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Orphan diseases are chronically debilitating pathologies and have a prevalence of 1 per 5,000 live births. Approximately 7,000 are known worldwide, while 1,920 have been identified in Colombia. Diagnosis can be difficult due to barriers to access to specific methods for diagnosis. Likewise, access to treatment can be quite limited and can become conditions that interfere with the quality of life of both patients and their families.
Within the list we have cystic fibrosis, with an affectation of the gene CFTR and clinical characteristics such as: bronchiectasis, chronic pulmonary infections, pancreatic insufficiency, infertility (men). We also have mucopolysaccharidosis which is a group of diseases due to lack of enzymes involved in the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans; depending on the group we will have phenotypic characteristics such as macroglossia, coarse facies, short stature and corneal opacity, among other manifestations. Likewise, phenylketonuria, whose affected gene is PHA and characterized by mental retardation, microcephaly, hypopigmentation of skin and phanera, seizures and behavioral disorders.
These were the aspects covered in the master lecture given by Dr. Henry Javier Gutiérrez Achury, aimed at family medicine teachers and residents. Dr. Gutiérrez showed the different diagnostic methods and explained in a simple way the interpretation of the most commonly used diagnostic tests for this type of diseases. Emphasizing the importance of their knowledge in primary care to be able to think about them and initiate the routes for their diagnosis and management. This activity was carried out on September 02, 2024.
From the premise of the Family Medicine specialization: "Health must be worked from within the doctor" and in the framework of the celebration of the UNINAVARRA resident's day, a day of recreation for residents and teachers of family medicine was held on August 30, 2024.
With a collaborative work for cooking food, anecdotes, laughter, playful activities and swimming competitions, an event was held that allowed both residents and teachers to relax and rest from the daily academic routine.
Recreation is a fundamental component of health, it contributes to the mental and physical health of all human beings. It contributes to reduce the stress produced by the demands of daily life and allows the individual as a social being to develop. At the University Foundation of Navarra-UNINAVARRA we promote health, starting with our residents and teachers to achieve better results in the populations we serve.
Social networks have become a massive means of communication, where immediacy and easy dissemination of information allow rapid dissemination, synchrony and asynchrony. The academy is no stranger to this phenomenon and the specialization in family medicine on August 28, 2024, conducted through the agreement teaching at the service of the E.S.E. Carmen Emilia Ospina conducted a live interview whose objective was to educate the general population about the importance of healthy lifestyle habits and their relationship with improving health outcomes of chronic noncommunicable diseases.
Through the following link you can watch this interview: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/Yg6a7ytquF9YxqAJ/?mibextid=CTbP7E
The members of the College of Bacteriologists of Huila benefited from an activity carried out by the specialization of Family Medicine of UNINAVARRA. This activity took place on August 23, 2024 and had the objective of educating on health in terms of ergonomics, breathing activities, meditation and easy exercises to perform during the workday.
Human beings spend most of our time at work, often subjected to unfavorable postures for the body and involved in situations that alter mental health. It is therefore essential to implement active breaks that contain both relaxation, stress management and physical activity components to prevent diseases and improve work performance. Performing warm-up movements allows muscle conditioning to continue with the daily workday. Proper breathing provides general benefits in terms of better oxygenation of each cell, vasodilation, improvement of vital signs and better functioning of the nervous system in general. On this occasion, at the College of Bacteriology we teach you in a practical way the pranic breathing that allows us to incorporate these benefits to our daily life.
Meditation is an action of internal reflection, conscious in letting our brain enter into waves of relaxation and tranquility (alpha) independently of external situations that steal our calm. There are many techniques to perform it, the group of teachers and residents used a combination of breathing, muscle contractions, gradual relaxation, music, Tibetan singing bowls, nature noises, sandalwood aroma and following positive messages to give peace of mind to this important group of professionals.
This event is framed within the principles of Family Medicine and the obligation of the academy to leave the classrooms and practice institutions and actively reach the different groups of our society to educate in health.
With the masterful representation of the play the playfulness of deathThe first of four narratives of death was presented by Mery Elsy Cano Núñez, director of the Candilejas Cultural Corporation and Master in Education and Culture of Peace. This staging, which showed death associated with sadness, nostalgia and the joy of remembrance, served as an introduction to begin the journey through the history of death from the perspective of the people.
Death is part of life and talking about it allows us to learn to live better. Starting with Paleolithic groups such as the Neanderthal and Neolithic, of which there are traces of burials for their dead, to offerings and rituals as social events. Continuing with ancient Egypt where death was only a transitory step and a preparation to achieve the final destination after the judgment of Osiris helped by the preparation that the living made for this important journey. Making a stop in the Rome and Greece of antiquity with its structured laws on death, necromancy and all the mythology that surrounded it. Without leaving aside the pre-Hispanic cultures with the Zapotecs, their god Pitao Pezeelao who communicated from the underworld through the song of the owls. Also the funerary constructions of the San Agustín culture in the department of Huila with its great necropolis that worshiped not only the local dead, but also those who came from more remote places like Peru and Bolivia.
Included in this historical and cultural journey were the Tibetan funeral traditions, the celestial burial where the soul is given to the birds. As well as the Haitian voodoo and the lumbalu of the Palenquero people of the Colombian Caribbean coast among others. This first narrative allowed to know the importance of death in different historical moments and to make a formative reflection on the transcendental of death in daily life and in university education.
In this first approach, Family Medicine specialists Carlos Reyes and Isidro Torres and second semester resident John Romero exchanged knowledge on these topics with the general practitioners of the health service provider institution. Aspects of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention were addressed, focusing on the maintenance of people's health, and a workshop was held for the early detection of diabetic foot disease.
In this meeting it was possible to carry out a training process according to current guidelines and scientific evidence regarding prevention, screening, early diagnosis, timely control and management in all dimensions of being of these two health conditions. Both the entity and the physicians attending the event were satisfied and it is expected to continue with these conferences to contribute from the academy with the continuing education of general practitioners in the region.
This wonderful author, who always considered death as part of life, made a great advance in this difficult task of including death in education for living, and with the description of the five stages: denial, anger, sadness, negotiation and acceptance, she has allowed a better understanding of grief. Providing education on this topic is part of the healing process of a loss and is not a simple activity from an academic point of view.
In the same way, dealing with such a sensitive subject as infertility in a society whose construct almost forces couples to reproduce, represents a great challenge to achieve its understanding. The W.H.O. assures that one in six adults in the world is affected by fertility problems, which is why this issue requires important attention from health systems.
In a masterful way, residents María Araque and Gelithza Tole managed to transform the beliefs and previous knowledge of undergraduate students, residents and teachers on the topics of grief and infertility in their great creative session. These two graduate students succeeded through film and a television series in making an experiential process of the two topics. Using scenes from the film "The Cabin" by director Stuart Hazeldine, Dr. Araque conducted an emotional formative activity on grief and death, allowing feelings to surface and emphasizing the different stages of grief in the face of a death framed within the non-normative crises. Dr. Tole used a scene from the character Charlotte York Goldenblatt, from the series sex and the city , produced by Sarah Jessica Parker, emphasizing the whole context of her drama with infertility, showing in all dimensions of being the approach to this situation. These two great sessions showed an unforgettable way of dealing with two rather complex, but fundamental issues in the practice of family medicine. The two great sessions took place on July 19 and 26, 2024.
The term pairing refers to the union, analogy or conformity with which some things are linked or correspond to each other. In the case of wines, it is the relationship that exists between the type of wine and the food that is accompanied with it to enhance flavors and increase the pleasure of eating and drinking. It can be said that there is a perfect wine to accompany each food, traditionally it was said that red wine accompanied red meat, champagne caviar and oysters, sweet wine with dessert and white wine for meat and white fish. However, nowadays the term pairing goes far beyond these concepts and there are as many pairings as there are palates, flavors or tastes.
This analogy was used by first semester resident Gerly Vanessa Rincón Puentes, who on June 21, 2024, held the great session "Inhaler patient pairing. In this academic event the resident showed precisely the technological variety of inhalers and the presentations of each of the drugs they contain. It was clear that there are pneumatic and ultrasonic nebulizers, also that current devices can be pressurized, fine mist, dry powder that can generate one or multiple doses.
This variety of presentations of both the drugs to be inhaled and the technology that accompanies the different devices can lead to confusion, inadequate use of the drug or reduced adherence. For this reason, family physicians should know the different existing devices and when formulating them explain to the patient how to activate the device, how to use it optimally and how to store the medication. Also the importance of choosing the right inhaler according to the characteristics of each patient, therefore, there is a perfect inhaler for each patient who requires it.
It is almost impossible to separate sexual behaviors from moral, religious, ethical and cultural aspects and much more difficult to understand the range of possibilities and aspects that encompass human sexuality. On the other hand, there is a very thin thread between the classification of the pathological and the normal within the sexual activities of individuals, since the factors involved in this categorization are very diverse.
This topic was extensively contextualized and discussed on May 15, 2024 in the last sexuality narrative organized by the Family Medicine specialization and the Vice-Rectory of Humanities of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA.
The students majestically represented topics associated with family medicine such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, high blood pressure, low back pain, headache, vertigo, sexuality, death, IMCI, food safety, malnutrition, family dysfunction, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.
The didactic strategy art and family medicine arises as a tool to strengthen the students' knowledge of medicine and soft skills. Initially, the student reviews a topic in a group, exposes it and the teacher clarifies doubts and reinforces the different aspects. Subsequently, it is articulated with the area of arts of the university foundation and the student is in the task of first explaining the knowledge and take it to the understanding of the teachers of a subject completely different from medicine. Subsequently, in a collaborative work group of students expose their creative idea and with the art instructors establish an artistic presentation. They practice with advice from the aforementioned area and with direct supervision of the family medicine teachers. Finally, they perform their staging, which is graded with a rubric known by the students that establishes aspects such as knowledge, ability to clearly expose that knowledge to a non-medical audience, creativity, collaborative work and staging.
This strategy has allowed students to consolidate their knowledge, to be able to teach and educate in health. Overcome stage fright, considering themselves capable of making any type of presentation and overcoming their mental barriers. Work as a team and bring to a purpose a project where they will be observed and evaluated. All this without mentioning the great contribution that emotions and imagination bring to medical work for the achievement of a medicine based on compassion and holism. It is worth highlighting the contribution that these future doctors make to the community by teaching medical topics in an entertaining way that remains in the memory.
The presentation of the students was brilliant, like a firmament full of stars and aroused admiration, feelings of pride and even tears from the spectators, which also included family members of the students of the University Foundation of Navarra-UNINAVARRA.
The contribution of family physicians to people's health has gone beyond the walls of the office and has improved care processes at the primary, hospital and administrative levels, as well as in the field of professional training. In Colombia there are currently one thousand family physicians and their work has transformed health care activities through their compassion and commitment to patients, families and communities.
On May 21, residents and family physicians of the South Colombian region gathered to honor their specialty. In this event they shared an academic activity and took the opportunity to define the qualities of the first congress of Huila in family medicine.
The advantages of physical activity on the health of individuals have been widely evidenced, however, if we are certain that something is so favorable, why don't all human beings perform physical activity, exercise or sports? Considering that physical activity not only influences the physical aspects of people, but is also directly associated with joy, socialization, emotions and concentration, we can conclude that there is no more effective and comprehensive remedy.
On June 7, President John Hagler Romero Abril, showed through transdisciplinarity and active participation of the community, his great session, the benefits of physical activity in all dimensions of being. He also exposed in a clear way the proper way to prescribe exercise within the ambulatory care setting of family medicine.
It should be noted that the resident works voluntarily with a group of inhabitants of the community of Fortalecillas who, with their group Mina Real, demonstrated the benefits of associating around dance for the improvement of health and quality of life.
The residents were received in a welcome and induction ceremony on July 12, 2024 and that same afternoon they began their training process with the Family Medicine I foundation course. This group of aspiring medical-surgical specialists arrived full of expectations due to the different positive comments heard from the residents who are already part of the two previous cohorts. They were introduced to the different teachers, the different activities to be performed, as well as the different academic and administrative areas that work together for the good performance of the postgraduate training.
This group of future family physicians is quite varied, including undergraduate graduates from the Universidad Surcolombiana, Universidad San Martín, Universidad Rafael Núñez, among others. Also a multiregional inclusion of people from the Colombian Atlantic coast, southern Colombia, departments of Risaralda and Nariño and of course some regions of Huila.
It is possible to change habits, but it is important to answer the question: why do I want to change it? This answer has to be something concrete in order to internalize the process. On the other hand, the change must represent something positive for the person and not a sacrifice or an unpleasant activity. It is also essential to create a routine for the initiation that includes the same time, the same place, the same environmental conditions and why not, make the transformation after a previous habit and enjoy adapting the brain to the new habit.
This was part of the dissertation of Dr. Isidro Torres, coordinator of the Family Medicine specialization of UNINAVARRA, at the III International Symposium of Family Medicine of the Universidad de la Sabana, held in Chía, Cundinamarca. His presentation was well received by the audience and was very consistent with the central theme of the symposium.
First semester resident Jairo Andrés Acosta begins with the cycle of Journal Clubs and great sessions, on March 21 and 22. These events are free admission, so all medical students and health professionals can attend to share the knowledge imparted.
On many occasions what these women feel is not validated and is normalized as a symptom associated with the menstrual cycle, or much worse conditioned to its chronicity and that women have to simply resign themselves and put up with this symptomatology. In her great session held on April 18, the second semester resident Tanya Duran, put herself in the shoes of one of her patients with endometriosis, in a very assertive way she showed all the dimensions affected in her patient. In this academic activity, Dr. Duran presented this pathology from the psychological, emotional, sociocultural, mental and spiritual perspective of the affected patient. This interpretation moved emotions and feelings in the whole audience and allowed an understanding of all the aspects involved in this condition. This innovative didactic technique allowed a comprehensive view of the subject to be discussed and allowed a parallel between the information in the medical literature and the reality of the patients.
The family is currently established as an open social group, which interacts with its environment and whose union can be by affinity, blood or legal ties. The family has great importance in the sexual education of its members and it has been shown that appropriate sexual education of children is a factor that delays the onset of sexual relations and helps in the appropriate use of contraceptive methods. It is recommended that parents educate about sexuality, participate in comprehensive sexual education processes, choose the moments to educate, teach children to call each organ by its name, validate the feelings and emotions of their children and also know their friends and what their children see on social networks.
These aspects were the subject of reflection and a comparison was made with law and medicine, establishing the role of the family physician in educational aspects. This activity, the third sexuality narrative, was held on April 15, 2024 and was satisfactorily evaluated by the attendees.
Balint with the first semester residents of the second cohort of the Specialization in Family Medicine program of UNINAVARRA. This space took place in a cafeteria near the institution's headquarters and was held on April 1st, 2024. The residents had the opportunity to have a dialogue about the patient-physician relationship and focused on the emotional aspects of patients. They discussed their difficulties with patients who are sad or angry and how these emotions influence the resident's nonverbal language and the countertransference that these emotions generate. She also discussed those patients with couple or family conflicts that are expressed during the consultation. Rapport, empathy, compassion and emotion validation guidelines were established. The ways of discovering the physician's limitations in the face of the patient's statements or preferences were also explained. Paths were established to self-evaluate and heal the physician's own aspects that become barriers at the moment of establishing a doctor-patient relationship.
One of the attendees to the event highlighted that ".... They take the legal and medical part and unify it simply to explain how the topic of sexuality is evolving, that's what I liked the most".
The following Narratives will be the days:
March 11, 2024 with the theme "Expressions of sexuality, desire, sex and love".
April 15, 2024 with the theme "Family and sexuality".
May 13, 2024 with the theme "The Pendulum of Sexuality".
The entire academic community and the community in general are invited to participate in this event, which is free of charge.
Dr. Gallo conducted a practical workshop and taught the participants about the latest advances in glucose self-monitoring and the technology available in our country in this regard.
At the same time, we embarked on a health education mission, sharing crucial knowledge about preventive foot care and diabetes in general. In this event we had the participation of the 12 Family Medicine residents, the interns who are doing their rotation in this area and of course 4 Family Medicine specialist teachers. We were pleased to have the cooperation of 81 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus to whom we performed anthropometric measurements, evaluation of lower limbs (deep and superficial sensitivity: tuning fork and monofilament), advice on the results of paraclinical tests and assertive education on type 2 diabetes mellitus. The activity concluded at 12:00 m. with full satisfaction of the participants and an invitation was extended to more patients to continue with this evaluative and educational process.
The first year residents of the Family Medicine Specialization carry out academic activities, journal clubs and large sessions with free admission for students and professionals in the health area. These events are of great interest and formative contribution, so all people are invited according to the schedules and publicity presented by the residents.
Within the framework of the great session, "Cognitive behavioral therapy: Therapeutic approach to facilitate weight loss and weight maintenance in overweight and obese patients", conducted by the resident I of Family Medicine, Maria Mercedes Araque, had the extraordinary participation of Maria Fernanda Colla. This specialist from her country of origin, Argentina, in addition to advising the resident, made it possible to listen to a wonderful dissertation on cognitive behavioral therapy that allows a transdisciplinary integration and a comprehensive and holistic approach to the subject developed by Dr. Araque.
Dr. Isidro Torres Castro, coordinator of the Family Medicine program of the University Foundation Navarra-UNINAVARRA and the first year resident Daniel Almario participated with speakers at the XII National Congress of Family Medicine and IV International Congress of Family Medicine of the Universidad del Bosque, international meeting of residents. This event was held on October 26, 27, 7 and 28, 2023 at the headquarters of the Universidad del Bosque in the city of Bogota.
The Family Medicine Specialization of the University Foundation of Navarra - UNINAVARRA counted with the presence of an international speaker, Dr. Dan Fenyvesi; professor at the University of Arizona (United States), researcher, registered dietitian and Master in Nutrition, with experience in public health as a specialist in chronic diseases. He conducted a series of studies on food habits and eating processes according to the food customs of Mesoamerica. The workshop was held on July 27 and 28, 2023, a space where the results of this research process were socialized, an activity that was attended by 240 students beneficiaries of this important training in nutrition.
The meeting recalled that health is the result of the food consumed and that diet and food is reflected in how we look, how we feel and how much energy we have for our daily activities; taking into account that obesity is an epidemic and that this epidemic is generating not only cardiovascular risk diseases but cancers and other diseases, therefore, at this time this training process is of utmost importance for the entire community Navarrista.
"Gastrointestinal Psychosomatic disorders in childhood and adolescence" .
"The approach in the relationship with the patient in developmental age and parental support , from childhood to adolescence, according to recent scientific discoveries on human mind/brain reactions at birth.
"Somatic complaints in adolescence, high stress sensitivity and aberrant salience: a north star for the early detection ,prevention and treatment of states at risk for developing psychosis".
These topics were described in a masterly manner in English, generating interest and questioning on the part of both the teaching team and the attending residents, as well as new approaches for the development of research designs and preventive work.
On December 12, 2023, family medicine teachers Martha Niebles, María del Pilar Leal, Carlos Reyes and Isidro Torres participated in the Panel of Experts in Family Medicine, organized by the Universidad Surcolombiana. In this event they presented the current characteristics of the specialization in Colombia and worldwide and shared experiences as specialists with students and interns of the Universidad Surcolombiana and the Fundación Universitaria Navarra-UNINAVARRA.
Presentation of the program
Family Medicine, more than an area of medical knowledge, is an integrating axis of medical practice, which provides holistic and humanized medical care to the person; performing particular processes of characterization, validation of information, management, education and proposal of intervention strategies to focus them on primary health care from a systemic, generalist, differential and inclusive approach that seeks the care of the individual, his family and community.
This specialization focuses its work on the person; involving the globality and complexity of the being, taking into account both the physical and psychosocial component of the individual and the determinants that modify and maintain their health. For family medicine, health is more than a state of "Well-being", it is the objective and subjective amalgam of factors that, from each of the individual and family life cycles, tend to the harmonious development and the experience of the individual immersed in a social sphere. For this reason, an ethnographic approach is involved where social, family and community relationships and the relationship with the disease itself are pillars of the care process. The ethnographic vision of Family Medicine allows the differential approach of the individual, the family and its cultural group, allowing the production of cost-effective strategies aimed at maintaining the health of specific groups according to their characteristics and needs.
The knowledge and work of the Family Medicine specialist is transversal to the different medical specialties, not as a professional hoarder of knowledge, but as an integrating specialist, mediator and coordinator of medical care, ensuring its resolvability and timeliness. His approach moves away from the separatist perspective and involves the generalization of medical knowledge to provide comprehensive care to individuals, families and communities.
The specialization in Family Medicine is the result of a need for holistic care based on the individual and not on the disease. Due to its principles and focus on prevention, it is a pioneer and fundamental support in integral processes of Primary Health Care and maintenance of the health of individuals, families and communities.