  1. Academic Management:

This line will be in charge of training actions associated with the development of entrepreneurial skills of the different students of UNINAVARRA, through elective courses, lines of work in the area of research, creation of the bank of business opportunities, among others.

  1. Extracurricular Activities:

The objective of this line of work is to support a medium and long term strategy for the creation of an Entrepreneurial Culture within UNINAVARRA, this implies the generation and development of extracurricular spaces associated with awareness, motivation and promotion of entrepreneurship as a valid and priority life project for students, graduates and graduates.

  1. Program to support entrepreneurs:

The line of support to entrepreneurs becomes the conceptualization of the work of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability to materialize its actions through support for the creation of companies of its students, graduates and graduates. To this end, the Center will design a program that will allow it to take up the entrepreneurial initiatives generated within the transversal training (UNINAVARRA Chair and elective courses on entrepreneurship), as well as the initiatives of interested parties that may be generated within the extracurricular program.


The academic and administrative structure of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability of UNINAVARRA is as follows:


Corporate Training

Consulting and Advisory Services

Fair and/or Events